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Conserving America’s Wetlands 2008:
Four Years of Partnering Resulted in
Accomplishing the President's Goal


Many agencies, institutions, and individuals contributed their time, energy,
and expertise to the completion of this report, as follows:

James L. Connaughton, Chairman, CEQ
Jim T. Bates, Associate Director, OMB

White House Wetlands Working Group

Gregory Schildwachter, CEQ
George Dunlop, DOA
Tyler Duvall, DOT
Rob Fairweather, OMB
Benjamin Grumbles, EPA
Mike Hickey, OMB
Timothy Keeney, NOAA
Arlen Lancaster, USDA
David Verhey, DOI

Core Work Team

Mike Hickey, OMB
Charles Stern, OMB
Jo Ann Mills, FWS
Jennifer Wallace, NOAA
Bill Wilen, FWS

Working Group Staff

Bill Wilen, DOI/FWS, Lead
Astor Boozer, USA/NRCS
Ellen Cummings, USACE
Jason Goldberg, DOI/FWS
Camille Mittelholtz, DOT
Gregory Peck, EPA
Myra Price, EPA
Cindy Ryberg, DOI
Dave Stout, FWS
Mark Sudol, USACE
Jennifer Wallace, NOAA


Mark Newcastle, DOI/FWS
Frances Pflieger, DOC/NOAA
Jerry Slaff, DOC/NOAA

This report to Congress shows how Federal agencies implemented President George W. Bush's 2004 Earth Day goal to "work to restore and to improve and to protect at least three million acres of wetlands over the next five years." The report includes the accomplishments of the first four years and the requested budget and planned accomplishments for FY 2009, with descriptions of contributing Federal programs.

The White House Council on Environmental Quality
730 Jackson Place
Washington, DC 20503

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