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Disaster Management helps citizens and members of the emergency management community at the local, tribal, state, and Federal levels by improving public safety response through more effective and efficient interoperable data communications and serves as a unified point of access to disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery information.

There are 60,000 law enforcement, fire and emergency medical service (EMS) agencies nationwide.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY08 Target Description/Context
# of COGS (Collaborative Operations Groups) in DMIS 2,024 As of 12/07 2,523  
# of first responders trained to use DMIS tools 5,060 As of 12/07 6,811 A majority of the training is train-the-trainer, so this measure is updated based on a fixed percentage estimated based on the number of COGS.
% of U.S. counties leveraging DMIS tools 27% As of 12/07 Not Available 805 out of 3,225 counties are leveraging DMIS tools.
# of data messaging standards adopted by the major vendors of emergency management tools facilitated by Disaster Management 2 As of 12/07 4 Data Messaging Standards are Extensible Markup Language (XML), the universal format for structured documents and data on the Web.
% of active Disaster Management Interoperability Services (DMIS) software users 49% As of 12/07 69% 483 out of a total of 1013 DMIS operating groups are active. An active operating group is one who has used the site at least 5 times over the last 12 months.
# of registered users to 98,530 As of 12/07 95,049  
Customer satisfaction Not Available Not Available Not Available  

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