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July 15, 2006
In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "As the world's economic powers gather for the G8, the American economy remains the envy of the world. And this week we received even more positive news about our economy. On Tuesday, my administration's Office of Management and Budget released its annual update on the budget outlook. This year's report is very encouraging: Because our economy continues to enjoy strong growth, federal tax revenues are growing, and we are cutting the federal deficit faster than expected."

Jobs & Economy

July 11, 2006
Rob Portman on Mid-Session Review

Rob Portman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, discussed the Mid-Session Review of the Budget and updated deficit numbers with Charlie Sykes, WTMJ, Milwaukee, WI.

July 7, 2006
Al Hubbard on the Economy

Al Hubbard, Director of the National Economic Council, talks with Joseph Mathieu Market Watch about June's jobs figures, the strong US Economy and the President's pro-growth policies.

July 5, 2006
Dan Bartlett on National Security

Dan Bartlett, Counselor to the President, discusses North Korea's missile launch and the War on Terror with Scott Hennen, WDAY, Fargo, ND

 Radio Address

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