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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 22, 2007
President Bush Makes Thanksgiving Day Calls to Members of the Armed Forces
The President made telephone calls this morning to exemplary members of the Armed Forces who are stationed in remote locations worldwide to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving and to thank them for their service to our Nation.
Sergeant First Class Amy Adams, U.S. Army
Sergeant First Class Amy Adams, U.S. Army, deployed to Balad, Iraq as a
member of the 216th ESC LSA, Anaconda, is responsible for reporting and
tracking all casualties for six brigades. Sergeant Adams has served one
prior rotation in Afghanistan and one prior rotation in Iraq.
Staff Sergeant William Cannon, U.S. Army
Staff Sergeant William Cannon, U.S. Army, deployed to Camp Taji, Iraq as
a member of the Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion 82nd Field Artillery 1BCT,
1CD, supervises and trains NCOs and Soldiers in the proper emplacement,
firing, and displacement of his section's howitzers. Sergeant Cannon
helped build a team that won the Top Howitzer section during a
competition at Camp Taji in October.
Sergeant Frank Gervascio, U.S. Army
Sergeant Frank Gervascio, U.S. Army, deployed to Al Asad Air Base,
Fallujah, Iraq as a member of the 2nd Battalion 504th Parachute Infantry
Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, is the
Battalion's Aid Station Sergeant in charge of emergency and routine care
of over 700 personnel. Sergeant Gervascio has been deployed twice to
Afghanistan and twice to Iraq in support of operations there totaling
thirty-nine months.
Sergeant Thomas Kelley, U.S. Marine Corps
Sergeant Thomas Kelley, U.S. Marine Corps, deployed to Fallujah, Iraq as
a member of the 2nd Supply Battalion, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, is
the Platoon Sergeant for thirty-four Marines. He is the transportation
coordinator for supply gear that includes Marine Corps and Navy MRAP
vehicles. He is responsible for ensuring gear is properly staged for
tactical movement.
Sergeant Santos Alvarado, U.S. Marine Corps
Sergeant Santos Alvarado, U.S. Marine Corps, deployed to Fallujah, Iraq
as a member of the 2nd Recon Battalion, Headquarters and Service
Company, Supply Section, is responsible for maintaining the gear and
equipment of the battalion's Marines. He is responsible for the proper
accountability and management of the Battalion's budget. Sergeant
Alvarado won the Meritorious Sergeant Board.
Petty Officer Second Class Melanie Mosley, U.S. Navy
Petty Officer Second Class Melanie Mosley, U.S. Navy, deployed to Camp
Bucca, Iraq as a member of the Navy Provisional Detainee Battalion THREE
(NPDB-3), is the Quad Section Leader of a seven Marine guard force
responsible for maintaining position control of detainees.
Operations Specialist Seaman (OSSN) Surface Warfare (SW) William
Jamieson II, U.S. Navy
OSSN SW William Jamieson II, U.S. Navy, deployed to Arabian Gulf/North
Arabian Sea on the USS Vicksburg (CG 69), is responsible for timely and
accurate identification of aircraft flying within organic sensor ranges
of the USS Vicksburg and coalition warships. He was awarded the Surface
Warfare qualification as a Seaman early in his career.
Technical Sergeant Cimarron Reeves, U.S. Air Force
Technical Sergeant Cimarron Reeves, U.S. Air Force, deployed to Samarra,
Iraq as a member of the 732nd Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron,
Weapons Intelligence Team One, is an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
Team Leader for Weapons Intelligence Team. He performs post-blast
analysis and prosecutes weapons caches. His position is vital to the
counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) effort.
Staff Sergeant Neil Lockart, U.S. Air Force
Staff Sergeant Neil Lockart, U.S. Air Force, deployed to Balad Air Base,
Iraq as a member of the 332nd Expeditionary Security Forces, is the
leader of a team that protects USAF aircraft, personnel, and equipment.
He was selected as Tuskegee Airman of the Week (week of October 29,
2007) and was recently recognized by General Petraeus for exemplary
Operational Specialist Second Class (OS2) Dustin Bingham, U.S. Coast
OS2 Distin Bingham, U.S. Coast Guard, deployed to the Eastern Pacific on
the USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC 722), is a senior member of the Morgenthau's
CIC watch team and is currently filling the position of CIC watch
supervisor. He is instrumental in the development of junior OS
personnel and in the teaching and training fellow shipmates in Law
Enforcement skills. OS2 Bingham has prosecuted eight successful cases
against narcotics traffickers.
Food Service Specialist Second Class (FS2) Michael Smith, U.S. Coast
FS2 Michael Smith, U.S. Coast Guard, deployed to the Arabian Gulf as a
member of the Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA), serves in an
Operations Officer capacity by drafting classified message traffic
coordinating ship movements and fueling of the PATFORSWA Cutters and
Navy Patrol Craft Fleet. FS2 Smith also coordinates the purchases of
critical supplies and equipment.
Airman First Class Chris Steven Ericksen, U.S. Air Force
Airman First Class Chris Steven Ericksen, U.S. Air Force, deployed to
Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan, issues fuel to Close Air Support,
Aero medical, cargo, and transient aircraft in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom and International Security Assistance Forces in
Afghanistan. He has personally issued over 500,000 gallons of fuel
during 2200+ missions.
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