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For Immediate Release
Office of Mrs. Bush
October 17, 2002

Remarks by Mrs. Bush for Bob Riley for Governor Event

Thank you all very much.

I'm so pleased to be here. And I want to thank all of you for being here today to support a great Member of Congress who will make an even greater Governor of Alabama-Bob Riley. I also want to recognize the Congresswoman from Alabama's 1st District-Jo Bonner.

It has often been said that you can look to a person's future by looking at his past. We know Bob Riley will make a great Governor because he has made a great Congressman. In fact, Bob has been more than just a Congressman.he's a leader. He is a leader who not only does things right.he does the right thing. And he will bring character and conviction, integrity and initiative to the governor's office in Montgomery.

Six years ago, Bob Riley went to Congress. He did so not because he wanted to be something, but rather because he wanted to do something. And he has done something for the people of his district and his country on important issues. In Congress he has fought to support our military, our jobs, our farms, our most important, our schools.

These are issues that are important to all Americans. These are issues that are especially important to women in America. We hear a lot about women's issues in politics. But I believe that all issues are women's issues. After all, what do we care about? We care about education for our children, jobs for our families, and safe communities for all of us.

Working with Members of Congress like Bob Riley, President Bush is making progress on these important issues.

Let me focus on just one issue-one that is closest to my heart-where my husband and Congressman Riley are working together to make a difference for our nation and our future. And an issue where Bob can continue to make an important impact here in Alabama as Governor. And that is education.

Both my husband and Congressman Riley understand that every child deserves the good start that can come only from a good education.

Last January, President Bush signed into law historic education reform legislation. The No Child Left Behind Act is based on four cornerstones:

High standards and accountability.

Improving teacher quality.

Promoting parental involvement.

And encouraging the best reading instruction in our nation's public schools.

This new law means dollars for schools and it makes sense for children, teachers, and parents.

The No Child Left Behind Act is based on the principle of trusting local people to make the right decisions for the children of their towns and states.

And Bob Riley helped my husband pass the bill into law. For years to come, school children across Alabama and across America will benefit from the hard work of Congressman Riley on this important issue. They will benefit because the new law says that when we spend money, we expect results. And expecting results means that we will confront schools that do not teach and will not change.

Congressman Riley wants to bring this same spirit of hope and change to the governor's office in Montgomery. As he has often said, "I decided to run for governor because I know Alabama can do better and deserves better." And Congressman Riley's "Plan for Change," will give the people of Alabama just that-something better. A lot better. Most important, it will give them better public schools. Congressman Riley's plan will focus on flexibility for districts and strong support for teachers and parents. And that's good news for Alabama's students, teachers, and parents.

Simply put, Bob Riley is a the Congress, in his community, and in his family. And now more than ever, the people of Alabama need that leadership.

The people of Alabama deserve a Governor who will make them proud. The people of Alabama deserve a Governor who will do what's best for them and seek the best from them. The people of Alabama deserve a Governor named Bob Riley.

Thank you for supporting him. God bless you all. And may God continue to bless America.


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