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President George W. Bush and Laura Bush honor the 2003 National and State Teacher of the Year, Betsy Rogers, during a ceremony in the East Garden, April 20, 2003. Education Secretary Rod Paige stands to the left. White House photo by Tina Hager.

National Teacher Recruitment Program

National Teacher Recruitment Program, hosted by Recruiting New Teachers, Inc., has state by state information for those interested in becoming a teacher. This information clearinghouse provides resources for certified teachers seeking jobs and school districts seeking certified teachers, information for those interested in becoming a teacher, and offers states and school districts strategies for improving teacher recruitment and retention.

National Teacher Recruitment Program
385 Concord Avenue, Suite #103
Belmont, MA 02478

Reach Out and Read
Ready to Read, Ready to Learn
Healthy Start, Grow Smart
Careers in Teaching
White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers
Transition to Teaching
Teach for America
Troops to Teachers
The New Teacher Project
Recruiting New Teachers, Inc.
National Teacher Recruitment Program
Mrs. Bush's Character and Community Initiative
The White House Conference on Character and Community
Character and Community: A Town Hall Meeting with America's Youth
Mrs. Bush Addresses the Importance of Character Education to Learning

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