Appendix IV
Internal Reference Tables
Programs with sub-section "IV. Other Information" descriptions in Parts 4 and 5:
CFDA Number |
Title |
Type A/B Program |
Schedule Federal Awards |
Other |
10.760 |
Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities |
X |
10.766 |
Community Facilities Loans and Grants |
X |
X |
X |
14.157 |
Supportive Housing for the Elderly |
X |
X |
17.225 |
Unemployment Insurance |
X |
X |
20.106 |
Airport Improvement Program |
X |
66.458 |
Capitalization Grants for State Revolving Funds |
X |
66.468 |
Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund |
84.063 |
Federal Pell Grant Program (PELL) |
X |
93.558 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
X |
X |
93.568 |
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance |
X |
X |
93.569 |
Community Services Block Grant |
X |
X |
93.575 |
Child Care and Development Block Grant |
X |
X |
93.667 |
Social Services Block Grant |
X |
X |
93.959 |
Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse |
X |
X |
93.991 |
Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant |
X |
X |
93.994 |
Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to the States |
X |
X |
The "IV. Other Information" for the following ED programs is located in 84.000, the ED Cross-Cutting Section |
84.010 |
Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) |
X |
X |
84.011 |
Migrant Education - Basic State Grant Program |
X |
X |
84.027 |
Special Education--Grants to States |
X |
X |
84.048 |
Vocational Education - Grants to States |
X |
X |
84.173 |
Special Education--Preschool Grants |
X |
X |
84.186 |
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities--State Grants |
X |
X |
84.281 |
Eisenhower Professional Development State Grants |
X |
X |
84.288 |
Bilingual Education-- Program Development and Implementation Grants |
X |
X |
84.290 |
Bilingual Education--Comprehensive School Grants |
X |
X |
84.291 |
Bilingual Education--Systemwide Improvement Grants |
X |
X |
84.298 |
Innovative Education Program Strategies |
X |
X |
Program currently designated as "Higher Risk" by OMB pursuant to Circular A-133, '___.525(c)(2): |
CFDA Number |
Title |
93.778 |
Medicaid Cluster |