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For Immediate Release
Office of the First Lady
July 3, 2002

Mrs. Bush Introduces the President at Lewis and Clark "Voyage of Discovery" Event
The East Room

Thank you, Dr. Moulton, and thank you all once again thanks to our presenters, and the tribal leaders for being here for this great discussion.

Our final speaker of the day has a life-long interest in history. I can personally vouch for the past 25 years of it. His bedside table is stacked with biographies and books on everything from Steven Ambroses Undaunted Courage to the latest biography from David McCullough.

His interest stems from a personal belief that has been spoken so eloquently today: When we understand the lessons of our past, we can make the best decisions for our countrys future. History is a sure and steady guide.

When our daughters were in high school, they would sometimes complain about having to study history having to remember all those dates and details. Because my husband majored in history, he loved to explain the importance of past events and how they impact us today.

One day, one of them looked at him impatiently and said, "Of course (ancient) history was easy for you, Dad. You lived through most of it."

We are honored to be a part of that history today -- and every day we have the privilege of living in the White House.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my husband, President George W. Bush.

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