For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 24, 2005
Background on Participants "champions of Freedom"
February 24, 2005
Alexander Bachnar, Slovak Republic
Mr. Bachnar was the commander of a Jewish partisan unit that fought
in the Slovak National Uprising. When he and his fellow prisoners in
the Novaky labor camp heard the approaching German army, Mr. Bachnar
and other Jewish prisoners rose up against the prison guards with
weapons that they had been hiding, took control of the camp, formed a
unit and joined the Slovak National Uprising. Many of the participants
had never held a weapon as the war-time Slovak regime did not allow
Jews to serve in the army or own a weapon. Mr. Bachnar showed
extraordinary courage and risked his life when he decided to fight for
the liberation of his country, even after being degraded and betrayed
by his own government.
George (Giga) Bokeria, Georgia
Currently a member of Parliament, Mr. Bokeria co-founded in 1996
the non-governmental organization "Liberty Institute" to defend freedom
of the press. The Institute subsequently became the major human rights
defender in Georgia. In 2003, after a visit to Serbia to learn peaceful
revolution techniques, Bokeria helped bring Serb activists to Georgia
to train students in these same techniques. This led to the
establishment of the youth movement "Kmara," which played a leading
role in the November 2003 Rose Revolution. After the Revolution, Mr.
Bokeria was elected to Parliament where he has authored many laws to
strengthen human rights in Georgia.
Martin Butora, Slovak Republic
An advocate of democracy and human rights, Martin Butora, former
Ambassador to the United States was a key activist in the Velvet
Revolution as a member of the Public Against Violence movement, and
later a vocal critic of Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar's
authoritarian-style regime (1994-98). During the Meciar era, Butora
participated in civic organizations that promoted democracy, condemned
economic corruption, increased awareness of income disparity, and
protested restrictions on free speech. Ambassador Butora served as
then-Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel's advisor for human rights
until the 1993 breakup of Czechoslovakia.
Igor Botan, Moldova
Mr. Botan has arguably done more than any other person to bring
Moldovan law and practice into line with international democratic
standards. He leads the Association for Participatory Democracy
(ADEPT), the foremost Moldovan non-governmental organization in the
areas of voter education and election monitoring. Despite changes in
the local political environment, he has remained scrupulously
independent and consistent in promoting democratic values and the rule
of law.
Pavol Demes, Slovak Republic
Pavol Demes is one of the leading civic activists in Central and
Eastern Europe. Currently, he is director of the Bratislava office of
the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States where he oversees
GMF's activities in Central and Eastern Europe. He leads GMF's work for
democratic reform in the region, most recently on supporting free and
fair elections in Ukraine. Before joining GMF, Mr. Demes was executive
director of the Slovak Academic Information Agency-Service Center for
the Third Sector, a Slovak non-governmental organization committed to
enhancing civil society. Mr. Demes also served as the first Slovak
President's foreign policy advisor. He played a key role in the
peaceful democratic changes in Slovakia in 1998, Serbia in 2000 and
Ukraine in 2004, for which he received several international awards.
Natalya Dmytruk, Ukraine
The Wall Street Journal observed that Ukraine's Orange Revolution
gained unexpected momentum from "small acts of courage by people
previously uninvolved in politics." Natalya Dmytruk, the sign language
interpreter for Ukrainian State Television (UT-1), was one of those
people. Angered by her network's refusal to broadcast the truth in the
days following Ukraine's fraudulent November 21, 2004 run-off
presidential election, a courageous Ms. Dmytruk acted on her anger:
after "signing" the news on November 25, she unexpectedly pulled an
orange ribbon (the color of the opposition) from her sleeve and
informed her viewers that, "Everything you have heard so far is a lie.
Yushchenko is our true president. Goodbye, for you will probably never
see me here again." Her action galvanized journalists throughout
Ukraine, especially those at the major pro-government TV networks.
Inspired by her example, hundreds of her colleagues at UT-1 confronted
the network's owners, chanting, "No more lies!" Ms. Dmytruk has humbly
and succinctly described the motivation behind her action: "Without
telling anyone, I just went in and did what my conscience told me to
Miklos Haraszti, Hungary
A former dissident and activist, Miklos Haraszti co-founded the
Hungarian Democratic Opposition Movement in 1976, and in 1980 he became
editor of the samizdat periodical Beszelo. He is the author of works
such as, "A Worker in a Worker's State" and "The Velvet Prison." In
1989, he participated in the roundtable negotiations on the transition
to democracy in Hungary. He was a member of the Hungarian Parliament
from 1990 to 1994 and now serves as the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe Representative on Freedom of the Media.
Sandra Kalniete, Latvia
As a founding member of the pro-independence Latvian Popular Front,
Sandra Kalniete played an influential role in the Latvian independence
movement. She was a candidate for the 1990 Supreme Council that voted
to re-establish Latvia as an independent country, and she helped rally
foreign support for Latvia's nascent independence movement. Ambassador
Kalniete was born in Siberia, where her parents had been banished by
Soviet authorities. She and her family returned to Latvia in 1957. One
of her books, "Siberian Snows," recounts her family's deportation and
return story and is a perennial best-seller. Ambassador Kalniete
currently serves on the board of the Robert Schuman Foundation. She
has served as Latvia's Ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva (1993-97), as
Ambassador to France (1997-2002) and UNESCO (2000-2002), as Foreign
Minister (2002-2004) and as interim EU Commissioner for Agricultural
Affairs (2004).
Vladyslav Kaskiv, Ukraine
Mr. Kaskiv was a key leader of Pora ("It's Time"), the
pro-democracy movement comprised mostly of young people which played a
critical role during the November-December 2004 Orange Revolution. In
the run-up to the Ukrainian Presidential election, Pora mobilized
voters and highlighted problems with voter registration lists. For its
efforts, the movement was vilified by the former Ukrainian
administration, and Pora activists were repeatedly roughed up by
government thugs and detained by police on trumped-up charges.
Following the fraudulent November 21 presidential run-off election,
Pora members moved quickly, gathering en masse at Independence Square,
setting up a massive tent city in downtown Kiev, and peacefully
blockading key government buildings. Led by Mr. Kaskiv and others and
enduring brutal winter weather, Pora members, often waving their
distinct yellow banners, maintained a peaceful presence "on the
barricades" for the duration of the Orange Revolution, refusing to
abandon their tents until the announcement of the official vote tally
January 10, 2005 showing that Viktor Yushchenko had won the election.
Pora's rallying cry, printed on orange stickers that were liberally
applied to government property during the protests, was this universal
truth: Freedom cannot be stopped.
Tinatin (Tina) Khidasheli, Georgia
A long-time advocate of democratic reform, Ms. Khidasheli was a
staunch critic of the former government. She founded and heads the
non-governmental organization "Georgia's Young Lawyers Association,"
which played a major role in blowing the whistle on Georgia's
fraudulent November 2003 elections. Her organization is also a critical
watchdog of the new government, publishing articles in local and
Western newspapers and also privately consulting with the Georgian
Government on proposed laws. Ms. Khidasheli is a source of sharp
analysis and critique that both the government and civil society
Ivan Klima, Czech Republic
A former dissident and current author, Ivan Klima spent 3 years at
the Nazi concentration camp at Terezin. He was a writer from a young
age, initially with success, but the regime labeled him a dissident and
banned his works, which were popular in the samizdat press. In 1968, he
was editor of the anti-regime Czech Writers' Union journal. He is a
winner of the Franz Kafka Prize and a recipient of a medal for
outstanding service to the Czech Republic from former President Havel.
Irina Krasovskaya, Belarus
Dr. Krasovskaya is the founder and President of "We Remember
Foundation," a civic initiative that seeks justice for the disappeared
and other victims of political repression in Belarus. Her husband,
Anatoly Krasovsky, disappeared on September 16, 1999 with Vice Speaker
of the Parliament Victor Gonchar. Since 1999, her vigorous campaign on
behalf of those disappeared helped to win support for a U.S.-sponsored
resolution at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in April
2003 that urged Belarus to establish accountability for the
disappeared, and encouraged the Parliamentarian Assembly of Council of
Europe to organize a Special Commission to investigate political
disappearances in Belarus. Dr. Krasovskaya has participated in hearings
held in the Parliaments of Lithuania, Poland, and Russia and meets
regularly with representatives from national governments, the OSCE, the
Council of Europe and the European Parliament on issues of human
rights. She is a member of the European Coalition "Free Belarus."
Mart Laar, Estonia
During the Soviet era, Mart Laar attempted to document the
resistance to the Soviets during the 1940s and 1950s, which caused him
to lose his teaching post at Tartu University. He gained fame in 1988
when he was threatened with an indictment for anti-Soviet "slander"
after his articles were published in the reformist press. Mr. Laar led
the Fatherland Faction of the Estonian Supreme Council during 1990-92.
After Estonia regained its independence, he served as Prime Minister
from 1992-94 and again in 1999, was a founding member and Chairman of
the Pro Patria Union party, and served in Estonia's Parliament.
Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuania
Mr. Landsbergis led Lithuania's reform movement "Sajudis" in the
late 1980s and early 1990s in the struggle for Lithuania's restored
independence from the Soviet Union. He was elected to the Lithuanian
Supreme Council in 1990 and in March of that year declared Lithuania's
resumption of independence. Mr. Landsbergis presided over the country
for the following 2 years (1990-1992) as it sought international
recognition. He was later Speaker of Parliament. He is a key leader of
Lithuania's Homeland Union (Conservative Party) and is currently
serving as a Member of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Sonja Licht, Serbia and Montenegro
A long-time member of the Yugoslav democratic opposition, Ms. Licht
was co-chair of the International Helsinki Citizens' Assembly, a broad
coalition of civic movements, groups, and initiatives founded in Prague
in 1990. During the late 1990s, Ms. Licht was the President of the Fund
for an Open Society Yugoslavia, which played a crucial role in keeping
a vibrant non-governmental sector alive in Serbia during the Milosevic
regime. Ms. Licht helped organize civic initiatives, including
get-out-the-vote and information campaigns, in the lead up to September
2000 elections that ousted Milosevic. Ms. Licht is now Director of the
Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, a part of the Council of
Europe's network for democracy program that works to build and promote
a sustainable, new, responsible leadership in the political and civil
society spheres in Serbia and Montenegro.
Zhanna Litvina, Belarus
A pioneering radio journalist, Ms. Litvina is President of the
Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). She became head of the
youth program of Belarusian State Radio in 1994 and turned the program
into an independent voice, which eventually led to its shutdown in
1995. That same year, Ms. Litvina founded the only independent radio
station on the Belarusian FM dial, 101.2, which was shut down a year
later. The station then moved to Poland, where it broadcast to Belarus
on medium and short waves. In 1995, Ms. Litvina and 38 others founded
the Belarusian Association of Journalists, which provides legal support
for journalists, conducts training programs, monitors violations in the
media field, and publishes an independent journal. The BAJ received a
Golden Pen Award from the World Association of Newspapers in 2003 for
"courageous resistance to the repression of the media by President
Aleksander Lukashenka." The European Parliament awarded the BAJ the
2004 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought for acting "as a champion of
the independent media."
Ivan Marovic, Serbia and Montenegro
Along with a group of other Serbian student leaders, Marovic formed
the OTPOR ("Resistance") movement in 1998. OTPOR used popular protest
and peaceful provocation to build anti-Milosevic support in the
1999-2000 period. Although OTPOR started by mobilizing young people, it
quickly expanded into a mass movement with members from all sectors of
society. As one of the most visible leaders of OTPOR, Marovic best
represented the common youth of Serbia and organized rallies and
marches in the lead-up to the September 2000 election that ousted the
Milosevic regime. After 2000, OTPOR focused on building democratic
society in Serbia and opposing corruption. OTPOR has become a model for
resistance movements in other countries, including Georgia, Ukraine,
Belarus and Albania.
Janina Ochojska, Poland
While Poland was under communist rule, Ms. Ochojska was an
opposition activist in Torun, Poland where she helped form the
Solidarity Trade Union in that city. In 1976, she was one of the
signatories of a letter that protested against anti-democratic
amendments to Poland's constitution. After undergoing serious surgery
in 1984, Ms. Ochojska started to work as a volunteer for the French
organization EquiLibre, which provided medical and food assistance to
hospitals and centers for sick children in Poland. After she returned
to Poland, Ms. Ochojska actively participated in coordinating foreign
help to Poland's new democratic movement. She is the recipient of the
Jan Karski Freedom Award for Valor and Compassion (2002) and the
European Community awarded her the title of Woman of Europe in 1994.
Since 1994, Ms. Ochojska has been the Chairperson of the foundation
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), which provides humanitarian aid in
Poland and around the world, helping victims of natural disaster and
armed conflict in places such as the Balkans, Chechnya and Darfur,
Sudan. PAH has also provided humanitarian assistance and conducted
reconstruction projects in Afghanistan and Iraq, and organized
assistance for the victims of the terrorist act in Beslan, Russia and
for those affected by the December 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia.
Andrei Safonov, Moldova
Mr. Safonov is a well-known political analyst and journalist in
Transnistria, the separatist enclave in eastern Moldova ruled by an
internationally-unrecognized authoritarian criminal regime. At great
personal risk, Mr. Safonov has tirelessly promoted democratic values
and human rights, as well as reconciliation between the two sides to
the conflict, while keeping his publication, "Novaya Gazeta," alive as
one of just a handful of independent voices in Transnistria.
Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska, Macedonia
As President of the State Electoral Commission (SEC), Ms.
Trajkovska bravely stood up to threats and intimidation from the
Interior Minister at the time, who tried to force her to falsify the
results of the 2002 parliamentary elections in favor of the ruling
party. Ms. Trajkovska refused to give in to the intimidation and the
ruling party was ousted in elections deemed free and fair by
international observers, thereby strengthening the independent status
of the SEC and the integrity of the democratic system in Macedonia.
Since 2003, Ms. Trajkovska has served as a Constitutional Court Judge.
She previously served as Head of the Human Rights Department at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as Assistant Interior Minister.
Alexandr (Sasha) Vondra, Czech Republic
During the mid-1980s, Sasha Vondra was active in Czechoslovakia's
democratic opposition, printing and distributing government-suppressed
literature in samizdat and working with opposition groups in
neighboring countries. He was one of the original signatories of
Charter 77, demanding human rights in the former communist country, and
later became spokesperson for the Charter campaign in 1989. Following a
2-month prison sentence for opposition activities, Mr. Vondra
became co-founder and leading member of the Civic Forum movement during
the Velvet Revolution in November of that year. From 2001 to 2003, he
managed the preparation of the 2002 NATO Summit in Prague as the Czech
Government's Commissioner to the Summit. Previously, Mr. Vondra headed
the Czech Mission to the United States from 1997 to 2001, during which
time he oversaw the Czech Republic's integration into NATO. Prior to
his post in Washington, he served as the First Deputy Foreign Minister
and Foreign Policy Advisor to President Vaclav Havel. He is President
of the Czech Euro-Atlantic Council and serves on the board of the
Program of Atlantic Security Studies (PASS) and the Vaclav Havel
Library. Mr. Vondra has been awarded the Cross of Merit by the Czech
Minister of Defense and the Democracy Service Medal by the National
Endowment for Democracy.