President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
April 22, 1998
H.R. 3164 - Hydrographic Services Improvement Act
(Saxton (R) New Jersey and 2 cosponsors)
The Administration would support House passage of H.R. 3164 if it were
amended to address satisfactorily the Administration's concerns. These
concerns include the following:
- Subsection 4(d)(2)(B) should be deleted because fees should
completely pay for hydrographic services without funds from other
- Section 4(c) should be amended to clarify that the United States
will not be liable for any negligence of persons that produce
hydrographic products. This can be accomplished by striking the clause
"if that liability is based solely on certification of such data or
product under subsection (b)".
- Section 2(4)(A) should be clarified by adding "for waters of the
United States and its Territories and Possessions," after "charts,".
- Section 3(a)(7) should be clarified to distinguish between
participation by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) in developing international standards and NOAA's implementation
of those standards in NOAA products and services.