Conserving America’s Wetlands 2007:
Three Years of Progress
Implementing the President’s Goal
Appendix F.
Department of the Interior
DOI Programs Supporting the President’s Wetlands Goal
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Land Acquisition Program: The program is focused on
consolidating land ownership and conserving resource values
within 2,300 units, which compose the Bureau’s Special
Management Areas. Acquisition through exchange, purchase,
and donation is an important component of BLM’s land
management strategy. BLM acquires land and easements in land
when in the public interest and consistent with publicly
approved land-use plans. Wetlands, in concert with other
important resource values in these Special Recreation Management
Areas, are an important factor in developing purchase,
donation, and exchange initiatives.
Management of Lands and Resources/Oregon and
California Grant Lands: The BLM uses these appropriations to
address a wide variety of natural resource management needs.
These activities frequently include on-the-ground projects that
conserve, protect, and restore wetlands. Funding to protect,
manage, and reforest the revested Oregon and California
Railroad grant lands is also used for projects that directly
restore and protect wetlands. Funding made available for
wetlands-related conservation activities depend on annual
funding levels and competing resource priorities within BLM.
National Park Service (NPS) Exotic Plant Management Teams: The invasion of exotic, invasive plants can dramatically alter wetland ecosystems by changing plant community composition, waterflow patterns, water temperatures, and habitat for invertebrates, fish, and other wildlife species. Sixteen Exotic Plant Management Teams deployed in parks across the country, in concert with park programs, are targeting the control of invasive plants and restoration of wetland ecosystems. Treatments are focused on areas where invasive plant infestations are just taking hold, at the source of infestations, and in areas were management is coordinated across jurisdictions. More information on the teams and invasive plant programs is available at y/invasivespecies
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
Coastal Program: The Coastal Program works in 22
specific coastal communities to improve the health of watersheds
for fish, wildlife, and people by building partnerships;
identifying, evaluating, and mapping important habitats;
restoring habitats; and providing technical assistance and
financial support to help protect important coastal habitats.
Since 1994, the program has restored 115,000 acres of coastal
wetlands, 28,000 acres of coastal uplands, and more than
1,150 miles of coastal streamside habitat. It has also helped
protect 1.35 million acres of coastal habitat. FWS also provides
technical assistance to other Federal, state, and local agencies
under this program.
Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance (FWMA): This program delivers scientific information and projects that
support cooperative efforts to conserve America’s fisheries and
wildlife resources. FWMA includes on-the-ground conservation
activities, such as assessing the condition of habitats, restoring
stream and wetland habitats, restoring fish passage, and
controlling aquatic nuisance species through physical, chemical,
and biological means.
Landowner Incentive Program: This program provides
grants to state and tribal conservation agencies to help landowners
restore habitats of listed, proposed, candidate, or other
species determined to be at risk on private and tribal lands.
Many of these species occur in wetland environments, and
states and tribes focus some of their efforts on wetland habitats
as appropriate. These efforts may range from providing
technical assistance and developing wildlife management plans
for these species and their habitats, to performing actual
habitat manipulation as appropriate, to acquiring conservation
easements or other forms of protection on wetlands.
National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program
(CWPPRA Funds): Since 1990, the program has made available
$183 million to 25 coastal states and one U.S. territory to
acquire, conserve, or restore over 250,000 acres of coastal
wetland ecosystems. Typically, $13 to $17 million is awarded annually through a national competitive process. Grants for an
individual project are limited to $1 million. Funding for this
program comes from excise taxes on fishing equipment and
motorboat and small engine fuels. States are required to provide
either 50 or 75 percent of the total cost of the project, depending
on whether the state has established and maintains a special fund
for acquiring coastal wetlands, other natural areas, and open
space. The program does not provide grants to support planning,
research, monitoring activities, or construction or repair of
structures for recreational purposes.
National Wildlife Refuge System: The mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System, managed by FWS, is to administer
a national network of lands and waters for the conservation,
management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish,
wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United
States for the benefit of present and future generations of
Americans. Approximately one-quarter of the 96-million-acre
National Wildlife Refuge System consists of wetlands. The Refuge
System protects, restores, rehabilitates, enhances, and conducts
research on these wetlands. The Refuge System manages
wetlands to enhance their value for migratory waterfowl and
shorebirds, threatened and endangered species, and a myriad of
native fish, wildlife, and plants. The wetland restoration and
conservation programs of the Refuge System protect the
biodiversity and environmental health of these habitats across
diverse landscapes, and provide wildlife-dependent recreational
opportunities for the American public.
North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA)
Program: This program supports voluntary public–private
partnerships to conserve North American wetland ecosystems.
It provides matching grants to public and private groups and
agencies for wetlands restoration and protection in the United
States, Canada, and Mexico. More than 14.6 million acres of
wetlands and associated uplands have been affected by
protection, restoration, or enhancement activities since 1991.
North American Waterfowl Management Plan–Joint
Ventures: This tri-national strategic plan fosters the creation of
partnerships between the Federal government, states, tribes,
corporations, private organizations, and individuals to cooperate
in the planning, funding, and implementation of projects to
conserve and enhance wetland habitat in high-priority “joint
venture” regions. The plan calls for 16.1 million acres of
wetlands and associated uplands to be protected and 12.1
million acres to be restored or enhanced.
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program: Authorized by
the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act, this voluntary program,
begun in 1987, works with landowners to restore wetlands on
private lands using cooperative agreements. The FWS has entered
into more than 41,000 agreements with partners. The program
has restored 800,000 acres of wetlands, more than 1.6 million
acres of uplands, and more than 6,000 miles of riparian and instream
habitat. FWS also provides technical assistance to other
Federal, state, and local agencies under this program.
DOI Programs that Maintain the Wetlands Base
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
Wildlife Habitat Augmentation Program: The
program’s purpose is to implement projects that protect,
enhance, and restore riparian, wetland, and associated habitats
within the watersheds of USBR’s California Central Valley
Project. This project consists of a system of 18 dams and
reservoirs, canals, power plants, and other facilities located
mainly in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. The project
manages about nine million acre-feet of water for urban,
industrial, agricultural, and environmental uses; produces
electrical power; and provides benefits for flood protection,
navigation, fish and wildlife, recreation, and water quality.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wildlife Refuge System: In FY 2006, the
National Wildlife Refuge System managed 145,461 acres for
moist soils and 945,771 acres received other water-level
manipulation. In FY 2007, those management activity accomplishments
are expected to be 115,030 moist soil acres
managed, with water-level manipulation being achieved on
888,436 acres of water impoundments. FY 2008 funding
request is $8.152 million.
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI): The goal of the
NWI is to produce information on the characteristics, extent,
and status of the Nation’s wetlands and deepwater and riparian
habitats in order to promote the understanding and conservation
of these resources. Federal, state, and local government
agencies; tribes; academic institutions; Congress; and the private sector use this information and digital maps to guide
natural resource planning, management, and project development. Wetlands data are used in planning for emerging conservation
issues such as energy development, avian influenza, and
global climate change, where they are used to model sea-level
rise. The wetlands data are available over the Internet. Wetlands
status and trend data and reports provide contemporary
information for decisionmaking and for wetlands policy
formulation and assessment. The FY 2008 funding request is
$4.8 million.
Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration
Program: The Division of Environmental Quality provides
approximately $1.5 million in toxicology, ecology, and habitat
restoration expertise to EPA and other Federal and state
partners to minimize impacts to wetlands during the cleanup of
contaminated areas. The division makes substantial contributions
to maintaining the base of wetland acres as well as
restoring and improving wetlands at former hazardous waste
sites and areas impacted by oil and chemical spills.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
USGS provides scientific expertise to address wetlands management issues identified by Federal resource managers. This expertise helps decision makers build and implement adaptive management strategies to support wetlands restoration and creation and to effectively improve and protect coastal, forested, and freshwater wetlands. USGS wetlands science addresses priorities in understanding the wetland structure, dynamics, functions, and interactions with the surrounding landscape; responses to natural and anthropogenic stressors; role of wetland functions (ecosystem services) from a socioeconomic perspective; and the support tools to help managers identify and achieve sustainable wetland conditions in restoration, creation, and rehabilitation activities. USGS wetlands research is primarily focused in the following regions:
Prairie Pothole Region/Great Plains: Research in this
region expands the ecological understanding of processes that
influence wetland functions and values in agriculture landscapes.
Research on global climate change, sediment and nutrient
dynamics, the effectiveness of wetland restoration and enhancement
for flood storage and wildlife habitat, and the potential of
prairie pothole wetlands to sequester carbon are also being
addressed. FY 2008 funding request is $0.375 million.
Great Lakes: In this region, the effects of Great Lakes
water-level fluctuations on wetlands are being researched, in
addition to global climate change studies of wetlands that focus
on interactions between climate change, lake levels, groundwater
hydrology, and wetland response. This research provides
scientific information to support the restoration, conservation,
and management of wetlands. FY 2008 funding request is
$0.790 million.
Gulf Coast: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita placed a high
priority on research, spatial analyses, predictive modeling,
technology development, and information synthesis and
outreach related to the impacts to the Nation’s critical Gulf
Coast coastal and freshwater wetlands and habitats. USGS
wetlands science in this region provides the scientific information
needed by resource managers and planners to stabilize,
restore, rehabilitate, and manage wetlands, including seagrass
beds, inland grass beds, coastal saltwater and freshwater
marshes, and forested wetlands. In addition, global climate
change studies in the Lower Mississippi River Valley focus on
riverine and coastal wetland response to CO2 levels and sealevel
rise. FY 2008 funding request is $6.63 million.
Atlantic Coast: Wetlands research in the Atlantic region
provides scientific information on restoration, enhancement,
and creation of coastal and estuarine wetlands. Studies on
global climate change focus on wetland response to sea-level
rise and wetlands management options. In addition, the effects
of varying fire regimes on wetland habitats and response to sealevel
rise are being investigated. FY 2008 funding request is
$2.376 million.