President's Budget
Information & Regulatory Affairs
Legislative Information
Agency Information
Policy, IT & E-Gov
- E-Government
- Information
- Information
Quality: A Report to Congress (April 30, 2004) (739k)
- Revised
Information Quality Bulletin on Peer Review (April 15,
2004) (197k)
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham for the President's Management Council, "Guidance
for the Information Quality Annual Agency Report to OMB"
(October 17, 2003) (174k)
- Peer
Review and Information Quality Proposed Bulletin and Request for
Comment (August 29, 2003) (189)
- Agency
Information Quality Guidelines
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham for the President's Management Council, "Executive
Branch Information Quality Law" (October 4, 2002)

- Final
Office of Management and Budget Information Quality Guidelines
(October 1, 2002) (118k)

- Draft
Office of Management and Budget Information Quality Guidelines and
Request for Comment (May 1, 2002) (140k)
- Memorandum
from John D. Graham for the President's Management Council, "Agency
Final Information Quality Guidelines"
(September 5, 2002) (154k)

- Memorandum
from John D. Graham for the President's Management Council,
"Agency Draft Information Quality Guidelines"
(June 10, 2002) (140k)

- Letter
from John D. Graham to Selected Agencies Regarding Draft Information
Quality Guidelines (May 22, 2002) (14k)
QUALITY (Remarks to Public Workshop on Information-Quality Guidelines,
Sponsored by Committee on Data Quality, Science, Technology and
Law Program, National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences,
Washington, DC (March 21, 2002) (18k)

- Guidelines
for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and
Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies (February
22, 2002) (162k)
- Guidelines
for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and
Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies (September 28, 2001)
of Page
- IT
Policy Documents
- M-04-04
E-Authentication Guidance (December 16, 2003) (126k)
- M-03-19
Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management
Act and Updated Guidance on Quarterly IT Security Reporting
(August 6, 2003) (602k)

- M-03-18,
Implementation Guidance for the E-Government Act of 2002 (August
1, 2003) (704k)

- M-00-15,
OMB Guidance on Implementing the Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce Act (September 25, 2000) (60k)
Circular A-130, Transmittal Memorandum #4, Management of Federal Information
Resources (November 28, 2000)
- M-98-09,
Updated Guidance on Developing a Handbook for Individuals Seeking
Access of Public Information (April 23, 1998)
Circular A-119: Federal Participation in the Development and Use of
Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities
(February 10, 1998)
- M-97-10,
Guidance on Developing a Handbook for Individuals Seeking Access to
Public Information (April 7, 1997)
- M-97-07,
Multiagency Contracts Under the Information Technology Management
Reform Act of 1996 (February 26, 1997)
- M-95-22,
Implementing the Information Dissemination Provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (September 29, 1995)
Bulletin No. 95-01: Establishment of Government Information Locator
of Page
- IT
of Page
- Computer
- M-04-25,
FY 2004 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security
Management Act (August 23, 2004)
- M-04-15,
Development of Homeland Security Presidential Directive
(HSPD) - 7 Critical Infrastructure Protection Plans to Protect Federal
Critical Infrastructures and Key Resources
(June 17, 2004) (119k)

- FY
2003 Report to Congress on Federal Government Information Security
Management (March 1, 2004) (690k)
- FY
2002 OMB Report to Congress on Federal Government Information Security
Reform (May 16, 2003) (1.24mb)
- Improved
FedCIRC Incident Reporting System (November 14, 2002)
- FY
2001 Report to Congress on Federal Government Information Security
Reform (February 13, 2002) (1,079k)

- M-00-07,
Incorporating and Funding Security in Information Systems Investments
(February 28, 2000)
- M-99-20,
Security of Federal Automated Information Resources (June 23, 1999)
of Page
- Privacy
- M-03-22,
OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government
Act of 2002
(September 30, 2003)
- M-01-05,
Guidance on Inter-Agency Sharing of Personal Data - Protecting Personal
Privacy (December 20, 2000)
- Letter
from John Spotila to Roger Baker, clarification of OMB Cookies Policy
(September 5, 2000)
- Letter
from Roger Baker to John Spotila on Federal agency use of Web cookies
(July 28, 2000)
- Status
of Biennial Reporting Requirements under the Privacy Act and the
Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act (June 21, 2000)

- M-00-13,
Privacy Policies and Data Collection on Federal Web Sites (June
22, 2000)
- M-99-18,
Privacy Policies on Federal Web Sites (June 2, 1999)
- M-99-05,
Instructions on Complying with President's Memorandum of May 14,
1998, "Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records"
(January 7, 1999)
- Biennial
Privacy Act and Computer Matching Reports
(June 1998)
- Privacy
Act Responsibilities for Implementing the Personal Responsibility
and Work Opportunity Reconcilation Act of 1996 (November 3, 1997)
of Page
- Privacy
Reference Materials
- Computer
Matching and Privacy Protection Amendments of 1990 and the Privacy
Act o1 1974, 56 FR 18599 (April 23, 1991) (592k)

- Final
Guidance Interpreting the Provisions of Public Law 100-503, the
Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, 54 FR
25818 (June 16, 1989) (1.45mb)

- Guidance
on Privacy Act Implementations of Call Detail Programs, 54 FR
12290 (April 20, 1987) (543k)

- Privacy
Act Guidance -- Update (May 24, 1985) (647k)

- M-83-11,
Guidelines on the Relationship Between the Privacy Act of 1974 and
the Debt Collection Act of 1982 48 FR 15556, April 11,
1983 (March 30, 1983) (1.39mb)

- Implementation
of the Privacy Act of 1974, Supplemental Guidance, 40 FR
5674, (December 4, 1975) (215k)

- Congressional
Inquiries which Entail Access to Personal Information Subject to
the Privacy Act (October 3, 1975) (265k)
- Privacy
Act Implementation, Guidelines and Responsibilities, 40 FR
28948 (July 9, 1975) (4.62mb)

of Page
- Government
Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA)
Top of Page
- Freedom
of Information Reform Act
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