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Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989

List of Agencies

Choose a starting point in this report from the following:

Department of Agriculture

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB17
1989 Common Program Provisions for Wheat, Feed Grains (Corn,
Sorghum, Barley, Oats, and Rye), Upland Cotton and Extra Long
Staple Cotton and the 1989 Wheat Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/21/1988
COMPLETED: 01/27/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB40
Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/30/1988
COMPLETED: 01/05/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB15
Determination Regarding the Proclamation of the 1989 Feed Grains
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/03/1989
COMPLETED: 01/23/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB16
Final Determination with Regard to the 1989 Upland Cotton Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/07/1989
COMPLETED: 02/17/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB40
Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/17/1989
COMPLETED: 03/27/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB41
Proposed Determinations with Regard to the 1990 Wheat Program
and Common Program Provisions
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/24/1989
COMPLETED: 03/30/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB39
1989 Rice Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/12/1989
COMPLETED: 04/14/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB20
Final Determinations Regarding Support Prices for Pulled Wool
and Mohair for the 1989 Marketing Year
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/18/1989
COMPLETED: 06/16/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB56
Notice of Proposed Determination -- 1990 Feed Grain Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/07/1989
COMPLETED: 06/27/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB40
Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/22/1989
COMPLETED: 06/27/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB55
Proposed Determinations with Regard to the 1990 Upland Cotton
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/17/1989
COMPLETED: 07/28/1989 Consistent with change

Price Support and Production Adjustment Programs, 7 CFR Parts
1434 and 1435
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/18/1989
COMPLETED: 09/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AA74
Price Support Loan Program for 1986 Through 1990 Crops of Sugar
Beets and Sugarcane, Final Rule
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/18/1989
COMPLETED: 09/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

Disaster Payment Program for 1989 Crops
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/19/1989
COMPLETED: 09/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB53
Notice of Determination, 1989 Crop Sugar Beets and Sugarcane
Price Support Loan Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/20/1989
COMPLETED: 09/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

Emergency Livestock Assistance, 7 CFR Part 1475
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/25/1989
COMPLETED: 10/24/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB45
Notice of Proposed Determinations -- 1990 Rice Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/03/1989
COMPLETED: 10/25/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB49
Proposed Determinations Regarding Support Prices for Pulled Wool
and Mohair for the 1990 Marketing Year
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/23/1989
COMPLETED: 11/01/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB48
1989 Crop Soybean Loan and Purchase Rate
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/23/1989
COMPLETED: 10/30/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB56
1990 Feed Grains Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/22/1989
COMPLETED: 12/05/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AB59
Notice of Milk Price Support Level and CCC Purchase Prices
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/27/1989
COMPLETED: 12/28/1989 Consistent w/no change

Emergency Loan Policies, Procedures and Authorizations - FmHA
Instruction 1945-D, Guaranteed Farmer Program Loans - FmHA
Instruction 1980-B, Exhibit G (1989 Farm Operating Loans)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/19/1988
COMPLETED: 01/11/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-RHS                     RIN: 0575-AA59
Secondary Market for Guaranteed FmHA Farm Loans
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/17/1989
COMPLETED: 06/03/1989 Withdrawn by agency

Operating Loan Policies, Procedures and Authorizations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/24/1989
COMPLETED: 03/15/1989 Consistent with change

Farmer Programs Loan Provisions of the Disaster Assistance Act
1988 (Public Law 100-387), Dated August 11, 1988, Final
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/29/1989
COMPLETED: 07/18/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-RHS                     RIN: 0575-AB10
FmHA Instruction 1956-C, Debt Settlement - Community and
Business Programs
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/17/1989
COMPLETED: 11/06/1989 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA18
Animal Welfare Regulations (Part 1)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/21/1988
COMPLETED: 03/06/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA18
Animal Welfare Regulations (Part 2)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/21/1988
COMPLETED: 03/06/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA18
Animal Welfare Regulations (Part 2)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/01/1989
COMPLETED: 08/23/1989 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA18
Animal Welfare Regulations (Part 1)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/01/1989
COMPLETED: 08/23/1989 Consistent with change

Food Stamp Program: Maximum Allotments for the 48 States and DC
and Income Eligibility Standards and Deductions for the 48
States and DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the Virgin Islands
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/29/1989
COMPLETED: 12/07/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Commerce

DOC-NOAA                     RIN: 0648-AB46
The Marine Mammal Regulations Regarding the Importation of
Yellowfin Tuna - Modification
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/02/1989
COMPLETED: 03/08/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Energy

Electric Rates, Innovative Low Emission Technologies (Proposed
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/10/1989
COMPLETED: 05/22/1989 Withdrawn by agency

DOE-EE                       RIN: 1904-AA37
Energy-Efficiency Standards for Dishwashers, Clothes Washers and
Clothes Dryers
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/23/1989
COMPLETED: 06/23/1989 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Health and Human Services

HHS-CDC                      RIN: 0905-AB58
Revision of Tests and Requirements for Certification of
Respiratory Protective Devices -- 42 CFR Part 84 (Second
Proposed Rule) (Cr 0920-A156)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/10/1989
COMPLETED: 09/19/1989 Review Suspended

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE02
Changes to the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System and
FY 1990 Rates
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/01/1989
COMPLETED: 05/01/1989 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE10
Payment for Home IV Drug Therapy Services
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/22/1989
COMPLETED: 11/03/1989 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AE02
Changes to the Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System and
FY 1990 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/25/1989
COMPLETED: 08/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AC27
Changes in Payment Policy for Direct Graduate Medical Education
Costs -- BERC-375-F
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/26/1989
COMPLETED: 09/26/1989 Consistent w/no change

HHS-ACF                      RIN: 0970-AA68
Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) Program,
Child Care and Supportive Services, Conforming Changes to
Existing Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/18/1989
COMPLETED: 10/05/1989 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD-HUDSEC                   RIN: 2501-AA76
Fair Housing, Implementation of the Fair Housing Amendments Act
of 1968 (FR-2565)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/09/1989
COMPLETED: 01/13/1989 Consistent with change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AE34
Prepayment of a HUD-Insured Mortgage by an Owner of Low Income
Housing (FR-2450)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/17/1988
COMPLETED: 01/26/1989 Withdrawn by agency

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AE34
Prepayment of a HUD-Insured Mortgage by an Owner of Low Income
Housing, (FR-2450)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/14/1989
COMPLETED: 10/04/1989 Returned (reconsider)

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Interior

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Proposed 1989-90 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/13/1989
COMPLETED: 03/14/1989 Consistent w/no change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Final Frameworks for Selecting Early Hunting Seasons on Certain
Migratory Game Birds in the United States, Including Alaska,
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, for 1989-90 Season
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/03/1989
COMPLETED: 08/07/1989 Consistent w/no change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AA24
Final Frameworks for Late Season Migratory Bird Hunting
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/08/1989
COMPLETED: 09/13/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Labor

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA05
Respiratory Protection
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/15/1987
COMPLETED: 07/24/1989 Returned (reconsider)

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB13
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/19/1988
COMPLETED: 01/30/1989 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB17
Revision of Permissible Exposure Limits (Revision of 1910.1000 Z
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/05/1988
COMPLETED: 01/10/1989 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA51
Entry Permit Confined Spaces (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/07/1988
COMPLETED: 04/18/1989 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB15
Occupational Exposures to Bloodborne Pathogens - Proposed
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/15/1988
COMPLETED: 05/12/1989 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA38
Underground Construction (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/23/1988
COMPLETED: 04/07/1989 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB18
Occupational Exposure to Lead (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/07/1989
COMPLETED: 06/28/1989 Deadline case

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA53
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/30/1989
COMPLETED: 08/25/1989 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Transportation

DOT-FAA                      RIN: 2120-AC48
Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)/Flight Recorder (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/01/1988
COMPLETED: 01/27/1989 Consistent w/no change

DOT-FAA                      RIN: 2120-AD12
Explosives Detection Systems for Checked Baggage
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/31/1989
COMPLETED: 08/31/1989 Deadline case

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AB75
Passenger Automobile Fuel Economy Standards for Model Year 1990
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/18/1989
COMPLETED: 01/18/1989 Consistent w/no change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AC43
Side Impact Protection--Light Trucks, Buses, and Multipurpose
Passenger Vehicles
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/31/1989
COMPLETED: 12/15/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AA74
Technical Regulations for Use and Disposal of Sewage Sludge
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/15/1988
COMPLETED: 01/09/1989 Deadline case

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AA55
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Synthetic Organic
Chemicals and Inorganic Chemicals, Monitoring for Unregulated
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/24/1989
COMPLETED: 03/16/1989 Deadline case

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AB24
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Filtration,
Disinfection, Turbidity, Giardia Lamblia, Viruses, Legionella,
and Heterotrophic Bacteria
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/21/1989
COMPLETED: 06/19/1989 Deadline case

Section 304(M) of the Clean Water Act, As Amended by Section
308(F) of the 1987 Water Quality Act
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/12/1989
COMPLETED: 11/15/1989 Deadline case

Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous
Waste Management Facilities (Cr 2050-A349)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/11/1988
COMPLETED: 04/28/1989 Review Suspended

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AC73
Land Disposal Restrictions for Third Third Scheduled Wastes
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/07/1989
COMPLETED: 11/03/1989 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC04
Refueling and Evaporative Emission Regulations for Gasoline and
Methanol-Fueled Light-Duty Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks, and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/28/1988
COMPLETED: 04/18/1989 Returned (reconsider)

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AB85
Revised Light-Duty Truck Emission Standards (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/02/1989
COMPLETED: 07/19/1989 Consistent with change

Evaporative Emissions Regulations for Gasoline and Methanol
Fueled Light-Duty Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks, and Heavy Duty
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/19/1989
COMPLETED: 11/03/1989 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC00
Fuel Quality Regulations for Highway Diesel Fuel Sold in 1993
and Later Calendar Years
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/20/1989
COMPLETED: 07/19/1989 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AB94
Organic Air Emission Standards for Hazardous Waste, Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities: Tanks, Surface Impoundments,
and Containers
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/10/1989
COMPLETED: 12/01/1989 Withdrawn by agency

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC26
Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Municipal
Waste Combustors
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/11/1989
COMPLETED: 11/30/1989 Deadline case

Premanufacture Review Reporting and Exemption Requirements for
New Chemical Substances and Significant New Use Reporting
Requirements for Chemical Substances
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/13/1988
COMPLETED: 02/10/1989 Withdrawn by agency

EPA-OPPTS                    RIN: 2070-AB29
Asbestos, Manufacture, Importation, Processing, and Distribution
in Commerce Prohibitions
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/19/1988
COMPLETED: 06/19/1989 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Small Business Administration

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AB76
Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/13/1989
COMPLETED: 03/15/1989 Deadline case

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AB77
Surety Bond Guarantee Regulations -- Pilot Preferred
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/20/1989
COMPLETED: 04/25/1989 Consistent w/no change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AA84
Small Business Size Standards
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/14/1989
COMPLETED: 12/07/1989 Consistent with change

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AB77
Surety Bond Guarantee Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/25/1989
COMPLETED: 10/24/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Social Security Administration

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AC64
Determining Disability and Blindness, Substantial Gainful
Activity (20 CFR Parts 404, Subpart P, and 416, Subpart I)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/28/1989
COMPLETED: 07/20/1989 Consistent w/no change

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AC64
Determining Disability and Blindness, Substantial Gainful
Activity (20 CFR Parts 404 Subpart P and 416, Subpart I)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/20/1989
COMPLETED: 12/21/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Federal Acquisition Regulations

FAR                          RIN: 9000-AG10
The Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/06/1989
COMPLETED: 09/21/1989 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Run date: August 22, 2002