Economically Significant Reviews Completed YTD
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998
Choose a starting point in this report from the following:
Department of Agriculture
General Administrative Regulations, Nonstandard Classification
System -- Subpart O (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/09/1998
COMPLETED: 08/11/1998 Consistent with change
Karnal Bunt, Movement from Regulated Areas -- APHIS Docket
Number 96-016-22
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 12/29/1997
COMPLETED: 01/16/1998 Consistent with change
Solid Wood Packing Material from China -- APHIS Docket No.
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/04/1998
COMPLETED: 09/15/1998 Consistent with change
Retained Water in Raw Meat and Poultry Products, Poultry
Chilling Performance Standards
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/04/1998
COMPLETED: 08/28/1998 Consistent with change
Child and Adult Care Food Program, Improved Targeting of Day
Care Home Reimbursements
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/14/1997
COMPLETED: 02/03/1998 Consistent w/no change
WIC: Requirements for and Evaluation of WIC Program Requests for
Bids for Infant Formula Rebate Contracts
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/01/1998
COMPLETED: 07/07/1998 Consistent with change
Department of Commerce
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions, National Standard Guidelines
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/01/1998
COMPLETED: 04/21/1998 Consistent with change
Department of Health and Human Services
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/20/1998
COMPLETED: 03/24/1998 Consistent w/no change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA43
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), Procedures
for the Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Juice
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/03/1998
COMPLETED: 04/20/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA43
Food Labeling: Warning and Notice Statements, Labeling of Juice
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/03/1998
COMPLETED: 04/20/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AB20
Regulation Requiring Manufacturers to Assess the Safety and
Effectiveness of New Drugs/Biological Products in Pediatric
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/24/1998
COMPLETED: 11/24/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AG70
Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Salary Equivalency Guidelines
for Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Speech Language
Pathology, and Occupational Therapy Services
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 01/23/1998
COMPLETED: 01/23/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH98
Revision to the Definition of an Unemployed Parent -- MB-106-FC
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 01/30/1998
COMPLETED: 08/04/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI09
Medicare Program: Medicare Integrity Program, Intermediary and
Carrier Functions and Conflict of Interest Requirements --
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/16/1998
COMPLETED: 03/16/1998 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI84
Medicare Program's Schedule of Per-Beneficiary Limitations on
Home Health Agency Costs for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning On
or After October 1, 1997
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1998
COMPLETED: 03/26/1998 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI58
Health Insurance Reform: Standards for Electronic Transactions
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/02/1998
COMPLETED: 04/24/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH99
Standard Health Care Provider Identifier -- BDMS-045-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/03/1998
COMPLETED: 04/24/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI59
National Standard Employer Identifier -- HCFA-0047-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/24/1998
COMPLETED: 06/04/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI47
Medicare Program: Prospective Payment System and Consolidated
Billing for Skilled Nursing Facililties -- HCFA-1913-IFC
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 05/01/1998
COMPLETED: 05/04/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI22
Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System and Fiscal Year 1999 Rates
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/04/1998
COMPLETED: 05/04/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI52
Medicare Program: Revisions to Payment Policies under the
Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 1999 -- HCFA-1006-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/27/1998
COMPLETED: 05/28/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI89
Medicare Coverage Of and Payment For Bone Mass Measurements
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/11/1998
COMPLETED: 06/19/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI95
Medicare & Medicaid Programs: Hospital Conditions of
Partcipation Identification of Potential Organ Tissue, and Eye
Donors and Transplant Hospitals' Provision of Transplant-Related
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/16/1998
COMPLETED: 06/16/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI29
Medicare Programs: Establishment of the Medicare+Choice Program
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/17/1998
COMPLETED: 06/18/1998 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI57
Security and Electronic Signature Standards -- HCFA-0049-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 07/17/1998
COMPLETED: 08/07/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI22
Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 1999 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/27/1998
COMPLETED: 07/27/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI56
Medicare Program: Prospective Payment System for Hospital
Outpatient Services
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/20/1998
COMPLETED: 08/24/1998 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI17
Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/22/1998
COMPLETED: 10/09/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI70
Medicaid Program: Medicaid Managed Care
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/24/1998
COMPLETED: 09/24/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AJ02
Medicare Program: Inpatient Hospital Deductible and Hospital and
Extended Care Services Coinsurance Amounts for 1999 --
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 10/09/1998
COMPLETED: 10/15/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI98
Medicare Program: Monthly Actuarial Rates and Monthly
Supplementary Medical Insurance Premium Rate Beginning January
1, 1999
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 10/09/1998
COMPLETED: 10/15/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI52
Medicare Program: Revisions to Payment Policies and Adjustment
to the Relative Value Units under the Physician Fee Schedule for
Calendar Year 1999 -- HCFA-1006-FC
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 10/26/1998
COMPLETED: 10/27/1998 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AJ26
Medicare Program: Limited Additional Opportunity to Request
Certain Hospital Wage Data Revisions for FY 1999
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/05/1998
COMPLETED: 11/16/1998 Consistent with change
Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AG96
Disposition of HUD-Acquired, Single-Family Property -- FR-4244
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/13/1998
COMPLETED: 03/17/1998 Consistent with change
Department of the Interior
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE93
Migratory Bird Hunting Proposed 1998-1999 Migratory Game Bird
Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) with Requests for Indian
Tribal Seasons
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/09/1998
COMPLETED: 03/16/1998 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE93
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Frameworks for Early Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/18/1998
COMPLETED: 08/25/1998 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE93
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Frameworks for Late-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/21/1998
COMPLETED: 09/23/1998 Consistent w/no change
Department of Justice
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AE42
Immigration Examinations Fee Account (IEFA)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/08/1998
COMPLETED: 08/06/1998 Consistent with change
Department of Labor
Summary Plan Description Regulation (Proposed Amendments)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/21/1998
COMPLETED: 08/28/1998 Consistent with change
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; Rules and
Regulations for Administration and Enforcement, Claims Procedure
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/21/1998
COMPLETED: 08/28/1998 Consistent with change
Safety Standards for Steel Erection
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/07/1998
COMPLETED: 07/30/1998 Consistent with change
Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/25/1998
COMPLETED: 11/06/1998 Consistent with change
Department of Transportation
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AG46
Terrain Awareness and Warning System
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/22/1998
COMPLETED: 08/17/1998 Consistent with change
Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Lighting
Devices, Reflectors, and Electrical Equipment
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/06/1998
COMPLETED: 05/14/1998 Consistent with change
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Year 2000
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/30/1998
COMPLETED: 03/31/1998 Consistent with change
Uniform Criteria for State Observational Surveys of Belt Use
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/25/1998
COMPLETED: 08/26/1998 Consistent with change
Occupant Crash Protection, Improved Air Bags
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/26/1998
COMPLETED: 09/01/1998 Consistent with change
Operation of Motor Vehicles by Intoxicated Persons
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/27/1998
COMPLETED: 08/28/1998 Consistent w/no change
Incentive Grants for Use of Seat Belts, Allocation Based on
State Seat Belt Use Rates
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/30/1998
COMPLETED: 09/30/1998 Consistent w/no change
Department of the Treasury
Group Health Plans and Health Insurance Issuers under the
Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/26/1998
COMPLETED: 10/09/1998 Consistent with change
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA21
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, Play
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 01/20/1998
COMPLETED: 04/21/1998 Consistent with change
ATBCB RIN: 3014-AA23
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for
Transit Vehicles, Over-the-Road Buses
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/11/1998
COMPLETED: 03/19/1998 Consistent w/no change
Environmental Protection Agency
Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/07/1998
COMPLETED: 11/23/1998 Consistent with change
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (Interim Rule)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/07/1998
COMPLETED: 11/16/1998 Consistent with change
Hazardous Waste Management System Identification and Listing of
Hazardous Waste: Petroleum Refining Process Wastes; Land
Disposal Restrictions for Newly Identified Wastes; CERCLA
Harzardous, etc.
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/09/1998
COMPLETED: 06/29/1998 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH10
The Supplemental Notice for the Finding of Significant Contribu-
tion and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport
Assessment Group Region for Purposes of Reducing Transport Ozone
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/27/1998
COMPLETED: 04/27/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH88
Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section
126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED: 04/09/1998
COMPLETED: 04/23/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG60
Approval of State Programs and Delegation of Federal Authorities
-- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart E, Section 112(1) of the Clean Air Act
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 07/06/1998
COMPLETED: 10/09/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AE56
Revised Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
from New Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generating Units
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/06/1998
COMPLETED: 09/02/1998 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AE55
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for
Architectural Coatings
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/15/1998
COMPLETED: 08/14/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AF76
Non-Road Diesel Engines (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/22/1998
COMPLETED: 08/27/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH10
Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain
States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group Region for
Purposes of Reducing Transport of Ozone
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/11/1998
COMPLETED: 09/23/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH87
Federal Implementation Plans to Reduce the Regional Transport of
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/11/1998
COMPLETED: 09/23/1998 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH88
Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section
126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/11/1998
COMPLETED: 09/23/1998 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AI17
Control of Emmissions of Air Pollution from New CI Marine
Engines At or Above 37 Kilowatts
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 11/10/1998
COMPLETED: 11/24/1998 Consistent with change
Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals: Lowering of
Reporting Thrersholds for Certain Persistent Bioaccumulative
Toxic Chemicals, Amendments to Proposed Addition of a Dioxin and
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/16/1998
COMPLETED: 12/24/1998 Consistent with change
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA79
Payment of Premiums
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/06/1998
COMPLETED: 11/12/1998 Consistent w/no change
Small Business Administration
SBA RIN: 3245-AD89
Small Business Size Standards: Engineering Services,
Architectual Services, and Surveying and Mapping Service
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 12/30/1997
COMPLETED: 01/26/1998 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE02
HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program
STAGE: Final Rule (N/C)
RECEIVED: 05/15/1998
COMPLETED: 06/05/1998 Consistent with change
Social Security Administration
SSA RIN: 0960-AE65
Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability,
Endocrine System and Related Criteria
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 12/29/1997
COMPLETED: 02/25/1998 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AE71
Effective Date of Application for Supplemental Security Income
(SSI) Benefits
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/18/1998
COMPLETED: 07/28/1998 Consistent with change
Federal Acquisition Regulations
FAR RIN: 9000-AH59
Federal Acquisition Reglation: Reform of Affirmative Action in
Federal Procurement -- FAR Case 97-004A and Case 97-004B
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 02/27/1998
COMPLETED: 06/19/1998 Consistent with change
FAR RIN: 9000-AH59
Reform of Affirmative Action in Federal Procurment -- FAR Case
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/24/1998
COMPLETED: 09/25/1998 Returned (improper)
Run date: October 10, 2002