Skip to main content E-Gov logo Powering America's future with technology. creates a single point of access for citizens to locate information on federal loan programs, and improves back-office loan functions.

The audience consists of 215 million adult citizens potentially interested in loan programs.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Federal agencies with loan programs on 100% As of 3/31/08 100% 100% 100%
100% As of 1/31/08
100% As of 9/30/07
100% As of 7/07
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 9/06

6 out of a total of 6 partner agencies have programs on A partner agency is defined through the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) as having loan programs for individuals.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of loan programs on 100% As of 3/31/08 100% 100% 100%
100% As of 1/31/08
100% As of 9/30/07
100% As of 7/07
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 11/06

37 out of a total of 37 loan programs are available on

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of transfers from and to partner agency sites per month 42% As of 3/31/08 39% 41% 45%
39% As of 1/31/08
39% As of 9/30/07
39% As of 7/07
38% Q1 FY07
22% FY06

Average monthly transfers over the period/average monthly visits over the period where a transfer occurs when a visitor accesses agency-provided benefit programs through search tools and links provided by

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
# of visits to per month 42,000 As of Q2 FY08 23,177 40,314 Positive Growth
37,526 As of 1/31/08
36,641 As of 9/30/07
43,430 As of 7/07
29,875 Q1 FY07
21,070 FY06

Average number of visits to GovLoans per month over the period.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction with 65 As of Q2 FY08 Not Available Not Available Not Available
65 As of 1/31/08
65 As of 9/30/07
65 As of 7/07
62 As of 3/07

Customer satisfaction is measured on a scale of 0-100 using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). This is an aggregate score for GovBenefits and GovLoans.

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