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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 8, 2003
Fact Sheet: Request for Additional FY 2004 Funding for the War on Terror
In his address to the Nation, President Bush announced his intention to submit a request to Congress for additional funds to pay for military and intelligence operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere in the war on terror, and to help pay for the reconstruction of both nations.
Most of these funds ($66 billion) are dedicated to give our men and women in uniform the resources they need to succeed in their missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the war on terror. The remainder of the funds ($21 billion) are dedicated to helping to build safe, stable, and self-governing societies in these nations ravaged by decades of misrule.
The Administration intends to consult with the leadership and relevant committees of Congress on the final form and content of this request prior to submitting proposed legislation.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
The request will include roughly $51 billion to support ongoing
military operations in Iraq. America's armed forces continue to
play a critical role in bringing peace and stability to Iraq,
and in eradicating the remaining remnants of the Saddam Hussein regime
and fighting the terrorist threat. The Administration is committed to
providing our troops with the resources and equipment they need to
complete their mission.
Iraqi Reconstruction
The Administration will request $20 billion to help
secure Iraq's transition to self-government and create the
conditions necessary for economic investment and investment. After
decades of malign neglect and corruption by the Saddam Hussein regime,
the needs are enormous and urgent. Initial estimates are that Iraq
will need between $50-75 billion to achieve these conditions for
The Administration and the international community expect Iraqi oil and other revenues and recovered assets to contribute to meeting these needs, the U.S. contribution is designed to have an immediate and significant impact on security and sectors critical to stability and growth. Nations in the region and the rest of the world share an interest in a free Iraq, and the Administration expects the international community to assume its role in ensuring that Iraq becomes a free and self-governing nation.
Operation Enduring Freedom
America's armed forces continue to hunt down remnants of the
Taliban regime and al-Qaida members in Afghanistan, while also
providing security and stability that are needed to help the Afghan
people rebuild their nations shattered by decades of war and misrule.
Acceleration of Afghan Reconstruction
The Administration will reallocate nearly $400 million from
existing accounts to accelerate progress in Afghanistan. The request
will seek an additional $800 million to address some of the most
critical remaining security and reconstruction needs. This is in
addition to the $1.8 billion previously appropriated for relief and
reconstruction, and the $5 billion so far pledged by the international
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