For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 27, 2001
Remarks by the President
To Future Farmers of America Presidential Hall Eisenhower Executive Office Building
11:01 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you
all for coming. I look forward to discussing an incredibly
important topic, and that's agriculture and what it means to
America. It's important for folks up here in Washington to
listen to Senators like Chuck Grassley and Blanche Lincoln, people who
come from the farm areas, Phil Crane, who understand that agriculture
is an incredibly important part of our economic future.
But agriculture also is an important part
of American life, because it represents the great values of
America. So I want to thank you all for
coming. My fellow Texan, I appreciate that fine
introduction. (Laughter.) Trent's from
Throckmorton. It's a rural part of our state. But
rural Texas is incredibly a part of the state of Texas, but rural
America is an incredibly important part of America, as well, and we
must never forget that.
I want to thank Jennifer Edwards as well,
for being here. I want to thank all the officers for
coming. I want to thank again the members of Congress for
being here to discuss with all of us, how do we make sure American
agriculture thrives as we head into the 21st century. I
mean, after all, we're talking about national security. It's
important for our nation to build -- to grow foodstuffs, to feed our
people. Can you imagine a country that was unable to grow
enough food to feed the people? It would be a nation that
would be subject to international pressure. It would be a
nation at risk.
And so when we're talking about American
agriculture, we're really talking about a national security
issue. Well, one way we can help is something we've already
done, and that is to eliminate the death tax, so that farms and ranches
can be passed from one generation to the next, so that people don't
have to liquidate their prized possession, their most singular
important asset, in order for a young son or daughter to become a
farmer or a rancher. And we did just that, thanks to the
members of the United States Senate here and thanks to the member of
the Congress who are here. It was a tough vote for some, but
it was a right vote for American agriculture, to get rid of the death
And given the economic news of the day,
the tax cut was -- looks more and more wise. I mean, after
all, there's a new report out that shows over the last four quarters,
economic growth has been slow. It hasn't been up to
standard. The economy is puttering along. It's
not nearly as strong as it should be. And what the tax cut
does by sending money back to the American working people, it provides
an incredibly important boost to economic vitality and economic
Now, there's a lot of talk about the
amount of money available to spend here in Washington. Make
no mistake about it: The appropriators are looking for
money. And it may not be as much as they want to spend,
because the economy has slowed down. And this tax cut is
incredibly important for revitalizing the economy of
America. And it was the right thing to do.
A second thing we can do to make sure
folks in the agricultural sector have got a bright future is to work to
enhance trade -- trade all around the world. I want
America's farmers and ranchers feeding those who are hungry, those who
need foodstuffs. We're the best in the world at growing
product. Our farmers and ranchers are not only some of the
hardest-working people in the world, but we're better at it than
everybody else is, too. And, therefore, we ought to work hard to open
up all avenues, all markets, so we can feed people.
And that includes -- necessary to do that,
we've got to make sure the President has what's called trade promotion
authority. That gives me the ability to negotiate trade
agreements on behalf of the American people, submit it to the Senate to
be ratified, up or down.
I don't have that authority. It
lapsed, unfortunately. I'm one of the few presidents never
to have had that authority. I'm asking Congress to give it
to me for the good of the American people, for the good of the
agricultural sector, so that I can use my efforts to knock down the
trade barriers, the protectionist tendencies around the world that
prevent our products from getting into markets.
I'm pleased to report, for example, that
we are making some progress. There was a big debate -- I'm sure you
heard about it -- as to whether or not China ought to be allowed into
what's called The World Trade Organization. I argued
vociferously that they should be, because I believe a country that
trades with the rest of the world is a country more likely to embrace
I also know that by opening up Chinese
markets to American foodstuffs, it will be beneficial to American
farmers. And my Trade Representative, our nation's Trade
Representative, Robert Zoellick, has made great progress in negotiation
with China, opening up their markets to U.S. foodstuffs, to our
I used to say, during the debate, to try
to make it clear to people where I was coming from -- maybe it's the
West Texan in me -- I said, we want to be feeding the
Chinese. We want our American farmers to be growing the
products that the Chinese use to eat. And that's what, to
me, trade means.
And so, we need to work with Congress to
get a trade promotion authority bill out pretty darn
quickly. And my pledge to the people of America,
particularly in the agricultural sector is, American agriculture will
not be viewed as a secondary issue for me.
There's a lot of folks out there who are
somewhat skeptical when a U.S. President talks about trade and
agriculture. You know why? Because agriculture
has always been a secondary issue. They will negotiate all
the other important subjects, but when it comes to agriculture, say,
we'll just leave it the way it is, we won't work to knock down the
barriers that prevent U.S. products from going into other
markets. Those days are over with. Agriculture
will be the cornerstone of our international trade negotiations.
We'll use what's called "single
undertaking negotiation" to keep agriculture at the forefront of our
negotiating policy, and the reason is simple: We're good at
it, and we ought to work hard to promote products that we're good at
growing, or good at raising.
Another important part of making sure that
your future is bright is that the education systems all around America
work. One of the things I took great pride in the state of
Texas is an education reform package for all of the people that go to
school in Texas that said, we expect results. I will tell you
this: If you're in the agricultural sector, you're judged by
results. You're judged by the size of the crop you
grow. You're judged whether or not you can plow the straight
line. You're judged by whether you're not any
good. It's a results-oriented world, and that's what
education ought to be as well.
And there's a fundamental reason
why: Because we don't want anybody left behind, is
why. And if you don't measure, how do you know whether
somebody is being left behind? If you don't hold people
accountable for results, how do you know whether or not some children
cannot read or write, and add and subtract? And I darn sure
want to know.
Laura, my wife, the First Lady, is having
a seminar, series of seminars about how to introduce the sound science
of education into curriculum all around the country. It
says, look, let's have some common sense about our education
curriculum. Let's make sure it works before we insist that
we use it. And that's what we need to do in
education. We need to have strong accountability.
Again, I want to thank the members of the
Senate and the House who are here, who support an education package
that's going to reform schools all around the country. But
make no mistake about it: I haven't forgotten where I came
from. Inherent in the education reform package is a strong
belief in local control of schools. I don't the schools
ought to be run out of Washington. You know
why? Because we're different.
School districts in Texas were
different. And they're a heck of a lot different, I can
assure you, from, you know, places like Vermont and New
Hampshire. I mean, it's just a different world; and
therefore we've got to have strong local control of schools, coupled
with strong accountability, to make sure our education systems work for
everybody, urban and rural alike.
And finally, before I come out and shake a
few hands, if you would like to, I do want to remind you all that one
of the things that makes this country so unique is our values system --
the values of hard work, family, faith -- values that sound pretty much
like the heartland of America to me. We're winding down the
legislative session here, and I hope a week from tomorrow, the Congress
takes off and gives all of us a break. (Laughter.)
And I'm heading back to the
heartland. I'm going back to Crawford, Texas, where Laura
and I have got some property. A fellow runs some cows on our
country. I love to go walking out there, seeing the cows.
Occasionally they talk to me -- (laughter) -- being the good listener
that I am. (Laughter.) But it's important for all
of us in Washington to stay in touch with the values of the heartland,
because they're values that really are unique. It basically
says that values -- a value system of basic, inherent values, that
override politics and different demographies and different religions --
it's what makes America so unique and great.
I've just come back from
overseas. I'm so proud to represent this great nation
overseas, because we're a nation that can bring people from all walks
of life together, a nation that says, you're free to worship any
religion you want, and yet we're bound by common values. You
should never be afraid of embracing the values you find in the
heartland of America. The values you bring to Washington, D.C.; you
should never walk away from those. They're
important. It's important to keep them as priorities in your
life, because the strength of our nation exists in the value system
that we oftentimes find on America's farms and ranches, of values that
-- of worship and faith, the important of family, the values of hard
work, the values of taking a risk, the values of understanding that if
you own a farm or a ranch, every day is Earth Day. Every day
is an important day if you're stewards of the land. Those
are incredibly important values that you all embrace in your
And finally, let me tell you, America is a
country that needs your help. It needs your help by you all
living good -- setting good examples for others. It needs
your help. All of us can be leaders in individual ways, by
making right choices, for starters, by being responsible for the
decisions you make in life.
But there's something else you can do,
too. Our society -- there are some people in our society who
hurt. And we can change America one soul at a
time. If you find somebody in need, help them
out. If you've got a neighbor who needs some compassion,
take time to help your neighbor understand somebody loves
him. If you've got a friend who maybe is lonely and
hopeless, put your arm around him or her. Become a
mentor. Become a pal. It may not be the coolest
kid in class, but reach out to somebody in need. And you'll
be amazed at what happens.
My job is to rally what I call the armies
of compassion, the people all across America who say, how can I love
somebody just like I'd like to be loved myself? And the
great strength of the country lay in the fact there are millions of
people who are helping somebody in need. They don't need a
government law, they don't need somebody doing this, that, or the
other. What they need is to follow their hearts, and that's
what I ask you to do.
I'm honored to be able to receive you here
in the nation's capital. It's a huge honor to be the President of the
greatest land on the face of the earth. And thank you for
coming. May God bless you all.
END 11:16