HealthierUS: The Presidents Health and Fitness Initiative
Chapter 1. Appointment of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
A reinvigorated Council on Physical Fitness and Sports will raise Americans’ awareness of the importance of increasing personal fitness and becoming healthier. The President has appointed 20 outstanding volunteer citizens, including distinguished athletes and experts from the health care community, to serve on the Council.
The Council members will use their expertise to advise the Administration on the quality and content of Administration programs to promote physical fitness. Their diverse backgrounds will help the Administration reach more Americans, and individuals will serve as an inspiration for a more active lifestyle through personal and professional examples. Their experiences and background make them qualified to communicate important fitness messages to individuals of any age and ability.
The Council will focus on all populations, including young Americans among whom there is an alarming trend in obesity and inactivity. Council members will help to educate community leaders and all citizens on the HealthierUS Initiative. Specific activities include:
Refocusing the President’s Challenge Awards Program
- Presidential Adult Active Lifestyle Award--A new award to recognize adults for committing to regular physical activity five days a week for six weeks in partnership with a child or adolescent.
- President's Sports and Fitness Award--Like its predecessor, the Presidential Sports Award, this renewed program will allow individuals of all ages, not just children, to earn Presidential recognition for sustained commitment in over 60 categories of physical activity and sports.
- Other Awards--The existing school-based awards for children who are tested for overall physical fitness will remain as important motivators of fitness.
- This web site has been revised to include educational resources, a monthly letter from the executive director, "timely topics" related to physical activity and healthy living, and current physical activity news.
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