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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 8, 2007
Fact Sheet: A Record of Commitment to Africa
Infocus: Africa
Infocus: HIV/AIDS
U.S. Plans To Substantially Increase Resources For Fight Against Global HIV/AIDS
Today, Leaders Of Industrialized Nations Discussed Africa At The G-8 Summit In Heiligendamm, Germany. President and Mrs. Bush and other world leaders concluded the three-day G-8 Summit, which was hosted by German Chancellor Merkel. At the Summit, G-8 leaders demonstrated their commitment to work with Africa to facilitate opportunity and conflict resolution and to combat the scourge of infectious diseases.
President Bush Plans To Double America's Commitment To Fight Global HIV/AIDS
President Bush Has Announced A Five-Year, $30 Billion Plan To Substantially Increase America's Commitment To Fight Global HIV/AIDS. The President will work with Congress to reauthorize the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and double the initial $15 billion commitment, already the largest international health initiative dedicated to a specific disease. Assuming Congress meets the President's request for Fiscal Year 2008, and with the new $30 billion plan, the American people have committed $48.3 billion across 10 years to fight global HIV/AIDS.
The President's Malaria Initiative Is Saving Lives
The President's Malaria Initiative Is Combating Malaria In Fifteen Of The Hardest-Hit African Countries. President Bush announced the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) in June 2005. A five-year, $1.2 billion program, PMI challenges the private sector to join the U.S. government in combating malaria, with the goal of cutting malaria's mortality rate by 50 percent in these target countries, freeing these African nations and their citizens from the grip of debilitating disease.
The Africa Financial Sector Initiative Will Address Gaps In Financing Sources Available To African Businesses
The Africa Financial Sector Initiative (AFSI) Will Strengthen Financial Markets, Mobilize Domestic And Foreign Investment, And Help Spur Job Creation And Economic Growth In Africa. This initiative is expected to mobilize up to $1 billion in privately-managed investment funds for Africa and provide expert technical assistance specifically tailored to help address structural impediments in Africa's financial sector.
The U.S. Is Expanding Education For The World's Poorest Children
Last Week, President Bush Announced A Plan To Expand Education Assistance For Children In The World’s Poorest Countries. The President will work closely with Congress to provide an additional $525 million over five years to promote the full development of human potential in partner countries around the world. This plan has three components:
This Plan Will Draw On Partnerships With The Private Sector, Including Business And Non-Governmental Organization Leaders, Local Communities, And Parents, To Further Expand Its Impact.
The U.S. Is On Track To Meet Its Goal Of Doubling Assistance To Sub-Saharan Africa
At The Gleneagles G-8 Summit In 2005, President Bush Announced That The United States Would Double Assistance To Sub-Saharan Africa Between 2004 And 2010 To $8.67 Billion. The United States is on track to meet that goal with a preliminary estimate of $6.5 billion of bilateral and multilateral assistance in 2006.
To Help Build On The Success Of The President's Development Agenda, Mrs. Bush Will Visit Senegal, Mozambique, Zambia, And Mali On June 25-29, 2007. While in Africa, Mrs. Bush will meet with community leaders and visit participants in PEPFAR, PMI, and USAID's Africa Education Initiative programs.
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