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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 30, 2001
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Kathleen Q. Abernathy, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission for a term of five years from July 1, 2000, vice Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth.
Othoniel Armendariz, of Texas, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2005, vice Donald S. Wasserman, term expired.
Eric M. Bost, of Texas, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services, vice Shirley Robinson Watkins, resigned.
Michael Chertoff, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice James K. Robinson.
Kathleen B. Cooper, of Texas, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, vice Robert J. Shapiro, resigned.
David Garman, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Energy (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy), vice Dan Reichter, resigned.
John W. Gillis, of California, to be Director of the Office for Victims of Crime, vice Kathryn M. Turman, resigned.
James Gurule, of Michigan, to be Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, vice James E. Johnson, resigned.
William T. Hawks, of Mississippi, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, vice Islam A. Siddiqui.
Robin L. Higgins, of Florida, to be Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial Affairs, vice Robert M. Walker, resigned.
Kay Coles James, of Virginia, to be Director of the Office of Personnel Management, vice Janice R. Lachance.
Joseph J. Jen, of California, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics, vice I. Miley Gonzales.
James J. Jochum, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice R. Roger Majak, resigned.
Walter H. Kansteiner, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs), vice Susan E. Rice.
Kevin Keane, of Wisconsin, to be an Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, vice Melissa T. Skolfield, resigned.
David D. Lauriski, of Utah, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, vice J. Davitt McAteer.
Leo S. Mackay, Jr., of Texas, to be Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, vice Hershel Wayne Gober, resigned.
Kevin J. Martin, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission for a term of five years from July 1, 2001, vice William E. Kennard, term expiring.
Bruce P. Mehlman, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy, vice Kelly H. Carnes, resigned.
J. B. Penn, of Arkansas, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, vice August Schumacher, Jr., resigned.
David A. Sampson, of Texas, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, vice Arthur C. Campbell, resigned.
Peter S. Watson, of California, to be President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, vice George Munoz, resigned.
Grover J. Whitehurst, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement, Department of Education, vice Cyril Kent McGuire, resigned.
Patrick Henry Wood III, of Texas, to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the term expiring June 30, 2005, vice James John Hoecker, resigned.
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