The USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network
The web site is the concrete representation of the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network - a massive web-based public-private enterprise that enables volunteers to search according to their interests and their geographic location, from the largest clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities ever assembled.
At launch, the web site will offer opportunities to work with more than 50,000 organizations around the country and the world, with more organizations soon expected to come on board. The number of volunteers each organization needs varies - the Peace Corps can use 3,500 individuals for a particular type of opportunity each year, but a local church may need only five volunteers to help at its food pantry - and the USA Freedom Corps estimates that the organizations now online are looking for the assistance of millions of Americans to help meet community needs in the United States and abroad.
The search function of the web site draws upon well established non-profit organizations, including America's Promise, the National Mentoring Partnership, Points of Light Foundation, SERVEnet, the United Way, and VolunteerMatch, as well as the federal government agencies that are a part of the USA Freedom Corps Coordinating Council - the Corporation for National and Community Service, Peace Corps, and Citizen Corps. The Department of the Interior is also a founding partner in the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network, and its one-stop registration center for government agencies that need volunteers can also be accessed through the new search function.
The redesigned web site and USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network are a landmark e-government initiative - bringing publicly and privately supported volunteer opportunities together and putting them just one click away from a potential volunteer.
The redesign of the web site and the creation of the new search function was made possible through a gift to the Corporation for National and Community Service from Network for Good, a non-profit organization working to advance e-philanthropy and non-profit adoption of the Internet that was founded by a partnership of non-profit organizations and Internet companies, including AOL Time Warner Foundation and AOL, Inc., the Cisco Foundation and Cisco Systems, Inc. and Yahoo! The Corporation for National and Community Service will maintain the web site through a gift of support from the UPS Foundation.
Find Out More
Explore the USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network now at and use the newly designed web site as a resource for helping your neighbor - and your Nation.