President George W. Bush speaks to the
Economic Club of Chicago, Ill., about his growth
and jobs plan to strengthen the American economy
Tuesday, January 7, 2003. White House photo by
Paul Morse.
The Presidents Plan for Jobs & Economic Growth
More Jobs and A Stronger Economy
Creating New Jobs
The verdict is in public and private forecasters have determined the Presidents Jobs and Growth plan would create a million or more new jobs over the next two years.
Helping American Families
The Presidents Jobs and Growth Package will reduce the tax burden of every American who pays income taxes.
Focused on Consumers and Investors
By targeting both consumers and investors, the Presidents Jobs and Growth plan addresses the principal weakness in the economy business investment while helping to ensure that consumption continues to grow.
Increasing Savings and Investment
A centerpiece of the plan is the proposal to eliminate the double taxation of corporate earnings. Addressing this bias reduces the cost of capital and increases savings and investment.
The Dividend Exclusion is Not Complex
President Bushs tax plan is based on a fair and simple idea: Tax corporate income once and only once.
Improving Corporate Governance
In addition to creating jobs, the Presidents proposal to eliminate the double taxation on corporate income will discourage corporations from sheltering income from tax and encourage good corporate governance.