Conserving America’s Wetlands 2007:
Three Years of Progress
Implementing the President’s Goal
Appendix I.
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA)
Table I-1. CWPPRA Funding Supporting the President's Wetland Goal in FY 2008 (millions of dollars)
Program |
Restore or Create | Improve | Total Wetlands Funding for Goal FY2008 | Difference from FY2007 |
CWPPRA | 1.988 | 76.386 | 78.374 | 2.416 |
Table I-2. Planned CWPPRA Accomplishments by Agency in FY 2008 (in acres)
Agency |
Restore or Create | Improve | Total Wetlands FY2008 | Difference from FY2007 |
EPA | 77 | 0 | 77 | 70 |
FWS | 785 | 2,478 | 3,263 | -15,360 |
NMFS | 1,466 | 67 | 1,533 | -474 |
NRCS | 48 | 98,781 | 98,829 | 46,827 |
USACE | 261 | 0 | 261 | 74 |
Total | 2,637 | 101,326 | 103,963 | 31,137 |
The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) is funded by the Aquatic Resources Trust Fund (Wallop-Breaux fund), which was passed in 1990 and is authorized until 2019. The fund is created from excise taxes on fishing equipment and on motorboat and small engine fuels. Funds are distributed to the Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force, North American Wetlands Conservation Act Program, and the National Wetlands Conservation Grant Program at rates of 70 percent, 15 percent, and 15 percent, respectively.
The CWPPRA funding distributed to the Louisiana Coastal
Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force is used to
design and construct projects to preserve and restore
Louisiana’s coastal landscape. The Louisiana portion of
CWPPRA is provided an average of $50 million per year. The
USACE administers the funding and tracks project status of all
CWPPRA projects. With the USACE as chair, a task force
consisting of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, FWS,
NRCS, EPA, and the State of Louisiana (the non-Federal sponsor)
manages the program. Currently, the program has 163
approved projects, of which 68 are complete and 19 are under
The Louisiana CWPPRA accomplishments are presented in this appendix. The other CWPPRA accomplishments are presented in Appendix F under the appropriate FWS Program areas. In addition to the 103,963 acres of coastal wetlands restored, created, and improved reported above in Table I-2, the Louisiana CWPPRA will conserve 424 acres in FY 2008 that would otherwise be lost by protecting shorelines, diverting freshwater and nutrients, and restoring hydrology. A map of Louisiana restoration sites is available at projects.pdf