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Mrs. Laura Bush delivers a speech Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008, at Holy Redeemer School in Washington, D.C. White House photo by Shealah Craighead


As a former teacher and librarian, Mrs. Bush knows that reading is the foundation for all learning. One of her favorite projects is to help recruit good teachers and inform parents and caregivers about the best ways to prepare children to learn to read.

As a child, Mrs. Bush loved listening to her mother read. Little did she know that her mother was doing much more than providing comfort and entertainment; she was paving the way for learning and success in school.

Research shows that the early language experiences and education that caring adults provide for children shape the way they think and learn. The quality of these experiences affects a child's enthusiasm for learning, ability to interact with others and success in school.

Though many children grow up hearing a broad vocabulary and being read to from infancy, others enter school without knowing the names of letters or how to count. For these children, reading and learning can be a struggle. If they are unable to overcome this obstacle, their loss affects all of society.

Mrs. Bush encourages all parents, caregivers, and teachers to help make sure that every child starts school with the skills needed to learn. Once in the classroom, children should have excellent teachers and a high-quality education.

Teacher Recruitment
As a former public school teacher, Mrs. Bush knows that one of the most profound responsibilities we as a nation are entrusted with is the education of our children. She also believes it is important for us to love our children, teach them to love knowledge and disdain ignorance, and support the men and women who devote their careers to educating our children.

Laura Bush has focused her attention on several alternative teacher recruitment programs including Troops to Teachers, the New Teacher Project, and Teach For America. Troops to Teachers has placed 5,000 former military personnel in teaching positions, the New Teacher Project has implemented 39 programs in 19 states and prepared more than 6,500 new teachers, and Teach For America’s 9,000 corps members have taught more than 1.25 million children.

No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is based on the belief that every child can learn, and every school must teach. NCLB’s core principles include making sure every child is at or above grade level in reading and math by 2014 and promoting annual measurement and disaggregation of data so parents and educators know how all students are doing; meaningful information and options for parents and support for schools to improve so students can achieve. The President’s FY08 budget increases total funding for NCLB by $1 billion, to $24.5 billion.

Mrs. Bush believes all Americans have a duty to help children achieve success. She joins President Bush in his goal to make America's schools the best they can be.

March 25, 2008
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at Rolling Ridge Elementary School
March 3, 2008
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at a Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries Gulf Coast School Library Recovery Initiative Grant Announcement
February 26, 2008
President and Mrs. Bush Discuss Picturing America Initiative
January 30, 2008
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at Holy Redeemer Catholic School
January 15, 2008
Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the Launch Event of Mount Vernon's "George Washington's Return to School" Program
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Reach Out and Read
Ready to Read, Ready to Learn
Healthy Start, Grow Smart
Careers in Teaching
White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers
Transition to Teaching
Teach for America
Troops to Teachers
The New Teacher Project
Mrs. Bush's Character and Community Initiative
Family Resources
No Child Left Behind

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