To facilitate efforts to transform the Federal Government to one that is citizen-centered, results-oriented, and market-based, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is developing the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), a business-based framework for Government-wide improvement.
The FEA is being constructed through a collection of interrelated “reference models” designed to facilitate cross-agency analysis and the identification of duplicative investments, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration within and across Federal Agencies.
In contrast to many failed “architecture” efforts in the past, the FEA is entirely business-driven. Its foundation is the Business Reference Model, which describes the government’s Lines of Business and its services to the citizen independent of the agencies and offices involved. This business-based foundation provides a common framework for improvement in a variety of key areas:
- Budget Allocation
- Horizontal and Vertical Information Sharing
- Performance Measurement
- Budget / Performance Integration
- Cross-Agency Collaboration
- E-Government
- Component-Based Architectures
- and more...
On February 6, 2002 the development of a Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) commenced. Led by OMB, the purpose of this effort is to identify opportunities to simplify processes and unify work across the agencies and within the lines of business of the Federal Government. The outcome of this effort will be a more citizen-centered, customer-focused government that maximizes technology investments to better achieve mission outcomes.
Related Links:
Consolidated Reference Model
This document provides the most current FEA reference model information and combines them (in their entirety) into one document. This document replaces any versions of the reference models from previous years.
Download Now (PDF, 448kb)FY07 Reference Model Revisions Summary (Draft)
This document introduces the FY07 Reference Model Revisons Summary and highlights the changes made to the reference models since the FY07 budget formulation process.
Download Now (PDF, 100kb)FY07 Reference Model Revisions Summary Appendix: Business Reference Model (Draft)
This document provides the complete list of Business Reference Model codes for the FY07 budget formulation process.
Download Now (PDF, 147kb)2005-2006 FEA PMO Action Plan
This document outlines the vision, mission, and goals of the FEA. It also describes the strategic initiatives the FEA PMO will be pursuing during 2005 and 2006.
Download Now (PDF, 398kb)
To find the Enterprise Architecture Reference Models and the Assessment
Framework please visit our documents section at the following link: Documents Section
Interagency collaboration and development of component-based
applications is expedited through, the Component Organization and
Registration Environment. This component resource registry/repository is where
inter- and intra-agency user teams register processes, capabilities, case
studies, best practices, documentation, and software they have developed or
modified together in a collaborative environment or at other
government-sponsored organizations.’s resources can be usefully
shared or reused by multiple agencies; provide a good return on agencies IT
investment portfolio; and align with the FEA
Reference Models. encourages users to submit candidate components. Web site
FEA maintenance and upkeep
process is greatly facilitated through the use of an Internet-based automated
EA repository and analysis tool - the Federal Enterprise Architecture
Management System (FEAMS). In the future, agencies will be given access to
FEAMS and use it in both capital planning and architecture development efforts.
The Federal Enterprise Architecture reference models and related information
are being stored in FEAMS. FEAMS currently includes general information on
Agencies’ major information technology (IT) initiatives, and aligns the
initiatives to the BRM Lines of Business they support. It is
OMB’s goal that the
FEAMS eventually include information on all of the capital assets in which
Federal Agencies invest.
FEAMS Web site