For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 20, 2001
Pool Report. Night of Jan. 20
An unusually late night for the president. Also uneventful. The
presidential motorcade left the hotel around 7:06 for the short ride to
the "outreach event." The normally punctual president ran a tad late
because of G-8 protocol that dictates which nations arrive when. The
discussion and dinner featured all the G-8 members plus representatives
from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The talks were scheduled to
include such topics as trade, debt, hunger and the World Bank. The
delegates gathered at the Palazzo Doria Spinola, which is the
headquarters building for the province of Genoa. The president was
neither seen nor heard. Witnesses said Mr. Bush was seen talking
intently with French President Jacques Chirac, one of his major foes on
Kyoto. Your pool was holed up at Mangini, a pastry shop that opened
here in 1876. We left shortly after 11 p.m. for the brief ride back to
the Jolly. David Jackson, Dallas Morning News. Room 326 on the boat