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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 4, 2007
Fact Sheet: U.s.-Australia Alliance: Steadfast and Growing
U.S.-Australia Alliance: Steadfast and Growing
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Today Reaffirmed The Strength Of The U.S-Australia Alliance. This pivotal Alliance, based on a long-shared history of standing together for freedom and democracy, is still growing stronger.
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Signed A New U.S.-Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty That Will Strengthen Our Already Robust Alliance. The treaty will reduce barriers to the exchange of defense goods, services, and information between Australia and the United States, increasing interoperability and providing our forces with the most effective means to counter new threats. The Treaty will also help our respective defense industries share their rich technical expertise and increase collaboration and communication between the industries and armed forces.
Nowhere Is The Importance Of Strong U.S.-Australia Ties More Apparent Than In Iraq And Afghanistan. Shortly after September 11, Prime Minister Howard invoked the ANZUS Treaty s mutual defense provisions, deployed Australian troops to fight alongside American forces in the early combat phases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Australia has been an unwavering supporter of the War on Terror ever since. Australia now has more than 1,500 members of its armed forces committed to the war in Iraq and roughly 970 military personnel in Afghanistan.
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Agreed On The Benefits Of Open Markets And The Need For An Integrated Approach To Climate Change, Energy Security, and Clean Development.
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Affirmed Their Shared Commitment To A Successful Outcome To The Doha Round, To Strengthening Trans-Pacific Economic Ties, And To Further Liberalizing Trade And Investment In The Region, Including By Working Towards A Free Trade Area Of The Asia-Pacific. The 2004 U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement is a concrete manifestation of our shared economic goals and commitment to open markets and shared prosperity, and our bilateral trade increased by 19 percent over the first two years the agreement was in force.
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Share The View That Climate Change Must Be Addressed Together With Energy Security, Economic Growth, And Sustainable Development. The keys to a lasting solution are the development of efficient energy technologies and the involvement of all major economies. Prime Minister Howard and President Bush released a joint statement on climate change that reflects their shared vision.
The United States And Australia Signed A Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan In Support Of The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership. This non-binding agreement will enhance civilian nuclear energy cooperation between our countries with the goal of expanding peaceful uses of nuclear energy worldwide in a safe, secure, and more proliferation-resistant manner.
President Bush And Prime Minister Howard Committed To Support The Increasingly Strong Cultural And Personal Ties Of Our Two Nations.
The U.S.-Australia twelve-month work and travel program, scheduled to go into effect on October 31, 2007, will allow American and Australian post-secondary students and recent graduates to work and travel in Australia or the U.S. for up to one year.
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