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November 30, 2005
Bartlett on National Strategy for Victory in Iraq

Dan Bartlett, Counselor to the President, talks with Mike Gallagher, host of the Mike Gallagher Show, Salem Radio Network.

November 29, 2005
Secretary Chertoff on Border Security

Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, discusses border security and immigration reform with Sean Hannity, WABC, New York.

November 14, 2005
Dr. Crouch on Iraq

Dr. J.D. Crouch, Deputy National Security Advisor, talks about the progress in Iraq with Lars Larson, KXL, Portland, OR.

November 14, 2005
Dr. Crouch on Pre-War Intelligence

Dr. J.D. Crouch, Deputy National Security Advisor, discusses Iraq and Pre-War Intelligence with Janet Parshall.

November 11, 2005
Secretary Nicholson on Veterans Day

Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson discusses the VA budget, veterans benefits and the importance of honoring those with military service with Scott Hennen, WDAY, Fargo, ND.

November 4, 2005
Secretary Snow on the Economy

Treasury Secretary John Snow talks with Gary Kalthbaum, host of the The Investor's Edge radio show.

November 2, 2005
Pandemic Flu

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, NIAID Director, discussed pandemic influenza on "Wall Street Journal This Morning".

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