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Healthy Forests an initiative for wildfire prevention and stronger communities

President George W. Bush signs the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 at the Department of Agriculture Wednesday, December 3, 2003. White House photo by Tina Hager. White House photo by Tina Hager
President George W. Bush signs the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 at the Department of Agriculture Wednesday, December 3, 2003. White House photo by Tina Hager

President Bush Signs Healthy Forests Restoration Act into Law

  • On December 3, 2003, President Bush signed into law the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to reduce the threat of destructive wildfires while upholding environmental standards and encouraging early public input during review and planning processes. The legislation is based on sound science and helps further the President.s Healthy Forests Initiative pledge to care for America.s forests and rangelands, reduce the risk of catastrophic fire to communities, help save the lives of firefighters and citizens, and protect threatened and endangered species.
  • The Healthy Forests Restoration Act:
    • Strengthens public participation in developing high priority forest health projects;
    • Reduces the complexity of environmental analysis allowing federal land agencies to use the best science available to actively manage land under their protection;
    • Provides a more effective appeals process encouraging early public participation in project planning; and
    • Issues clear guidance for court action against forest health projects.
  • The Administration and a bipartisan majority in Congress supported the legislation and are joined by a variety of environmental conservation groups.

The Need for Common-Sense Forest Legislation

  • Catastrophic fires, particularly those experienced in California, Arizona, Colorado, Montana and Oregon over the past two years, burn hotter and faster than most ordinary fires.
  • Visibility and air quality are reduced, threatening even the health of many who do not live near the fires.
  • The habitat for endangered species and other wildlife is destroyed.
  • Federal forests and rangelands also face threats from the spread of invasive species and insect attacks.
  • In the past two years alone, 147,049 fires burned nearly 11 million acres
    • 2002: 88,458 fires burned roughly 7 million acres and caused the deaths of 23 firefighters;
    • 2003 (thus far): 59,149 fires have burned 3.8 million acres and caused the deaths of 28 firefighters.
    • Nearly 6,800 structures have been destroyed in 2003 (approximately 4,800 in California).
    • The California fires alone cost $250 million to contain and 22 civilians have died as a result.

>>More about the Healthy Forests Restoration

Speeches and News Releases
September 25, 2007
President Bush and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Exchange Toasts
Mrs. Laura Bush meets with Madam Yoo (Ban) Soon-taek, wife of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, during a UN hosted tea Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007 in New York. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
December 16, 2005
President Meets with Ambassador to the United Nations from Iraq
Students and their mentors from Everybody Wins! DC, a community-based mentoring program, joined Mrs. Laura Bush and her mother, Mrs. Jenna Welch, to watch C.S.Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe in the White House Theater. The students are from Robert Brent Elementary Schoool and the John Tyler Elementary School in Washington, D.C. Also in attendance were Mr. Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis; Ms. Mary Salander, executive director, Everybody Wins! DC; Ms. Pat Schroeder, president, American Publishing Association and Mr. Michael Flaherty, co-founder and president, Walden Media.  White House photo by Shealah Craighead
October 21, 2004
National Forest Products Week, 2004
August 27, 2004
Conserving and Protecting the Environment
March 3, 2004
Secretary Norton Underscores Healthy Forest Initiatives
More News »
Healthy Forest Initiative: An Explanation
August 11, 2003
Seasons of Fire: Working Together to Live Better with Fire

Seasons of Fire Video
May 19, 2003
CEQ Chairman Jim Connaughton Discusses the Initiative
Jim Connaughton
  PDF Document Reducing the Threat of Catastrophic Wildfires and Improving Forest Health (34kb)
  PDF Document Healthy Forests Project Descriptions (695kb)
  PDF Document Health Forests Guidance (377kb)
  PDF Document Administrative Actions to Implement the President's Healthy Forests Initiative (67kb)
  Restoring the Everglades
  Global Climate Change Policy Book
  More about Clear Skies Initiative
  PDF Document Climate Change Review - Initial Report (90kb)
Related Links
  United States Department of Agriculture
  Healthy Forests: An Initiative for Wildfire Prevention and Stronger Communities
  Council on Environmental Quality
  Environment Protection Agency
  Interior Department