For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 31, 2003
Remarks by the President to the People of Poland
May 31, 2003
Wawel Royal Castle
Krakow, Poland
12:18 P.M. (L)
THE PRESIDENT: My friend, Mr. President. It's really good to be
with you again and, of course, the First Lady. Mr. Prime Minister,
Your Eminence, distinguished guests, citizens of Poland. I'm honored
to be in the city of Krakow, where so many landmarks give witness to
Poland's history and Poland's faith.
From this castle, Polish kings ruled for centuries in a tradition
of tolerance. Below this hill lies the market square, where Kosciuszko
swore loyalty to the first democratic constitution of Europe. And at
Wawel Cathedral in 1978, a Polish Cardinal began his journey to a
conclave in Rome, and entered history as Pope John Paul II -- one of
the greatest moral leaders of our time. (Applause.)
In all the tests and hardship Poland has known, the soul of the
Polish people has always been strong. Mrs. Bush and I are pleased to
make our second visit to this beautiful country, and we bring with us
the friendship and the good wishes of the American people. (Applause.)
In Warsaw two years ago, I affirmed the commitment of my country to
a united Europe, bound to America by close ties of history, of commerce
and of friendship. I said that Europe must finally overturn the bitter
legacy of Yalta and remove the false boundaries and spheres of
influence that divided this continent for too long.
We have acted on this commitment. Poland, the United States and
our allies have agreed to extend NATO eastward and southward, bringing
the peace and security of our alliance to the young democracies of
Europe. (Applause.)
And as the Atlantic alliance has expanded, it has also been
tested. America and European countries have been called to confront
the threat of global terror. Each nation has faced difficult decisions
about the use of military force to keep the peace. We have seen unity
and common purpose. We have also seen debate -- some of it healthy,
some of it divisive.
I have come to Krakow to state the intentions of my country. The
United States is committed to a strong Atlantic alliance, to ensure our
security, to advance human freedom and to keep peace in the world.
(Applause.) Poland struggled for decades to gain freedom and to fully
participate in life in Europe. And soon you will be a member of the
European Union.
You also struggled to become a full member of the Atlantic
alliance, yet you have not come all this way -- through occupations and
tyranny and brave uprisings -- only to be told that you must now choose
between Europe and America. Poland is a good citizen of Europe and
Poland is a close friend of America -- (applause) -- and there is no
conflict between the two. (Applause.)
America owes our moral heritage of democracy and tolerance and
freedom to Europe. We have sacrificed for those ideals together, in
the great struggles of the past. In the second world war, the forces
of freedom came together to defeat Nazism. In the Cold War, our
transatlantic alliance opposed imperial communism. And today our
alliance of freedom faces a new enemy, a lethal combination of
terrorist groups, outlaw states seeking weapons of mass destruction,
and an ideology of power and domination that targets the innocent and
justifies any crime.
This is a time for all of us to unite in the defense of liberty and
to step up to the shared duties of free nations. This is no time to
stir up divisions in a great alliance. (Applause.)
For America, our resolve to fight terror was firmly set on a single
day of violence and sorrow. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001,
changed my country. On that morning, the American people saw the
hatred of our enemies and the future of grief they intend for us. The
American government accepted a mission to strike and defeat the terror
network and to hold accountable all who harbor it and all who support
For my country, the events of September the 11th were as decisive
as the attack on Pearl Harbor and the treachery of another September in
1939. (Applause.) And the lesson of all those events is the same:
aggression and evil intent must not be ignored or appeased; they must
be opposed early and decisively. (Applause.)
We are striving for a world in which men and women can live in
freedom and peace, instead of fear and chaos. And every civilized
nation has a stake in the outcome. By waging this fight together, we
will speed the day of final victory.
One of the main fronts in this war is right here in Europe, where
al Qaeda used the cities as staging areas for their attacks. Europe's
capable police forces and intelligence services are playing essential
roles in hunting the terrorists. And Poland has led the effort to
increase anti-terror cooperation amongst central and eastern European
nations. And America is grateful. (Applause.)
Some challenges of terrorism, however, cannot be met with law
enforcement alone. They must be met with direct military action. The
Taliban regime in Afghanistan chose to support and harbor al Qaeda
terrorists. And so that regime is no more. The dictator in Iraq
pursued weapons of mass murder, cultivated ties to terror and defied
the demands of the United Nations -- so his regime has been ended.
In the battles of Afghanistan and Iraq, Polish forces served with
skill and honor. America will not forget that Poland rose to the
moment. Again you have lived out the words of the Polish motto: for
your freedom and ours. (Applause.)
In order to win the war on terror, our alliances must be strong.
(Applause.) Poland and America are proud members of NATO, and NATO
must be prepared to meet the challenges of our time. This is a matter
of capability and a matter of will. Our common security requires
European governments to invest in modern military capabilities, so our
forces can move quickly with a precision that can strike the guilty and
spare the innocent.
NATO must show resolve and foresight to act beyond Europe, and it
has begun to do so. NATO has agreed to lead security forces in
Afghanistan and to support our Polish allies in Iraq. A strong NATO
alliance, with a broad vision of its role, will serve our security and
the cause of peace.
The greatest threat to peace is the spread of nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons. And we must work together to stop proliferation.
The countries of the G8 committed last year to aiding Russia and others
in securing and eliminating deadly weapons that remain from the Soviet
era. I welcome Poland's decision to join this effort.
And I call on America's G8 partners to follow through on their
financial commitments so that we can stop proliferation at one of its
sources. When weapons of mass destruction or their components are in
transit, we must have the means and authority to seize them. So today
I announce a new effort to fight proliferation called the Proliferation
Security Initiative. The United States and a number of our close
allies, including Poland, have begun working on new agreements to
search planes and ships carrying suspect cargo and to seize illegal
weapons or missile technologies. Over time, we will extend this
partnership as broadly as possible to keep the world's most destructive
weapons away from our shores and out of the hands of our common
In the last 20 months, the world has seen the determination of my
country and many others to fight terror. Yet, armed force is always
the last resort. And Americans know that terrorism is not defeated by
military power alone. We believe that the ultimate answer to hatred is
hope. And as we fight the forces of terror, we must also change the
conditions in which terror can take root.
Terrorism is often bread in failing states, so we must help nations
in crisis to build a civil society of free institutions. The ideology
of terror takes hold in an atmosphere of resentment and hopelessness,
so we must help men and women around the world to build lives of
purpose and dignity.
In the long-term, we add to our security by helping to spread
freedom and alleviate suffering. And this sets a broad agenda for
nations on both sides of the Atlantic. In Africa, the spread of
HIV/AIDS threatens millions, and the stability of an entire continent.
The United States has undertaken a comprehensive, $15 billion effort to
prevent AIDS and to treat AIDS and provide humane care for its
victims. I urge our partners in Europe to make a similar commitment,
so we can work together in turning the tide against AIDS. (Applause.)
Global hunger is a chronic challenge, and we have a crisis in
Africa. The United States is establishing an emergency fund so we can
rush help to countries where the first signs of famine appear. The
nations of Europe can greatly help in this effort, with emergency funds
of their own. I hope European governments will reconsider policies
that discourage farmers in developing countries from using safe
biotechnology to feed their own people. (Applause.)
Wealthy nations have the responsibility to help the developing
world and to make certain our help is effective. Through the
Millennium Challenge Account, I have proposed a 50 percent increase in
America's core development assistance. This aid will go to where it
will do the most good -- not to corrupt elites but to nations that are
ruled justly, nations that invest in the health and education of their
people, and nations that encourage economic freedom. (Applause.)
If European governments will adopt the same standards, we can work
side-by-side in providing the kind of development aid that helps
transform entire societies. One of the greatest sources of development
and growth in any society is trade. America and Europe should lead the
effort to bring down global trade barriers. (Applause.)
A world that trades in freedom can bring millions of people into a
growing circle of prosperity. And America and Europe must work closely
to develop and apply new technologies that will improve our air and
water quality, and protect the health of the world's people.
America and Europe are called to advance the cause of freedom and
peace, and these two commitments are inseparable. It is human rights
and private property, the rule of law and free trade and political
openness that undermine the appeal of extremism and create the stable
environment that peace requires. We are determined to demonstrate the
power of these ideals in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.
And these ideals will provide the foundation for a reformed and
peaceful and independent Palestinian state.
Today in the Middle East, the emergence of new Palestinian
leadership, which has condemned terror, is a hopeful sign that the
parties can agree to two states, Israel and Palestine, living
side-by-side in peace and security. (Applause.)
Early next week I will go to the Middle East to meet with the
Palestinian and Israeli Prime Ministers, and other leaders in the
region. I will remind them that the work ahead will require difficult
decisions. I will remind them that for peace to prevail, all leaders
must fight terrorism and shake off old arguments and old ways. No
leader of conscience can accept more months and years of humiliation
and killing and mourning. I will do all that I can to help the parties
reach an agreement, and then to see that that agreement is enforced.
To meet these goals of security and peace and a hopeful future for
the developing world, we welcome, we need the help, the advice and the
wisdom of our European friends and allies. (Applause.)
New theories of rivalry should not be permitted to undermine the
great principles and obligations that we share. The enemies of freedom
have always preferred a divided alliance -- because when Europe and
America are united, no problem and no enemy can stand against us.
Within an hour's journey of this castle lies a monument to the
darkest impulses of man. Today, I saw Auschwitz, the sites of the
Holocaust and Polish martyrdom; a place where evil found its willing
servants and its innocent victims. One boy imprisoned there was
branded with the number A70713. Returning to Auschwitz a lifetime
later, Elie Wiesel recalled his first night in the camp: I asked
myself, God, is this the end of your people, the end of mankind, the
end of the world?
With every murder, a world was ended. And the death camps still
bare witness. They remind us that evil is real and must be called by
name and must be opposed. All the good that has come to this continent
-- all the progress, the prosperity, the peace -- came because beyond
the barbed wire there were people willing to take up arms against
evil. (Applause.)
And history asks more than memory, because hatred and aggression
and murderous ambitions are still alive in the world. Having seen the
works of evil firsthand on this continent, we must never lose the
courage to oppose it everywhere. (Applause.)
Through the years of the Second World War, another legacy of the
20th century was unfolding, here in this city of Krakow. A young
seminarian, Karol Wojtyla, saw the swastika flag flying over the
ramparts of Wawel Castle. He shared the suffering of his people and
was put into forced labor. From this priest's experience and faith
came a vision: that every person must be treated with dignity, because
every person is known and loved by God.
In time, this man's vision and this man's courage would bring fear
to tyrants and freedom to his beloved country, and liberation to half a
continent. To this very hour, Pope John Paul II speaks for the dignity
of every life and expresses the highest aspirations of the culture we
share. Europe and America will always be joined by more than our
interests. Ours is a union of ideals and convictions. We believe in
human rights, and justice under law, and self-government, and economic
freedom tempered by compassion.
We do not own these beliefs, but we have carried them through the
centuries. We will advance them further and we will defend them
together. (Applause.)
Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you for your friendship.
May God bless this great nation, and may God bless the Polish people.
END 12:44 P.M. (L)