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2001 Photos  
Sept. 11 Responses
International Response (Sept. 12-Oct. 15)
American Response (Sept. 11-14)
Standing for the Flag (2001)

At Home
We the People (Spring 2001)
Independence Day (July 4)
Heartland Tour (Aug. 7-29)

International Discourse
World Leaders (Feb. 5-April 16)
World Leaders (April 16-June 11)
Europe & NATO (June 11-16)
World Leaders (June 26-30)
Britain, Italy & Kosovo (July 19-24)
President Putin Visit (Nov. 13-15)

State Visit
State Arrival of Mexican President (Sept. 5)
State Dinner Preparations (Sept. 5)
State Dinner (Sept. 5)
State Visit Day 2 (Sept. 6)

Home for the Holidays
Presidential Homes
Decking the Halls
White House Tree
Presidential Holiday Cards
National Tree
Holiday Cheer
Menorah Lighting
Spotty & Barney's Holiday Tail

Vice President Cheney
Profile of the Vice President

Laura Welch Bush
Profile of Mrs. Bush

Take me out to the tee-ball game!
Game 1: Sox vs. Rockies (May 7)
Game 2: Brewers vs. Parrots (June 3)
Game 3: Challengers vs. Challenger Hawks (July 15)

Presidential Pets
Spotty, Barney, India and Ofelia's Photo Album

First Glances
First Weeks (Jan-Feb.)
First 100 Days (Jan-April)

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