For Immediate Release
Office of the First Lady
June 18, 2004
Remarks by First Lady Laura Bush at Reach Out and Read Gala
Franklin Institute of Science Museum Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 17, 2004
6:45 P.M. EDT
MRS. BUSH: Stefon presented me with Arthur in a Pickle --
(laughter) -- by Mark Brown, who I took -- Mark Brown the author, I
took with me to a book festival that Ludmilla Putin had in Russia. And
he couldn't speak Russian. But his great pictures, he drew these
teriffic pictures, and the children, Russian children, didn't need a
So I want to tell Mark Brown that he's Stefon's favorite author. I
know Mark Brown would be very, very moved.
Thank you very, very much, Stefon, for that great introduction.
And thank you, Dr. Haecker. She told me that you are a great reader
and I can see that she's right. In fact, I heard that Stefon recently
won the Reading Achievement Award in school for being such a great
reader. Congratulations, Stefon. (Applause.)
Thank you, thanks to everyone here for your warm welcome to
Philadelphia, the birthplace of America. This city is full of history
and historical landmarks, where right here we're presided over by
Benjamin Franklin, where you've got the Liberty Bell, Independence
Hall, the Art Museum, and of course, Pat and Gino's! (Laughter.)
I'm sad that my good friends, Dr. Barry Zuckerman -- who actually
is responsible for developing Reach Out and Read -- Dr. Perri Klass
couldn't make it today. We heard they sat on the runway in Boston for
about five hours. And I know they are really disappointed not to be
here to thank each one of you personally. But, Dr. Haecker, thanks to
you very much for your commitment to the children of Philadelphia.
I appreciate the many volunteers who read to children at Reach Out
and Read clinics, and a special thanks to all of the corporate sponsors
from the public sector as well, and the private sector, who are our
supporters tonight. I'm thrilled that you've joined the ranks of
Philadelphia's medical professionals in setting a new standard for
pediatric health care. You set an inspiring example for all
I also try to set an example through my work. And according to
some kindergarten students, I do some pretty extraordinary things.
Their teacher asked them to write and tell me what I do every day, and
these were some of their responses, and they give an indication of the
wide range of my responsibilities.
A little girl named Shelby wrote that I help the President with his
paperwork and then I help him clean his office. And I take care of him
when he's sick and put cold cloths on his head. (Laughter.) Shelby
wasn't the only child concerned about the President's health. Megan
said that I spend my time -- I feed the dogs, I plant the daffodils and
I do the President's speeches when he isn't feeling well. (Laughter.)
On the other hand, Todd thinks that there's more manual labor involved
in my job -- but that I always look good doing it. He wrote that I
wear pretty suits and I shovel the snow and feed the birds.
(Laughter.) I'm so grateful that summer has arrived and I could put
away my snow shovel. (Laughter.)
Of course, what I really get to do are events like tonight. Reach
Out and Read is one of my favorite programs and I'm so glad to be here
tonight to talk to you about it and to encourage you to recruit more
people to become involved in Reach Out and Read. Reach Out and Read
really makes sure that we can have healthy beginnings and bright
futures for America's children. And we know that books and reading are
essential for both.
For more than 15 years, Reach Out and Read has touched the lives of
millions of children. Their mission is simple, and that's to make
reading a lifelong joy for every child and every family. Pediatricians
know that reading to children is the best medicine for their cognitive
and language development. It paves the way for their success in
school, and it provides quality time for families.
President Bush and I are lucky to have had parents who read to us
and taught us to love books from an early age. Some of my fondest
memories from childhood are those times that I spent with my mother,
the times I spent with her and the books that we shared when she read
to me. And, of course, I loved reading Good Night Moon and the Runaway
Bunny to Barbara and Jenna. Those of you who have children or
grandchildren know that the best way to quiet fidgety toddlers is to
pull out a good book -- or maybe three or four good books.
My girls loved story time, although reading didn't always quiet
them. Maybe that's because their father encouraged the girls to take
Dr. Seuss's Hop on Pop literally. (Laughter.) The President would lie
on the floor while he read Hop on Pop to the girls and the girls would
act out the story and jump up and down on him. This was not a
research-proven method for teaching reading -- (laughter) -- but our
girls learned to love books. And this love has grown throughout their
Sadly, some children are not read to, and many do not have books of
their own. Here in Philadelphia, the majority of children who live in
low-income homes have an average of less than one book. Many children
have parents who don't take time to read with them. And some have
parents who can't read at all. Mothers in Philadelphia between the
ages of 17 and 21 read, on average, at the sixth grade level. Yet
studies show that a parent's educational level is the single most
important determining factor in a child's success in school. For many
children, the joy of books and reading are never known. Children from
middle income homes in Philadelphia enter school with up to 1700 hours
of one-to-one experiences with books. Children from low income
families have 25 hours. And for them, learning to read can be a
These statistics are conclusive proof of why Reach Out and Read is
so important. I first became aware of Reach Out and Read when my
husband was governor of Texas. In 1997, I helped launch the first
program site in the state and later worked to establish a state Reach
Out and Read office. That prescription for reading that doctors give
to children and their caregivers adds the authority of the medical
community to literacy. Reach Out and Read prepares children for a
lifetime of learning. Reading is the bond between caregivers and
children, and it helps break the cycle of family illiteracy.
We know that the developing brain is shaped by the stimulation of
language, words, repetition and reading. The size of a toddler's
vocabulary is strongly correlated to the amount of time adults spend
talking to a child. Educators consider reading aloud to young children
to be the single most important activity to promote success in reading
and learning in school. In fact -- and I think this is very
interesting -- reading scores in the tenth grade can be predicted with
surprising accuracy based on a child's knowledge of the alphabet in
kindergarten. That's why it's so important to read to babies every day
starting as early as six months. Research shows that babies who grow
up in a language-rich environment, where they are read to, sung to and
told stories to, demonstrate higher reading skills than other
children. And this is true regardless of their family income.
When parents hold their children in their laps and read to them,
they teach children that reading is important and that they also teach
them that they're important. Parents who are given a picture book and a
prescription for reading by their child's physician are four times more
likely to read out loud to their children. And doctors say that many
parents report that reading aloud is both theirs and their child's
favorite activity.
Pediatricians who prescribe reading are not just helping children
learn to love books and reading, but they're helping parents as well.
Dr. Donna Bacchi, a pediatrician at Texas Tech University in Lubbock,
Texas, started a reading program there in her practice. And she told
me that she just thought she would practice the very first
prescription. So she had a little patient who came in with asthma. So
she talked with the boy's mother about the importance of reading to
them and she showed the mother how to hold the baby and the book. And
then after a few minutes, the mom whispered in Dr. Bacchi's ear,
Doctor, I can't.
Fortunately, Dr. Bacchi was prepared. She knew a literacy provider
in the little rural town this woman was from in West Texas, and so she
was able to let that woman go to this literacy provider so she could
learn to read stories to her child, and she could also read the labels
on her child's asthma medication. What an extraordinary opportunity to
end illiteracy for one family and to enrich their lives with reading.
This is exactly what Reach Out and Read is doing for children and
their families in Philadelphia. The program is a success because
parents trust their pediatricians -- because doctors can identify
reading problems early -- and Reach Out and Read is a success because
of each one of you. With your continued support, Reach Out and Read
can meet its goal of launching 1500 new program sites in the next five
years. This expansion will build the libraries and the love of reading
for a million more children.
There are many ways you can support Reach Out and Read. You can
sponsor a child in the program. You can hold a book drive or a book
fair in your neighborhood, or you can volunteer to read to children at
a Reach Out and Read site. You can even encourage pediatricians to
implement an early childhood reading program in their office.
We all have the responsibility to prepare children for success in
school and for a lifetime of learning. Children are small for such a
short time in their lives. Their minds are like little sponges in
those first years. And there's no better time to put them in your lap
and share the magic of a good book. All children need books and
somebody to read with. It's incumbent upon us to ensure that they
become the readers and the leaders of tomorrow.
A bright little boy once said, I love reading books because reading
makes you smart. Stefon knows the benefits of books and reading.
Every child should have a chance to know that. And thanks to you, the
children of Philadelphia will.
Thank you all very, very much. (Applause.)
END 6:55 P.M. EDT