President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
Office of Management and Budget
News Release
November 9, 2001 |
2001-59 |
President Bush Announces $9.3 billion in Emergency
International Aid, Sky Marshals, Airport Security,
Pentagon Repair and National Security Operations to be Funded.
Washington, DC -- The Administration today outlined additional
emergency spending totaling $9.3 billion for emergency recovery and response
and national security activities. As provided in the Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act, $7.5 billion of these funds will be made available to
agencies pursuant to the 15 day notification procedures established by the
Act from the date of this transmittal and $1.7 billion will be made available
to agencies immediately.
This represents the sixth round of transfers from the Emergency
Response Fund and brings the total emergency funds requested and released to
$19 billion from the $40 billion appropriated for the consequences arising
from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The $7.5 billion represents
the final transfer from the $10.0 billion provided in the Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act that is subject to a 15-day congressional review period. A
$20 billion funding request was sent to Congress on October 17, 2001. The
Administration will continue to work with Congress to ensure quick enactment
of this request so that recovery and response can continue without interruption.
The $9.3 billion will be transferred to the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Justice, State,
Transportation and the Treasury. The funding will address consequences of
the attacks, including funding for: food and refugee assistance to Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and other neighboring countries; economic and security assistance
to Uzbekistan, Turkey and other countries in the region; additional sky
marshals; purchase of additional security equipment for the Nations airports;
repair of the Pentagon; and national security operations.
Available Immediately:
Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
P.L. 480 Grants (Title II) |
$23,000,000 |
These funds will be used to provide U.S. food to Afghanistan and other
countries in the region to mitigate the impact of the ongoing conflict and
drought. The United Nations World Food Program, private voluntary organizations,
and possibly commercial traders will distribute these commodities.
Department of Defense -- Military |
$930,494,000 |
These resources will provide funding for: increased situational
awareness ($392.5 million); repair of the Pentagon ($339.0 million); improved
command and control ($71.0 million); increased worldwide posture ($50.0 million);
initial crisis response ($43.0 million); and enhanced force protection
($35.0 million).
Department of the Treasury
Departmental Offices
Salaries and Expenses |
On October 17th, the Administration requested $9.4 million in
appropriations to fund the administrative expenses of the Air Transportation
Stabilization Board, which was created pursuant to the Air Transportation
Safety and System Stabilization Act. To date, Congress has not yet acted
upon the Administrations request. Due to Congress clear desire to ensure
timely action by the Board on the $10 billion airline loan guarantee program,
this transfer would provide the necessary resources for staff, facilities,
equipment, and other support for the Board to administer the guaranteed loan
program for the airline industry.
International Assistance Programs
Agency for International Development (AID)
Operating Expenses
International Disaster Assistance (IDA)
Assistance for the Independent States of the former Soviet Union
International Security Assistance
Economic Support Fund (ESF)
Foreign Military Financing Program (FMF)
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related (NADR)
These funds include:
- for AIDs operating expenses, $13.0 million to relocate overseas staff to
more secure facilities, provide immediate security upgrades for existing
overseas facilities, and implement the expanded humanitarian assistance
program for Afghanistan;
- for IDA, $76.0 million to procure non-U.S. food for distribution, support
winterization, health, and nutritional programs, and improve the United Nations
World Food Programs capacity to deliver food in Afghanistan;
- for the Independent States of the former Soviet Union, $40.5 million in
economic and law enforcement assistance for Uzbekistan and $6.0 million
for a Central Asia regional program on conflict prevention;
- for ESF, $500.0 million in economic assistance for Pakistan to provide
immediate budget assistance for priority sectors, including health, education
and infrastructure projects, and district-based rural works employment programs;
- for FMF, $45.0 million in grants for defense services and equipment for
Turkey and Uzbekistan; and
- for NADR, $45.5 million for specialized training and equipment for foreign
governments to prevent and respond to terrorist incidents, $42.2 million for
training and equipment for border security forces in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan, $4.0 million
for the Terrorist Interdiction Program, $3.0 million for international counterterrorism
engagement, and $3.0 million to carry out critical humanitarian demining
projects in Afghanistan.
Available After 15 Days:
Department of Defense -- Military |
$7,005,300,000 |
These resources will provide funding for: increased worldwide posture
($2,643.3 million); National Guard personnel providing airport security ($23.0
million); increased situational awareness ($1,909.0 million); offensive counterterrorism
($1,067.0 million); enhanced force protection ($714.0 million); improved command
and control ($527.0 million); initial crisis response ($72.0 million); and
repair of the Pentagon ($50.0 million). |
Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Salaries and Expenses |
$39,700,000 |
These funds will be used to help the FBI in its on-going effort to upgrade
its information technology infrastructure in light of the increased demands
of the investigation into the terrorist attacks of September 11th. |
Department of State
Administration of Foreign Affairs
Diplomatic and Consular Programs
Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance
Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service
Migration and Refugee Assistance
These resources include: for Diplomatic and Consular
Programs, $66.7 million for security enhancements at State Department
facilities, $10.0 million for diplomatic security improvements and mail
safety, $3.7 million for additional medical service requirements, including
providing health units in all overseas posts that currently do not have them,
and $0.2 million for staff at the Intelligence Communitys Counterterrorism
Center; for Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance, $34.9 million
for security improvements at U.S. embassy compounds and $18.0 million for
emergency egress projects; for Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular
Service, $10.0 million to reimburse the Department of Defense for transporting
specialized equipment to assist U.S. operations and host governments or to
evacuate U.S. personnel; and for Migration and Refugee Assistance, $50.0
million to provide assistance to potential new refugees in Pakistan and other
neighboring countries. |
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Facilities and Equipment
$87,500,000 |
These funds will provide for additional Federal Air
Marshals and necessary management and support personnel to increase U.S.
aviation security ($170.0 million), as well as support the accelerated
purchase of planned security equipment for airport baggage and passenger
screening, including explosives detection systems, trace detection devices,
threat-image projection x-rays, and computer-based training modules ($87.5
million). |
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Broadcasting Capital Improvements |
$16,400,000 |
These funds will be used to establish two, high-powered,
AM transmitting facilities in the Middle East and additional FM capability to
reach audiences in the region. |
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