President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
April 23, 1997
H.R. 1272 - Fire Administration Authorization Act of 1997
(Schiff (R) NM and 7 cosponsors)
The Administration has no objection to House passage of H.R. 1272. The
Administration will, however, seek amendments in the Senate to delete:
- Section 5(a), an overly broad prohibition that, if applied literally, would
inappropriately and unnecessarily limit FEMA's ability to advise the Congress
and the public of its views on pending legislation. This provision is
especially troublesome insofar as it purports to constrain the constitutional
authority of the President to communicate his views through subordinates to the
Congress and the American people.
- Section 5(c), an unprecedented provision that would establish "de facto
debarment" of certain grant recipients. (The Administration, however, supports
the underlying intent of this provision, which is to provide for increased
competition for research and development financial assistance.)
- Section 8, a "Buy American" provision that could conflict with U.S.
obligations under international trade agreements.