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President George W. Bush and Laura Bush welcome Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and Jolanta Kwasniewska to the White House for a State Visit, July 17-18.

Visit to Michigan
Joint Remarks to the Michigan Polish American Community

view webcast State Dinner Video Preview
Take a look at the State Dinner through Mrs. Bush's video preview .

Joint Remarks in Toasts at State Dinner
State Dinner Menu & Decorations

Joint Press Conference Webcast
by President Bush and President

State Arrival
Watch a replay of the State Arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House for the President of Poland, who joined the President in listening to the playing of the two nation's national anthems.

Joint Remarks at Arrival Ceremony
Joint Remarks at Press Conference

Statements and Fact Sheets
U.S. - Poland Military Cooperation Initiative
Poland - Transfer of Second Frigate and Helicopters
Poland - Economic / Commercial Dialogue
Poland - U.S. Department of Labor Emplyoment Initiative

Photo Essays
Take a look at photos from the Polish President's State Visit.
State Arrival
U.S. and Poland

State Visit History
Who was the first head of state to visit the White House? Learn the history of this 128-year-old tradition.

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