Americans of all ages serve others in countless ways, by mentoring a child, caring for an elderly neighbor, teaching someone to read, or donating food and clothing to those who need them. During his State of the Union address, President George W. Bush called upon every American to get involved in strengthening America's communities and sharing America's compassion around the world. He called on each of us to make a lifetime commitment of at least two years to the service of others, and he created the USA Freedom Corps to help all Americans to answer his call.
As a Coordinating Council housed at the White House and chaired by the President, the USA Freedom Corps is working to strengthen our culture of service and help find opportunities for every American to start volunteering. To accomplish this, they are bringing together the resources of the federal government with the non-profit, business, educational, faith-based and other sectors to begin that process and to measure our results. More information on the USA Freedom Corps, its policies and programs including President Bush's remarks and Radio addresses on service, is online at www.usafreedomcorps.gov.

Through www.usafreedomcorps.gov, individuals can find ways to get involved in their communities, keep an online record of volunteer activities, find spotlights on individuals, organizations that are making a difference, or find awards or scholarships that support community involvement. Businesses can find resources to help them reach out to their employees and customers to stimulate involvement in community activities. Community organizations can use the web site to reach out to potential volunteers. And educators can find resources for incorporating service in their classroom and afterschool activities.

The USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network is the most comprehensive clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities ever offered. For the first time in history, Americans can enter geographic information about where they want to get involved, such as state or zip code, and areas of interest ranging from education to the environment, to access volunteer opportunities offered by more than 50,000 organizations across the country and around the world. This search function and a variety of resources are online at www.usafreedomcorps.gov.