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The International Trade Process Streamlining (ITPS) portal, makes it easy for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to obtain the information and documents needed to conduct business abroad.

There are currently 24 million businesses and 225,139 small to medium-sized businesses that export.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of agencies providing export content to 100% As of 12/31/07 100% 100% 100%
100% As of 6/07
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 9/06

11 out of a total of 11 Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) agencies have provided international sales related information to There are 19 ITPS agencies, but only 11 of them have export related content (international sales related information).

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
# of registered businesses on 39,898 As of 12/31/07 35,701 41,222 Positive Growth
38,039 As of 9/07
36,065 As of 6/07
33,431 As of 3/07
29,751 As of 9/06
Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
# of visits to per month 488,983 10/06 to 12/31/07 520,381 614,158 Positive Growth
515,202 As of 9/07
519,744 10/06 to 6/07
506,124 10/06 to 3/07
371,701 FY06

Average monthy vists from 10/06 thru 9/07.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Trade leads accessed to trade leads posted on 351 10/06 to 12/31/07 84 237 Positive Growth
215 As of 9/07
197 10/06 to 6/07
168 10/06 to 3/07
76 FY06

From 10/06 thru 9/07 - 1,332 trade leads were viewed a total of 286,289 times. On average, each trade lead was accessed 215 times.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction with 84% As of 12/31/07 80% 80% 80%
82% As of 6/07
80% As of 6/07
80% As of 3/07
80% As of 9/06

82% of respondents to survey issued by ITPS rated the usability of as “good” or “above average”. Survey developed by the initiative.

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