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Social Statistics

The purpose of this service is to provide easy access to current Federal social statistics. It provides links to information produced by a number of Federal agencies. All of the information is maintained and updated by the statistical units of those agencies.


Violent Crime Measures
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
Homicide Rates by Age
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
Violent Crime Rates by Gender of Victim
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
Property Crime Rates
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
Arrests for Drug Abuse Violations
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
National Correctional Populations
Bureau of Justice Statistics: U.S. Department of Justice
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Current Population of the U.S.
Up to the second United States population estimates.
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Current Population of the World
Up to the second world population estimates.
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Household Income
Real median household income: 1967 to 2007
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Number in poverty and poverty rate: 1959 to 2007
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Household Wealth
Asset ownership of households: 1995 highlights. Charts median net worth and median net worth excluding home equity of households, by race and hispanic origin of householder.
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Housing Vacancies and Homeownership
Chart comparing, by U.S. regions, most recent quarter to same quarter, previous year. Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
What's Your House Worth?
Tabular presentation for owner-occupied housing units based on data collected in the 1999 American Housing Survey.
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
Earnings and Field of Degree
Chart presenting the 1993 average monthly earnings of persons with a Bachelor's degree, broken out by field of degree.
Bureau of the Census: U.S. Department of Commerce
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International Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students in Science and Mathematics Literacy
Data from the most recent Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a system of international assessments that measures 15-year-olds' performance in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy every 3 years.
Institute of Education Sciences: U.S. Department of Education
Reading Achievement
This chart presents the national results from the 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading assessments.
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
Mathematics Achievement
This chart presents the national results from the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment.
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
Dropout Rates
The status dropout rate measures the percentage of individuals who are not enrolled in high school and who do not have a high school credential, irrespective of when they dropped out. National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
School Crime and Safety
Charts showing the percentage of students ages 12–18 who reported being victimized at school during the previous 6 months, for years between 1995 and 2005.
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
High School Transcripts, 2005
This indicator presents information about the types of courses that graduates took during a 4-year high school curriculum and how many credits they earned in particular subject areas. Transcripts were collected from about 640 public schools and 80 private schools for the National Assessment of Education Progress 2005 High School Transcript Study (NAEP HSTS).
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
Bachelor's Degree Recipients, 10 Years Later
This indicator uses data from the 1992–93 Baccalaureate and Beyond Study (B&B:93/03), longitudinal study of students who earned a bachelor's degree during the 1992–93 academic year.
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
Public School Revenues and Expenditure
This indicator presents findings on public education revenues and expenditures using fiscal year (FY) 2006 data from the National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) of the Common Core Data survey system.
National Center for Education Statistics: U.S. Department of Education
Doctoral Degrees Awarded in Science and Engineering Fields
Chart presenting percentages of Doctoral degrees awarded in 2005, distributed among various fields of study.
Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation
Percent of Doctorate Awards in Science & Engineering Awarded to Women
Chart presenting science and engineering Doctorates awarded to women, by field of study: 2005.
Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation
Graduate Enrollment in Science and Engineering
Chart presenting graduate enrollment by field of study : 1975–2006.
Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation
Percent of Full-time S&E Graduate Students Supported by Research Assistantships
Chart presenting full-time graduate students in science and engineering fields by mechanism of support: 2006.
Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation
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Vital Statistics Trends
Chart presenting birth, infant mortality, and life expectancy, 1980-2002.
National Center for Health Statistics: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Care Coverage and Utilization
Chart presenting annual rate of emergency department visits by patient's age and race: United States, 2002.
National Center for Health Statistics: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Behaviors
Charts presenting prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults: United States, 1999-2002.
National Center for Health Statistics: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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