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Economically Significant Reviews Completed YTD

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
Executive Order Reviews Completed for
Economically Significant Regulations
from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996

List of Agencies

Choose a starting point in this report from the following:

Department of Agriculture

USDA-FAS                     RIN: 0551-AA30
Commodity Credit Corporation Supplier Credit Guarantee Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/20/1996
COMPLETED: 06/25/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FAS                     RIN: 0551-AA27
Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/15/1996
COMPLETED: 09/30/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE55
1996 Rice Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/19/1996
COMPLETED: 03/21/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE44
1995-Crop Sugarcane and Sugar Beet Price-Support Loan Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/26/1996
COMPLETED: 04/01/1996 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE81
Implementation of the Farm Program Provisions of the 1996 Farm
Bill (Mega-Reg) (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/14/1996
COMPLETED: 07/03/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE82
Peanut Poundage Quota Regulations -- 7 CFR Part 729
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  06/18/1996
COMPLETED: 07/03/1996 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE95
Conservation Reserve Program -- Long Term Policy
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/11/1996
COMPLETED: 09/17/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FSA                     RIN: 0560-AE43
1997 Crop Peanut National Poundage Quota, 1997 Crop Additional
Peanuts National Average Support Level and Minimum Commodity
Credit Corporation (CCC) Export Edible Sales Price for the 1997
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/13/1996
COMPLETED: 11/19/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FCIC                    RIN: 0563-AB09
Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/22/1996
COMPLETED: 08/07/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FCIC                    RIN: 0563-AB11
General Administrative Regulations; Federal Crop Insurance
Reform Act of 1994, Regulations for Implementation -- Subpart T
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/22/1996
COMPLETED: 08/07/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-NRCS                    RIN: 0578-AA19
Environmental Quality Incentives Program -- 7 CFR 1466 (Proposed
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  08/16/1996
COMPLETED: 10/08/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA71
Importation of Animals and Animal Products -- APHIS Docket
Number 94-106-1
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/16/1996
COMPLETED: 03/25/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-APHIS                   RIN: 0579-AA83
Karnal Bunt APHIS Docket Number: 96-016-14
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  10/01/1996
COMPLETED: 10/01/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FSIS                    RIN: 0583-AB69
Pathogen Reduction, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) Systems
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/20/1996
COMPLETED: 07/03/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FNS                     RIN: 0584-AB76
Certification Provisions of the Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger
Relief Act, Food Stamp Program
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/30/1996
COMPLETED: 07/29/1996 Consistent w/no change

USDA-FNS                     RIN: 0584-AB38
Food Stamp Program: 1995 Quality Control Technical Amendments
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/20/1996
COMPLETED: 08/19/1996 Consistent with change

USDA-FNS                     RIN: 0584-AC42
Child and Adult Care Food Program: Improved Targeting of Day
Care Home Reimbursements
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/24/1996
COMPLETED: 12/26/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Commerce

DOC-NOAA                     RIN: 0648-AH70
Amendment 7 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Northeast
Multispecies Fishery (Proposed Rule)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  02/20/1996
COMPLETED: 02/22/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOC-NOAA                     RIN: 0648-AI94
Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan, Amendment 7
(Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/22/1996
COMPLETED: 05/31/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOC-BIS                      RIN: 0694-AB36
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Reform of
Computer Export Controls, Establishment of General License G-CTP
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/21/1995
COMPLETED: 01/02/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOC-BIS                      RIN: 0694-AB09
Licensing of Commercial Communications Satellites Transferred
from the U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Control List,
Expansion of National Security and Foreign Policy Controls
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/19/1996
COMPLETED: 09/20/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOC-BIS                      RIN: 0694-AB09
Encryption Items Transferred from the U.S. Munitions List to the
Commerce Control List
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/23/1996
COMPLETED: 12/23/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Education

ED-OPE                       RIN: 1840-AC36
Student Assistance General Provisions -- Financial Responsibility
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/12/1996
COMPLETED: 09/13/1996 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Health and Human Services

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA24
General Preamble and Proposed Alternative Approaches to
Mammography Quality Standards
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/01/1996
COMPLETED: 03/01/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA19
Food Labeling, Nutrition Labeling, Small Business Exemption
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/11/1996
COMPLETED: 06/13/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA09
Medical Devices: Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP),
Quality System Regulation (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/13/1996
COMPLETED: 08/30/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA48
Regulations Restricting the Sale and Distribution of Cigarettes
and Smokeless Tobacco to Protect Children and Adolescents
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/13/1996
COMPLETED: 08/22/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-FDA                      RIN: 0910-AA91
Substances Prohibited From Use in Animal Food or Feed; Animal
Proteins Prohibited in Ruminant Feed
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  09/09/1996
COMPLETED: 12/11/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH30
Medicaid Program: Limitations on Aggregate Payments to
Disproportionate Share Hospitals, Federal Fiscal Year 1996
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  04/11/1996
COMPLETED: 04/29/1996 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH34
Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems
and Fiscal Year 1997 Rates
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/31/1996
COMPLETED: 05/31/1996 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH40
Medicare Program, Revisions to Payment Policies under the
Physician Fee Schedule for Calender Year 1997 -- BPD-852-P
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/26/1996
COMPLETED: 06/26/1996 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH54
Medicare Program, Schedule of Limits on Home Health Agency Costs
Per Visit for Cost Reporting Periods Beginning On or After July
1, 1996
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  06/26/1996
COMPLETED: 06/27/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH44
Final Limitations on Aggregate Payments to Disproportionate
Share Hospitals, FFY 1996 -- MB-100-N
STAGE: Notice
RECEIVED:  08/19/1996
COMPLETED: 09/12/1996 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH34
Medicare Program; Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System and Fiscal Year 1997 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/26/1996
COMPLETED: 08/26/1996 Consistent with change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AH34
Medicare Program; Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System and Fiscal Year 1997 Rates
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/29/1996
COMPLETED: 08/29/1996 Consistent w/no change

HHS-CMS                      RIN: 0938-AF74
Requirement for Physician Incentive Plans in Prepaid Health Care
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/24/1996
COMPLETED: 12/26/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2501-AB57
Requirements for Notification, Evaluation, and Reduction of
Lead-Based Paint in Federally Owned Residential Property and
Housing Receiving Federal Assistance -- FR-3482
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/19/1995
COMPLETED: 04/09/1996 Withdrawn by agency

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2501-AB57
Requirements for Notification, Evaluation, and Reduction of
Lead-Based Paint in Federally Owned Residential Property and
Housing Receiving Federal Assistance -- FR-3482
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/08/1996
COMPLETED: 05/13/1996 Consistent w/no change

HUD-OH                       RIN: 2502-AG72
Single-Family Mortgage Insurance, Loss Mitigation Procedures
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/31/1996
COMPLETED: 06/10/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of the Interior

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AD69
Migratory Bird Hunting, Proposed 1996-1997 Migratory Game Bird
Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) with Requests for Indian
Tribal Proposals
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/15/1996
COMPLETED: 03/19/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AD69
Migratory Bird Hunting, Final Frameworks for Early-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/22/1996
COMPLETED: 08/24/1996 Consistent with change

DOI-FWS                      RIN: 1018-AD69
Migratory Bird Hunting, Final Frameworks for Late-Season
Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  09/19/1996
COMPLETED: 09/20/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Justice

DOJ-INS                      RIN: 1115-AE47
Inspection and Expedited Removal of Aliens; Detention and
Removal of Aliens; Conduct of Removal Proceedings; Asylum
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/17/1996
COMPLETED: 12/23/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Labor

DOL-ESA                      RIN: 1215-AA78
Service Contract Act, Labor Standards for Federal Service
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/25/1996
COMPLETED: 04/26/1996 Consistent w/no change

DOL-ESA                      RIN: 1215-AA78
Service Contract Act, Labor Standards for Federal Service
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/07/1996
COMPLETED: 10/21/1996 Consistent with change

DOL-ESA                      RIN: 1215-AA78
Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts -- 29 CFR Part 4
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/24/1996
COMPLETED: 12/24/1996 Consistent with change

DOL-OSHA                     RIN: 1218-AA98
Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/18/1996
COMPLETED: 10/21/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Transportation

DOT-FHWA                     RIN: 2125-AD93
Hours of Service for Drivers -- ANPRM
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED:  08/29/1996
COMPLETED: 09/18/1996 Consistent with change

DOT-NHTSA                    RIN: 2127-AF16
Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Year 1998
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/28/1996
COMPLETED: 03/29/1996 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Department of Veterans Affairs

VA                           RIN: 2900-AH66
Payment for Outpatient and Ancillary Medical Services Provided
by Non-VA Providers
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  05/28/1996
COMPLETED: 08/26/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AE22
Requirements for Management of Hazardous Contaminated Media
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  10/09/1995
COMPLETED: 03/26/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AE01
Proposed Revised Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustors
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/04/1995
COMPLETED: 03/17/1996 Deadline case

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AD38
Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III; Decharacterized
Wastewaters, Carbamate Wastes, and Spent Aluminum Potliners
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/29/1996
COMPLETED: 02/15/1996 Deadline case

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AD26
Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management
Programs under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  02/13/1996
COMPLETED: 05/23/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AB80
Corrective Action for Releases from Solid Waste Management Units
of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities
STAGE: Prerule
RECEIVED:  02/23/1996
COMPLETED: 03/08/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-SWER                     RIN: 2050-AD04
Financial Assurance Mechanisms for Local Government Owners and
Operators of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities
STAGE: Final Rule (N/C)
RECEIVED:  07/01/1996
COMPLETED: 09/30/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AD68
Regulations for Implementing the Federal Operating Permits
Program of the Clean Air Act
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  01/23/1996
COMPLETED: 05/02/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AA61
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides (Sulfur
Dioxide), Final Decision
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  03/01/1996
COMPLETED: 03/08/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AF76
Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from Highway Heavy-Duty
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  03/15/1996
COMPLETED: 06/12/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AG16
Transportation Conformity Rule Amendment and Solicitation for
Participation in the Transportation Conformity Pilot Program
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/17/1996
COMPLETED: 05/28/1996 Consistent w/no change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AG16
Transportation Conformity Rule Amendments: Flexibility and
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  04/17/1996
COMPLETED: 05/28/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AG06
Certification Standards for Deposit Control Gasoline
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/16/1996
COMPLETED: 06/20/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE54
New Gasoline Spark Ignition and Diesel Compression-Ignition
Marine Engines; Exclusions for Non-Road Compression Ignition
Engines and New Non-Road Ignition Engines (Final Rule)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/12/1996
COMPLETED: 07/30/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AF48
Acid Rain Phase II Nitrogen Oxides Emission Reduction (Final
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  07/22/1996
COMPLETED: 10/21/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE27
Revisions to the Federal Test Procedures for Emissions from
Motor Vehicles (Final Regulations)
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  08/05/1996
COMPLETED: 08/15/1996 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE57
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone (Proposed
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/04/1996
COMPLETED: 11/26/1996 Deadline case

EPA-AR                       RIN: 2060-AE66
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
(Proposed Decision)
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  11/04/1996
COMPLETED: 11/26/1996 Deadline case

EPA-OPPTS                    RIN: 2070-AC46
Pesticides and Ground Water State Management Plan
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/07/1995
COMPLETED: 06/12/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-OPPTS                    RIN: 2070-AC64
Lead: Requirements for Lead-Based Paint Activities in Target
Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  04/29/1996
COMPLETED: 07/28/1996 Consistent with change

EPA-OPPTS                    RIN: 2070-AC71
Addition of Facilities in Certain Industry Sectors; Toxic
Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right-to-Know
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  06/17/1996
COMPLETED: 06/26/1996 Consistent with change

(Return to Agency List)

General Services Administration

GSA                          RIN: 3090-AD42
Federal Property Management: Public Buildings and Space, Space
Utilization and Assignment -- Control No. 95-13A
STAGE: Interim Final Rule
RECEIVED:  12/06/1995
COMPLETED: 07/12/1996 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Social Security Administration

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AE31
Cycling Payment of Social Security Benefits
STAGE: Proposed Rule
RECEIVED:  12/04/1995
COMPLETED: 01/22/1996 Consistent with change

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AE31
Cycling Payment of Social Security Benefits
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  05/20/1996
COMPLETED: 07/29/1996 Withdrawn by agency

SSA                          RIN: 0960-AE31
Cycling Payment of Social Security Benefits
STAGE: Final Rule
RECEIVED:  11/13/1996
COMPLETED: 12/09/1996 Consistent w/no change

(Return to Agency List)

Run date: October 10, 2002