EOPOA-01-03 |
OMB Software Support Services Contract -- Request for Proposal
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Questions and Answers
Background Information to Help You Understand OMB Environment
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/gils/gils-top.html - The Government Information Locator Service (GILS) public listing of information regarding OMB and the OMB MAX Budget Information System. Includes links to the OMB Home Page, the President's Budget, and OMB publications.
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb - OMB public web site. Contains information about OMB and links to other sites, including "w3.access.gpo.gov/usbudget/" where budget documents are posted.
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a11/00TOC.html - Online version of OMB Circular No. A-11, OMB published guidance for preparing and submitting federal budget estimates.
- www.financenet.gov/financenet/fed/budget/budget.htm - Budget Net site regarding governmental budgeting and associated policy, program, economic, financial, and managerial issues. Numerous links to other information sources.
GSA links for Submission Forms SFLLL, SF33, and SF3881
- www.fillform.gsa.gov - GSA address to access SFLLL, SF33, and SF3881 forms required to accompany rfp bid submission.