President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
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Agency Information
Regulatory Matters
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- Good Guidance Practices
- M-07-13, Implementation of Executive Order 13422 (amending Executive Order 12866) and the OMB Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices (April 25, 2007) (18 pages, 153 kb)
- Regulatory Policy Officers (June 2008) (2 pages, 28 kb)
- Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices (January 25, 2007) (9 pages; 132 kb)
- M-07-07 (OMB Bulletin No. 07-02), Issuance of OMB's "Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices" (January 18, 2007) (23 pages, 159 kb)
- Draft
Office of Management and Budget Good Guidance Practices Bulletin
and Request for Comment (November 23, 2005) (11 pages, 60 kb)
-- Extension
of Comment Period to January 9, 2006
(December 19,
2005) (1 page, 17 kb)
- Public
Comments on the Proposed Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices
- Regulatory
- Meetings
and Outside Communication
Policies and Practices
- Review of the Application of EU and US Regulatory Impact Assessment Guidelines on the Analysis of Impacts on International Trade and Investment, Final Report and Conclusions
(May 2008) (31 pages, 238 kb)
- M-07-24, Updated Principles for Risk Analysis (September 19, 2007) (13 pages, 156 kb)
- M-07-13, Implementation of Executive Order 13422 (amending Executive Order 12866) and the OMB Bulletin on Good Guidance Practices (April 25, 2007) (18 pages, 153 kb)
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham to the President's Management Council on "OMB's
Circular No. A-4, New Guidelines for the Conduct of Regulatory Analysis"
(March 2, 2004) (1 page, 74 kb)
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham and Karen S. Evans to the President's Management
Council on "Regulations.Gov"
(March 1, 2004) (3 pages, 152 kb)
- Circular
A-4, "Regulatory Analysis" (September 17, 2003)
(48 pages, 435 kb)
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham to the President's Management Council on "Benefit-Cost
Methods and Lifesaving Rules"
(May 30, 2003) (2 pages, 122 kb)
- Executive
Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and Amendments
- Memorandum
of Understanding Between the Office of Advocacy, SBA and the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB (March 19, 2002)
(5 pages, 166 kb)
Disclosure Policies
- M-01-09,
Effective Regulatory Review (January 26, 2001) (2 pages, 7 kb)
- Memorandum
from Andrew Card, "Regulatory Review Plan" (January 20, 2001) (2 pages, 294 kb)
- Presidential
Review of Agency Rulemaking by OIRA (September 20, 2001)
- M-00-02,
Guidance for Implementing E.O. 13132, "Federalism" (October 28,
1999) (17 pages, 57 kb)
- Principles for Risk Analysis (January 12, 1995)
(5 pages, 224 kb)
- Reports
to Congress
- For