For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
January 24, 2003
Executive Order: Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection with the Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security
January 24, 2003
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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including the Homeland
Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296), and the National Security
Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.), and in order to
reflect responsibilities vested in the Secretary of Homeland Security
and take other actions in connection with the establishment of the
Department of Homeland Security, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Executive Order 13234 of November 9, 2001
("Presidential Task Force on Citizen Preparedness in the War on
Terrorism"), is amended by inserting "the Department of Homeland
Security," after "the Office of Management and Budget," in section
Sec. 2. Executive Order 13231 of October 16, 2001 ("Critical
Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "(i) Secretary of Homeland Security;" after "or
their designees:" in section 6(a); and
(b) renumbering the subsequent subsections in section 6(a)
Sec. 3. Executive Order 13228 of October 8, 2001 ("Establishing
the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council"), is
amended by inserting "the Secretary of Homeland Security," after "the
Secretary of Transportation," in section 5(b). Further, during the
period from January 24, 2003, until March 1, 2003, the Secretary of
Homeland Security shall have the responsibility for coordinating the
domestic response efforts otherwise assigned to the Assistant to the
President for Homeland Security pursuant to section 3(g) of Executive
Order 13228.
Sec. 4. Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001 ("Blocking
Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten
to Commit, or Support Terrorism"), as amended, is further amended by:
(a) inserting ", the Secretary of Homeland Security," after "the
Secretary of the Treasury" in sections 1(b) and 1(d) (the first time it
appears); and
(b) inserting ", the Secretary of Homeland Security," after "the
Secretary of State" in sections 1(c) and 1(d) (the second time it
appears), 5 (wherever it appears), and 7.
Sec. 5. Executive Order 13151 of April 27, 2000 ("Global Disaster
Information Network"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "(8) Department of Homeland Security;" after "(7)
Department of Energy;" in section 2(a); and
(b) renumbering the subsequent subsections in section 2(a)
Sec. 6. Executive Order 13122 of May 25, 1999 ("Interagency Task
Force on the Economic Development of the Southwest Border"), is amended
by inserting "Secretary of Homeland Security," after "Secretary of the
Treasury," in section 1(b).
Sec. 7. Executive Order 13048 of June 10, 1997 ("Improving
Administrative Management in the Executive Branch"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "15. Department of Homeland Security;" after "14.
Department of Veterans Affairs;" in section 1(a); and
(b) renumbering all subsequent subsections in section 1(a)
Sec. 8. Executive Order 12992 of March 15, 1996 ("President's
Council on Counter-Narcotics"), as amended, is further amended by:
(a) inserting "(n) Secretary of Homeland Security;" after "(m)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs;" in section 2; and
(b) relettering all subsequent subsections in section 2
Sec. 9. Executive Order 12881 of November 23, 1993 ("Establishment
of the National Science and Technology Council"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "(i) Secretary of Homeland Security;" after "(h)
Secretary of the Interior;" in section 2; and
(b) relettering all subsequent subsections in section 2
Sec. 10. Executive Order 12859 of August 16, 1993 ("Establishment
of the Domestic Policy Council"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "(o) Secretary of Homeland Security;" after "(n)
Secretary of the Treasury;" in section 2; and
(b) relettering all subsequent subsections in section 2
Sec. 11. Executive Order 12590 of March 26, 1987 ("National Drug
Policy Board"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "(13) the Secretary of Homeland Security;" after
"(12) the Secretary of Education;" in section 1(b); and
(b) renumbering all subsequent subsections in section 1(b)
Sec. 12. Executive Order 12260 of December 31, 1980 ("Agreement on
Government Procurement"), as amended, is further amended by:
(a) inserting "14. Department of Homeland Security" after "13.
Department of Health and Human Services" in the Annex; and
(b) renumbering all subsequent subsections in the Annex
Sec. 13. Executive Order 11958 of January 18, 1977
("Administration of Arms Export Controls"), as amended, is further
amended by:
(a) striking "Secretary of the Treasury" wherever it appears in
section 1(l)(2) and inserting "Attorney General" in lieu thereof; and
(b) inserting "the Attorney General," after "the Secretary of the
Treasury," in section 2(a).
Sec. 14. Executive Order 11423 of August 16, 1968 ("Providing for
the Performance of Certain Functions Heretofore Performed by the
President with Respect to Certain Facilities Constructed and Maintained
on the Borders of the United States"), as amended, is further amended
by inserting "the Secretary of Homeland Security," after "the Secretary
of Transportation," in section 1(b).
Sec. 15. Executive Order 10865 of February 20, 1960 ("Safeguarding
Classified Information Within Industry"), as amended, is further
amended by inserting "the Secretary of Homeland Security," after "the
Secretary of Energy," in section 1.
Sec. 16. Executive Order 13011 of July 16, 1996 ("Federal
Information Technology"), is amended by:
(a) inserting "15. Department of Homeland Security;" after "14.
Department of Veterans Affairs;" in section 3(b); and
(b) renumbering all subsequent subsections in section 3(b)
Sec. 17. Those elements of the Department of Homeland Security
that are supervised by the Department's Under Secretary for Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection through the Department's
Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis, with the exception of
those functions that involve no analysis of foreign intelligence
information, are designated as elements of the Intelligence Community
under section 201(h) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and section
3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C.
Sec. 18. Executive Order 12333 of December 4, 1981 ("United States
Intelligence Activities"), is amended in Part 3.4(f) by:
(a) striking "and" at the end of subpart 3.4(f)(6);
(b) striking the period and inserting "; and" at the end of
subpart 3.4(f)(7); and
(c) adding a new subpart 3.4(f)(8) to read as follows: "(8)
Those elements of the Department of Homeland Security that are
supervised by the Department's Under Secretary for Information Analysis
and Infrastructure Protection through the Department's Assistant
Secretary for Information Analysis, with the exception of those
functions that involve no analysis of foreign intelligence
Sec. 19. Functions of Certain Officials in the Department of
Homeland Security.
The Secretary of Homeland Security, the Deputy Secretary of
Homeland Security, the Under Secretary for Information Analysis and
Infrastructure Protection, Department of Homeland Security, and the
Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis, Depart-ment of Homeland
Security, each shall be considered a "Senior Official of the
Intelligence Community" for purposes of Executive Order 12333, and all
other relevant authorities, and shall:
(a) recognize and give effect to all current clearances for access
to classified information held by those who become employees of the
Department of Homeland Security by operation of law pursuant to the
Homeland Security Act of 2002 or by Presidential appointment;
(b) recognize and give effect to all current clearances for access
to classified information held by those in the private sector with whom
employees of the Department of Homeland Security may seek to interact
in the discharge of their homeland security-related responsibilities;
(c) make all clearance and access determinations pursuant to
Executive Order 12968 of August 2, 1995, or any successor Executive
Order, as to employees of, and applicants for employ-ment in, the
Department of Homeland Security who do not then hold a current
clearance for access to classified information; and
(d) ensure all clearance and access determinations for those in
the private sector with whom employees of the Department of Homeland
Security may seek to interact in the discharge of their homeland
security-related responsibilities are made in accordance with Executive
Order 12829 of January 6, 1993.
Sec. 20. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1.4 of Executive
Order 12958 of April 17, 1995 ("Classified National Security
Information"), I hereby authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to
classify information originally as "Top Secret." Any delegation of
this authority shall be in accordance with section 1.4 of that order or
any successor Executive Orders.
Sec. 21. This order shall become effective on January 24, 2003.
Sec. 22. This order does not create any right or benefit,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, against the
United States, its departments, agencies, or other entities, its
officers or employees, or any other person.
January 23, 2003.
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