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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 17, 2007

Statement by the President

      In Focus: Honoring Our Veterans


Jim Nicholson has served his country and his fellow veterans with distinction. I appreciate his willingness to serve and his leadership as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

For over two and a half years, Jim has worked to improve the federal government's ability to care for our Nation's veterans. As our troops continue to fight in the Global War on Terror, Jim has led innovative efforts to ensure that the Department of Veterans Affairs is better prepared to address the challenges facing our newest generation of heroes after they return home. He has also launched a major information technology transformation in the VA that has strengthened the Department's ability to protect patient health information. As a veteran, as a son of a veteran, and as a father of a veteran, Jim should be especially proud of his service to those who have worn America's uniform.

I also appreciate Jim's service as U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, where he championed human dignity and freedom for people throughout the world.

I thank Jim for his friendship and his leadership during this historic time. Laura and I wish Jim and Suzanne all the best.

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