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Economically Significant Reviews Completed YTD

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997

List of Agencies

Choose a starting point in this report from the following:

Department of Agriculture

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE95
Conservation Reserve Program Long-Term Policy
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/30/1997
COMPLETED: 02/11/1997 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE82
Amendments to the Peanut Poundage Quota Regulations -- 7 CFR
Part 729
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/11/1997
COMPLETED: 04/28/1997 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AF11
Disaster Reserve Assisstance Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/18/1997
COMPLETED: 08/06/1997 Consistent w/no change

USDA-NRCS                    RIN: 0578-AA19
Environmental Quality Incentives Program -- 7 CFR Part 1466
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/02/1997
COMPLETED: 05/19/1997 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for the 1996-1997 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket Number 96-016-15
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  01/22/1997
COMPLETED: 02/04/1997 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt: Compensation for the 1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket No. 96-016-17 and Karnal Bunt Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis and Regulatory Impact Analysis -- Docket No. 96-016-20
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/09/1997
COMPLETED: 04/30/1997 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for the 1996-1997 Crop Season -- APHIS
Docket Number 96-016-15
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/29/1997
COMPLETED: 06/23/1997 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt, Compensation for Wheat Seed and Straw in the
1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS Docket Number 96-016-21
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/23/1997
COMPLETED: 06/23/1997 Consistent w/no change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt: Compensation for Wheat Seed and Straw in the
1995-1996 Crop Season -- APHIS Docket Number 96-016-25
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/02/1997
COMPLETED: 12/19/1997 Consistent with change

USDA-AMS                     RIN: 0581-AA40
National Organic Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/02/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Commerce

DOC-NOAA                     RIN: 0648-AJ58
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions, National Standard Guidelines
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/11/1997
COMPLETED: 07/25/1997 Consistent with change

DOC-OS                       RIN: 0690-AA25
Empowerment Contracting
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/18/1997
COMPLETED: 05/07/1997 Consistent with change

DOC-OS                       RIN: 0690-AA25
Empowerment Contracting
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/19/1997
COMPLETED: 12/11/1997 Withdrawn by agency

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Defense

DOD-DARC                     RIN: 0750-AB87
Distribution of Contract Financing Payments -- DFARS Case 97-D011
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/29/1997
COMPLETED: 11/20/1997 Consistent with change

DOD-OS                       RIN: 0790-AG35
Closed, Transferred, and Transferring Ranges Containing Military
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/01/1996
COMPLETED: 02/07/1997 Withdrawn by agency

DOD-OS                       RIN: 0790-AG46
Closed, Transferred, and Transferring Ranges Containing Military
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/13/1997
COMPLETED: 08/21/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Education

ED-OSERS                     RIN: 1820-AB40
Assistance to States for the Education of Children with
Disabilities, Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities, &
Early Intervention Program for Infants & Toddlers w/ Disabilities
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/06/1997
COMPLETED: 10/17/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Energy

DOE-EE                       RIN: 1904-AA47
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy
Conservation Standards for Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers,
and Freezers
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/10/1997
COMPLETED: 04/15/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Health and Human Services

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA59
Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids -- Revised
Laboratory Information Bulletin No. 3996, Availability
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/19/1997
COMPLETED: 05/27/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA91
Substances Prohibited from Use in Animal Feed, Animal Proteins
Prohibited in Ruminant Feed
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/12/1997
COMPLETED: 05/28/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH75
Individual Market Health Insurance Reform -- BPD-882-IFC
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI08
Portability and Nondiscrimination in the Group Health Insurance
Market -- BPD-890-IFC
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH88
Medicare Program: Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs
Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning On or After July
1, 1997
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  05/02/1997
COMPLETED: 06/26/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH28
Medicare Program: Special Payments Limits for Home Oxygen
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  05/09/1997
COMPLETED: 07/02/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH00
Medicaid Program, Coverage of Personal Care Services -- MB-071-F
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/27/1997
COMPLETED: 09/09/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH93
Medicaid: Final Limitations on Aggregate Payments to
Disproportionate Share Hospitals, Federal Fiscal Year 1997 --
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  07/28/1997
COMPLETED: 09/08/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH55
Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment Systems and Fiscal Year 1998 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/22/1997
COMPLETED: 08/22/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI12
Inpatient Hospital Deductible and Hospital and Extended Care
Services Coinsurance Amounts for 1998 -- OACT-57-N
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  10/09/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI10
Part A Premium for 1998 for the Uninsured Age and for Certain
Disabled Individuals Who Have Exhausted Other Entitlement --
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  10/09/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI03
Medicare Program: Monthly Actuarial Rates and Monthly
Supplementary Medical Insurance Premium Rate Beginning January
1, 1998
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  10/22/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH94
Medicare Program: Revisions to Payment Policies and Adjustments
to the Relative Value Units under the Physician Fee Schedule,
Other Part B Payment Polices, and Establishment of the Clincial
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/28/1997
COMPLETED: 10/28/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI05
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI24
Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Cost Per Visit for Cost
Reporting Periods Beginning On or After October 1, 1997
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  12/24/1997
COMPLETED: 12/29/1997 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AI34
Medicare Program: Limit on the Valuation of a Depreciable
Capital Assest After a Change of Ownership
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/31/1997
COMPLETED: 12/31/1997 Consistent w/no change

HHS-OS                       RIN: 0991-ZA02
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 1996 (PRWORA), Interpretation of 'Federal Means-Tested Public
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  07/28/1997
COMPLETED: 08/04/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AG42
Sale of HUD-Held Single-Family Mortgages -- FR-3814 (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/25/1996
COMPLETED: 01/15/1997 Consistent with change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AG40
RESPA: Disclosure of Fees Paid to Mortgage Brokers -- FR-3780
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/04/1997
COMPLETED: 06/30/1997 Consistent w/no change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AG40
RESPA: Disclosure of Fees Paid to Mortgage Brokers -- FR-3780
(Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/28/1997
COMPLETED: 09/16/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Interior

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting, Proposed 1997-98 Migratory Game Bird
Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) with Request for Indian Tribal
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/06/1997
COMPLETED: 03/11/1997 Consistent w/no change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Framework for Early-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/12/1997
COMPLETED: 08/14/1997 Consistent with change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AE14
Migratory Bird Hunting: Final Frameworks for Late-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/17/1997
COMPLETED: 09/19/1997 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Justice

DOJ-INS                      RIN: 1115-AE47
Inspection and Expedited Removal of Aliens; Detention and
Removal of Aliens; Conduct of Removal; Asylum Procedures
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/21/1997
COMPLETED: 02/26/1997 Consistent with change

DOJ-INS                      RIN: 1115-AE42
Adjustment of Certain Fees of the Immigration Examination Fee
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/27/1997
COMPLETED: 08/01/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Labor

DOL-PWBA                     RIN: 1210-AA54
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans (Interim
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change

DOL-PWBA                     RIN: 1210-AA62
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AB46
Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/11/1996
COMPLETED: 04/04/1997 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA05
Respiratory Protection
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/11/1997
COMPLETED: 11/07/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Transportation

DOT-OST                      RIN: 2105-AC62
Passenger Manifest Information for Domestic Airline Travel
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED:  01/31/1997
COMPLETED: 03/05/1997 Consistent with change

DOT-FAA                      RIN: 2120-AF76
Revisions to Digital Flight Data Recorder Rules
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/21/1997
COMPLETED: 07/08/1997 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AG50
Tether Anchorages for Child Restraint Systems, Child Restraint
Anchorage System -- Federal Motor Vehicle Safety System, Child
Restraint Systems
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/12/1997
COMPLETED: 02/12/1997 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AG64
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard Model Year 1999
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/27/1997
COMPLETED: 03/28/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Treasury

TREAS-IRS                    RIN: 1545-AV12
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change

TREAS-IRS                    RIN: 1545-AV05
Health Insurance Portability for Group Health Plans
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1997
COMPLETED: 03/27/1997 Consistent with change

TREAS-IRS                    RIN: 1545-AV12
HIPAA Mental Health Parity Act
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change

TREAS-IRS                    RIN: 1545-AV53
Mental Health Parity (Interim Rules)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/16/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Veterans Affairs

VA                           RIN: 2900-AH66
Payment for Outpatient and Ancillary Medical Services Provided
by Non-VA Providers
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/23/1996
COMPLETED: 04/22/1997 Consistent with change

VA                           RIN: 2900-AE40
Schedule for Rating Disabilities, The Cardiovascular System
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/13/1997
COMPLETED: 12/02/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AB53
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for
Sources Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitation
Guidelines; Pretreatment Standards; and New Source Performance
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/20/1997
COMPLETED: 10/09/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AC82
Comprehensive NPDES Stormwater Phase II Regulations
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/01/1997
COMPLETED: 12/12/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-WATER                    RIN: 2040-AB97
Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards for
the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/14/1997
COMPLETED: 11/07/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AB31
Environmental Protection Agency Radiation Site Cleanup
Regulation -- 40 CFR Part 196
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/15/1996
COMPLETED: 01/03/1997 Withdrawn by agency

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AF75
Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles and New Motor
Vehicle Engines: Voluntary Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/18/1996
COMPLETED: 03/08/1997 Consistent w/no change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD33
Emission Standards for New Locomotives and New Engines Used in
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/06/1996
COMPLETED: 01/31/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AG16
Transportation Conformity, Flexibility and Streamlining
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/15/1997
COMPLETED: 06/11/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE56
Revised Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
from New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/28/1997
COMPLETED: 06/29/1997 Consistent w/no change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AH20
Notice of Draft Source Category Listing for Section 112(d)(2)
Rulemaking to Comply with Section 112(c)(6) Requirements
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  06/06/1997
COMPLETED: 06/11/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD03
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for
Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft Soda, Sulfite, and
Stand-Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/20/1997
COMPLETED: 10/09/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AC62
Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Emission
Guidelines for Existing Sources: Hospital/Medical/Infectious
Waste Incinerators
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/25/1997
COMPLETED: 08/14/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE66
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/02/1997
COMPLETED: 07/16/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE57
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/02/1997
COMPLETED: 07/12/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AH50
Non-Road Diesel Engines (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  07/25/1997
COMPLETED: 08/26/1997 Consistent w/no change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AF76
Heavy-Duty Engines (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/29/1997
COMPLETED: 09/22/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AH10
Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for States in
the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) for Purposes of
Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/15/1997
COMPLETED: 10/03/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD33
Emission Standards for Locomotives and Locomotive Engines
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/01/1997
COMPLETED: 12/16/1997 Consistent with change

EPA-OPPTS                    RIN: 2070-AC71
Addition of Facilities in Certain Industry Sectors, Toxic
Chemical Release Reporting, Community Right-to-Know
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/27/1996
COMPLETED: 04/22/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Railroad Retirement Board

RRB                          RIN: 3220-AB23
Creditable Railroad Compensation
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/04/1996
COMPLETED: 03/19/1997 Returned (reconsider)

(Return to Agency List)

Small Business Administration

SBA                          RIN: 3245-AD84
Sale of Unguaranteed Portions of Loans (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/13/1997
COMPLETED: 02/20/1997 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Social Security Administration

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AE57
Determining Disability for an Individual under Age 18 --
Supplemental Security Income, SSA-625I (Final Rules with a
Request for Comments)
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/04/1997
COMPLETED: 02/05/1997 Consistent with change

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AE44
Report of Earnings under the Social Security Earnings Test
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule (N/C)
RECEIVED:  03/13/1997
COMPLETED: 03/21/1997 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Federal Acquisition Regulations

FAR                          RIN: 9000-AH58
Empowerment Contracting -- FAR Case 97-603
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/14/1997
COMPLETED: 04/14/1997 Consistent with change

FAR                          RIN: 9000-AH59
Reform of Affirmative Action in Federal Procurement -- FAR Case
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/16/1997
COMPLETED: 04/24/1997 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Run date: October 10, 2002