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Explanation of Ramadan Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation

Hosting a dinner celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, President George W. Bush addresses ambassadors from Islamic nations and other distinguished guests in the State Room Nov. 19. "America has close and important relations with many Islamic nations So it is fitting for America to honor your friendship and the traditions of a great faith by hosting this Iftaar at the White House," said the President in his remarks. White House photo by Tina Hager.

Ongoing thru Ramadan Voice of America: will air all presidential messages and speeches in multiple languages, as well as information on all Ramadan events with the President or cabinet officers; broadcast a series of programs looking at how Ramadan is practiced in the U.S.; devote VOA’s popular call-in show (radio, TV and Internet) to Muslim scholars discussing Islam and Ramadan. (Voice of America)

November 6
Assistant Secretary Burns hosts Iftaar dinner for 50 female political leaders from the Middle East and North Africa (State)

November 7
President Bush hosts Iftaar Dinner for Organization of the Islamic Conference Diplomatic Corps and Muslim-Americans. (NSC and OPL)

November 11
Secretary Evans hosts Iftaar Dinner in Morocco. (Embassy Rabat)

November 14
Senior DOD official attends Iftaar event at Pentagon organized by American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Council. (Defense)

November 18
Secretary Powell hosts Iftaar Dinner at State Department.

December 6
President Bush issues Eid al-Fitr Message to Muslim-Americans. Also reproduced for distribution to foreign audiences, as appropriate. (Drafted by Presidential Messages and out for clearance in the WH)

December 6
Eid al-Fitr event with President Bush. [Location TBD] (NSC and OPL)

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