Economically Significant Reviews Completed YTD
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997
Choose a starting point in this report from the following:
Department of Agriculture
Conservation Reserve Program Long-Term Policy
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 01/30/1997
COMPLETED: 02/11/1997 Consistent with change
Amendments to the Peanut Poundage Quota Regulations -- 7 CFR
Part 729
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/11/1997
COMPLETED: 04/28/1997 Consistent w/no change
Disaster Reserve Assisstance Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/18/1997
COMPLETED: 08/06/1997 Consistent w/no change
Environmental Quality Incentives Program -- 7 CFR Part 1466
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/02/1997
COMPLETED: 05/19/1997 Consistent with change
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for the 1996-1997 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket Number 96-016-15
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 01/22/1997
COMPLETED: 02/04/1997 Consistent with change
Karnal Bunt: Compensation for the 1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket No. 96-016-17 and Karnal Bunt Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis and Regulatory Impact Analysis -- Docket No. 96-016-20
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/09/1997
COMPLETED: 04/30/1997 Consistent w/no change
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for the 1996-1997 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket Number 96-016-15
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/29/1997
COMPLETED: 06/23/1997 Consistent w/no change
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for Wheat Seed and Straw in the
1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS Docket Number 96-016-21
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/23/1997
COMPLETED: 06/23/1997 Consistent w/no change
Karnal Bunt: Compensation for Wheat Seed and Straw in the
1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS Docket Number 96-016-25
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/02/1997
COMPLETED: 12/19/1997 Consistent with change
National Organic Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/02/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Commerce
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions, National Standard Guidelines
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 07/11/1997
COMPLETED: 07/25/1997 Consistent with change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA25
Empowerment Contracting
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/18/1997
COMPLETED: 05/07/1997 Consistent with change
DOC-OS RIN: 0690-AA25
Empowerment Contracting
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/19/1997
COMPLETED: 12/11/1997 Withdrawn by agency
Department of Defense
Distribution of Contract Financing Payments -- DFARS Case 97-D011
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/29/1997
COMPLETED: 11/20/1997 Consistent with change
DOD-OS RIN: 0790-AG35
Closed, Transferred, and Transferring Ranges Containing Military
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 10/01/1996
COMPLETED: 02/07/1997 Withdrawn by agency
DOD-OS RIN: 0790-AG46
Closed, Transferred, and Transferring Ranges Containing Military
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/13/1997
COMPLETED: 08/21/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Education
Assistance to States for the Education of Children with
Disabilities, Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities, &
Early Intervention Program for Infants & Toddlers w/ Disabilities
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 10/06/1997
COMPLETED: 10/17/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Energy
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA47
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy
Conservation Standards for Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers,
and Freezers
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 01/10/1997
COMPLETED: 04/15/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Health and Human Services
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA59
Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids -- Revised
Laboratory Information Bulletin No. 3996, Availability
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/19/1997
COMPLETED: 05/27/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA91
Substances Prohibited from Use in Animal Feed, Animal Proteins
Prohibited in Ruminant Feed
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 05/12/1997
COMPLETED: 05/28/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH75
Individual Market Health Insurance Reform -- BPD-882-IFC
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI08
Portability and Nondiscrimination in the Group Health Insurance
Market -- BPD-890-IFC
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH88
Medicare Program: Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs
Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning On or After July
1, 1997
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 05/02/1997
COMPLETED: 06/26/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH28
Medicare Program: Special Payments Limits for Home Oxygen
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 05/09/1997
COMPLETED: 07/02/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH00
Medicaid Program, Coverage of Personal Care Services -- MB-071-F
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/27/1997
COMPLETED: 09/09/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH93
Medicaid: Final Limitations on Aggregate Payments to
Disproportionate Share Hospitals, Federal Fiscal Year 1997 --
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 07/28/1997
COMPLETED: 09/08/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH55
Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 1998 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/22/1997
COMPLETED: 08/22/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI12
Inpatient Hospital Deductible and Hospital and Extended Care
Services Coinsurance Amounts for 1998 -- OACT-57-N
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 10/09/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI10
Part A Premium for 1998 for the Uninsured Age and for Certain
Disabled Individuals Who Have Exhausted Other Entitlement --
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 10/09/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI03
Medicare Program: Monthly Actuarial Rates and Monthly
Supplementary Medical Insurance Premium Rate Beginning January
1, 1998
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 10/22/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AH94
Medicare Program: Revisions to Payment Policies and Adjustments
to the Relative Value Units under the Physician Fee Schedule,
Other Part B Payment Polices, and Establishment of the Clincial
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 10/28/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI05
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI24
Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Cost Per Visit for Cost
Reporting Periods Beginning On or After October 1, 1997
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 12/24/1997
COMPLETED: 12/29/1997 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI34
Medicare Program: Limit on the Valuation of a Depreciable
Capital Assest After a Change of Ownership
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/31/1997
COMPLETED: 12/31/1997 Consistent w/no change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-ZA02
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 1996 (PRWORA), Interpretation of 'Federal Means-Tested Public
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 07/28/1997
COMPLETED: 08/04/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AG42
Sale of HUD-Held Single-Family Mortgages -- FR-3814 (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 10/25/1996
COMPLETED: 01/15/1997 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AG40
RESPA: Disclosure of Fees Paid to Mortgage Brokers -- FR-3780
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/04/1997
COMPLETED: 06/30/1997 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AG40
RESPA: Disclosure of Fees Paid to Mortgage Brokers -- FR-3780
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/28/1997
COMPLETED: 09/16/1997 Consistent with change
Department of the Interior
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting, Proposed 1997-98 Migratory Game Bird
Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) with Request for Indian Tribal
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/06/1997
COMPLETED: 03/11/1997 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Framework for Early-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/12/1997
COMPLETED: 08/14/1997 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Frameworks for Late-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 09/17/1997
COMPLETED: 09/19/1997 Consistent w/no change
Department of Justice
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AE47
Inspection and Expedited Removal of Aliens; Detention and
Removal of Aliens; Conduct of Removal; Asylum Procedures
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 02/21/1997
COMPLETED: 02/26/1997 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AE42
Adjustment of Certain Fees of the Immigration Examination Fee
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 05/27/1997
COMPLETED: 08/01/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Labor
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans (Interim
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change
Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/11/1996
COMPLETED: 04/04/1997 Consistent with change
Respiratory Protection
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/11/1997
COMPLETED: 11/07/1997 Consistent with change
Department of Transportation
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AC62
Passenger Manifest Information for Domestic Airline Travel
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED: 01/31/1997
COMPLETED: 03/05/1997 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AF76
Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 05/21/1997
COMPLETED: 07/08/1997 Consistent with change
Tether Anchorages for Child Restraint Systems, Child Restraint
Anchorage System -- Federal Motor Vehicle Safety System, Child
Restraint Systems
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/12/1997
COMPLETED: 02/12/1997 Consistent with change
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard Model Year 1999
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/27/1997
COMPLETED: 03/28/1997 Consistent with change
Department of the Treasury
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change
HIPAA Mental Health Parity Act
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change
Department of Veterans Affairs
VA RIN: 2900-AH66
Payment for Outpatient and Ancillary Medical Services Provided
by Non-VA Providers
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 09/23/1996
COMPLETED: 04/22/1997 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AE40
Schedule for Rating Disabilities, The Cardiovascular System
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 08/13/1997
COMPLETED: 12/02/1997 Consistent with change
Environmental Protection Agency
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for
Sources Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitation
Guidelines; Pretreatment Standards; and New Source Performance
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/20/1997
COMPLETED: 10/09/1997 Consistent with change
Comprehensive NPDES Stormwater Phase II Regulations
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/01/1997
COMPLETED: 12/12/1997 Consistent with change
Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards for
the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/14/1997
COMPLETED: 11/07/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AB31
Environmental Protection Agency Radiation Site Cleanup
Regulation -- 40 CFR Part 196
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 03/15/1996
COMPLETED: 01/03/1997 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AF75
Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles and New Motor
Vehicle Engines: Voluntary Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/18/1996
COMPLETED: 03/08/1997 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD33
Emission Standards for New Locomotives and New Engines Used in
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 12/06/1996
COMPLETED: 01/31/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG16
Transportation Conformity, Flexibility and Streamlining
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 04/15/1997
COMPLETED: 06/11/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AE56
Revised Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
from New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/28/1997
COMPLETED: 06/29/1997 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH20
Notice of Draft Source Category Listing for Section 112(d)(2)
Rulemaking to Comply with Section 112(c)(6) Requirements
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED: 06/06/1997
COMPLETED: 06/11/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD03
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for
Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft Soda, Sulfite, and
Stand-Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 06/20/1997
COMPLETED: 10/09/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AC62
Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Emission
Guidelines for Existing Sources: Hospital/Medical/Infectious
Waste Incinerators
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 06/25/1997
COMPLETED: 08/14/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AE66
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/02/1997
COMPLETED: 07/16/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AE57
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/02/1997
COMPLETED: 07/12/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH50
Non-Road Diesel Engines (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 07/25/1997
COMPLETED: 08/26/1997 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AF76
Heavy-Duty Engines (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 07/29/1997
COMPLETED: 09/22/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH10
Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for States in
the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) for Purposes of
Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 08/15/1997
COMPLETED: 10/03/1997 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AD33
Emission Standards for Locomotives and Locomotive Engines
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 12/01/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent with change
Addition of Facilities in Certain Industry Sectors, Toxic
Chemical Release Reporting, Community Right-to-Know
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED: 11/27/1996
COMPLETED: 04/22/1997 Consistent with change
Railroad Retirement Board
RRB RIN: 3220-AB23
Creditable Railroad Compensation
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 10/04/1996
COMPLETED: 03/19/1997 Returned (reconsider)
Small Business Administration
SBA RIN: 3245-AD84
Sale of Unguaranteed Portions of Loans (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 02/13/1997
COMPLETED: 02/20/1997 Consistent with change
Social Security Administration
SSA RIN: 0960-AE57
Determining Disability for an Individual under Age 18 --
Supplemental Security Income, SSA-625I (Final Rules with a
Request for Comments)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED: 02/04/1997
COMPLETED: 02/05/1997 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AE44
Report of Earnings under the Social Security Earnings Test
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule (N/C)
RECEIVED: 03/13/1997
COMPLETED: 03/21/1997 Consistent w/no change
Federal Acquisition Regulations
FAR RIN: 9000-AH58
Empowerment Contracting -- FAR Case 97-603
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/14/1997
COMPLETED: 04/14/1997 Consistent with change
FAR RIN: 9000-AH59
Reform of Affirmative Action in Federal Procurement -- FAR Case
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED: 04/16/1997
COMPLETED: 04/24/1997 Consistent w/no change
Run date: October 10, 2002