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Feb. 1, 2007 President Bush Attends National Prayer Breakfast
May 4, 2006 President Bush Commemorates National Day of Prayer
May 3, 2006 National Day of Prayer, 2006
Apr. 18, 2006 Press Availability of the Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiative, Jim Towey
President Thanks Faith-Based Director Jim Towey for His Service
Apr. 13, 2006 Easter 2006
Apr. 11, 2006 Passover, 5766
Apr. 7, 2006 President Attends National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Mar. 9, 2006 President Highlights Faith-Based Results at National Conference
Fact Sheet: Compassion in Action: Producing Real Results for Americans Most in Need
President Attends Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference
Mar. 7, 2006 Executive Order: Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Apr. 1, 2005 President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Helping America's Youth Initiative
Mar. 1, 2005 Fact Sheet: Compassion in Action: Producing Real Results for Americans Most in Need
Feb. 4, 2005 President Discusses Strengthening Social Security in Florida
Feb. 3, 2005 President Delivers Remarks at Annual National Prayer Breakfast
Feb. 2, 2005 State of the Union Address
Aug. 3, 2004 President Discusses Compassionate Conservative Agenda in Dallas
Jul. 23, 2004 President Emphasizes Minority Entrepreneurship at Urban League
Jul. 16, 2004 President Announces Initiatives to Combat Human Trafficking
Jun. 23, 2004 President Bush Discusses HIV/AIDS Initiatives in Philadelphia
Jun. 21, 2004 Remarks by the President in a Conversation on Compassion
Jun. 15, 2004 President's Remarks Via Satellite to the Southern Baptist Convention
Jun. 1, 2004 America’s Compassion in Action
Mar. 11, 2004 Remarks Via Satellite by the President to the National Association of Evangelicals Convention
Mar. 3, 2004 President's Remarks at Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference
Feb. 23, 2004 Remarks by the President to the National Governors Association
Jan. 23, 2004 President Bush Speaks with Nation's Mayors at Winter Meeting
Jan. 15, 2004 President Speaks with Faith-Based and Community Leaders
Oct. 29, 2003 President Discusses Faith-Based Initiative at Youth Education Center
Oct. 8, 2003 President Bush Proclaims October Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Sep. 12, 2003 President Discusses Faith-Based Initiative at Power Center Celebration
Jul. 28, 2003 President Addresses Urban League
Jul. 16, 2003 President Bush Discusses Faith-Based Initiative with Urban Leaders
Feb. 10, 2003 President Bush Discusses Faith-Based Initiative in Tennessee
Dec. 12, 2002 President Bush Implements Key Elements of his Faith-Based Initiative
Jul. 2, 2002 President Emphasizes Need for Welfare Reform
Jun. 18, 2002 President Urges Senate to Move CARE Act Forward
Jun. 11, 2002 Remarks by the President Via Satellite to the Southern Baptist Convention 2002 Annual Meeting
Jun. 5, 2002 The Compassion Capital Fund and the Faith- and Community-Based Initiative
HHS Announces Availability of Funds to Assist Faith-Based and Community Organizations
Apr. 29, 2002 President Speaks to Community Leaders in Los Angeles
Apr. 26, 2002 National Day of Prayer Proclamation
Apr. 11, 2002 President Promotes Faith-Based Initiative
Apr. 9, 2002 President Outlines Principles for Public Service
Feb. 26, 2002 President Announces Welfare Reform Agenda
Feb. 7, 2002 President Bush, Sen Lieberman Discuss Armies of Compassion
President's Remarks at National Prayer Breakfast
Feb. 1, 2002 President Names New Faith-Based & Community Initiatives Director
Jan. 17, 2002 President Bush Acts to Promote Strong Families, Safe Children
Nov. 20, 2001 President Urges Support for America's Charities
Nov. 8, 2001 President's Letter on "Armies of Compassion" Bill
Aug. 16, 2001 Statement by the President About Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Aug. 8, 2001 President Discusses Faith Based and Community Initiative at Habitat for Humanity Event
Jul. 19, 2001 President Commends House for Action on Faith-Based and Community Initiative
Jul. 11, 2001 President Commends House Committee for Progress on Faith Based and Community Initiative Progress
Jul. 10, 2001 Statement by the Press Secretary on the Request by the Salvation Army for an OMB Circular
Jul. 9, 2001 President Bush Speaks to Participants of America's Promise
Jul. 5, 2001 Statement by the President
Jul. 4, 2001 President Bush Speaks at Independence Day Celebration
Jul. 2, 2001 President Bush Meets with Leadership of National Service Organizations
Jun. 25, 2001 President Discusses Faith-Based Initiative at Conference of Mayors
Fact Sheet: President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative Wins Key Endorsement
Jun. 8, 2001 Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Jun. 6, 2001 President Bush Speaks to Habitat for Humanity Supporters
May 24, 2001 President Bush Speaks to St. Augustine Parish in Cleveland, Ohio
May 22, 2001 President Bush Speaks to National Leadership of the Hispanic Faith-Based Organizations
May 20, 2001 Remarks by the President in Commencement Address - Notre Dame,
Apr. 30, 2001 A Proclamation by the President: National Day of Prayer, 2001
Mar. 21, 2001 President Bush Welcomes Bipartisan Faith-Based Proposals
Mar. 14, 2001 President Bush Tours Youth Entertainment Academy at the Grace Episcopal Church in Plainfield, New Jersey
Mar. 7, 2001 Text of a Speech Delivered Before the National Association of Evangelicals by John Dilulio, Jr
Jan. 29, 2001 Agency Responsibilities with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Executive Order: Establishment of White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives