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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 31, 2007
President Bush Congratulates John Warner on Senate Career
John Warner is one of the most dedicated Senators in American history. Five Presidents have relied on his steady judgment, wise counsel, and candid advice. With Senator Warner's retirement, the Senate will lose one of its most independent and widely-respected voices and the Commonwealth of Virginia will lose one of its fiercest advocates.
John Warner has served our country in many roles throughout his distinguished career, always putting the American people's needs first. He enlisted in the Navy shortly before his 18th birthday and chose to interrupt his law studies to commence a second tour of active military duty as an officer in the Marine Corps, volunteering for duty in Korea. He went on to practice law, serve as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, and serve as Secretary of the Navy before his election to the Senate. Our Military had no greater friend than Senator Warner during his service as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Forces.
I look forward to working with Senator Warner in the coming months as we assess the situation in Iraq and pursue policies to keep our country safe.
John Warner is a true statesman. Laura and I wish Senator Warner, his wife Jeanne, and the rest of his family all the best.
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