For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 19, 2001
Remarks by Dr. Lawrence B. Lindsey at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pa
Thank you. It is a pleasure to be here in Philadelphia today to discuss our nation's economy, the recently passed tax reductions, and the federal budget. Frankly, it's a pleasure to be anywhere but Washington D.C. And it's not the weather. Let's face it, Philly in late July is not a noticeable improvement over D.C. But, how do I put it nicely? The term hot air takes on a whole new meaning in our nation's capital.
On a serious note, there are few topics of
more importance to our country and its economic health than the
government's fiscal situation. It is a natural topic of
political disagreement. But there is also a
non-political element to the conduct of fiscal policy, one
that centers on fundamental economic principles that transcend partisan
differences. Today I would like to separate out some of
these economic principles from the more partisan comments now being
For example, the new Chairman of the
Senate Budget committee has alleged that the recent tax cuts are
driving the country "right into the fiscal ditch." His
colleague, Senator Fritz Hollings proposed legislation to take back the
recently enacted tax cut. Similar ideas have appeared on the
editorial pages of some of the nation's newspapers.
These views reflect one side of the
political debate, one that ultimately favors allocating more of our
nation's resources to government. By contrast, the Administration
takes the view that more of our nation's resources should be controlled
by those who produce them by their work, saving, and risk
taking. This political and philosophical difference has
gotten most of the attention.
But, contemporary economic thought also
bears directly on the conduct of fiscal policy. The
criticisms of the tax cut and comments on the budget made by Senators
Conrad and Hollings hearken back to views widely held in the 1920s and
1930s. History has shown that if adopted, they are likely to
cause adverse consequences for the American economy and are being
advanced at a delicate time for the entire global
economy. As a student of economic history, I find the
popularity of these positions disturbing.
Back when I took freshman economics, my
text, the classic by Paul Samuelson, assured me that we would never
make the same mistakes again, that we had learned our
lesson. The particular mistake I am referring to is the
Revenue Act of 1932. Faced with falling tax revenue from the
economic slowdown of 1930 and 1931, President Hoover and a bipartisan
majority in Congress focused first and foremost on the fiscal health of
the country. As Hoover said in May 1932, "Nothing is more
necessary at this time than balancing the budget." Their
solution was to raise taxes. The top income tax rate was
raised from 24 percent to 63 percent. The result, of course,
was economic disaster.
Today, we are experiencing an economic
slowdown, but nothing approaching the magnitude of the 1930-31
slowdown. But qualitatively the same prescription
holds. Proper macroeconomic management requires that the
government "lean against the wind," or act as a shock
absorber. That is what the recently enacted tax bill does,
and it is vitally important that we resist the efforts by those in
Congress to change course and raise taxes.
Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of
economic commentators share the President's view that the recently
enacted tax cuts were not only economically sensible, they were
necessary. For example,
the highly respected Blue Chip Economic Indicators, which polls some 50
of the nation's leading forecasters, stated in its last report, "The
tax cut effects could not have come at a better time given the
expectation of continued deterioration in labor market
conditions." Bruce Steinberg of Merrill Lynch advised the
firm's clients, "For once Congress managed to implement a
contra-cyclical fiscal policy that should boost economic growth exactly
when the economy needs it." Chris Varvares of Macroeconomic
Advisers described the tax package as "a remarkably well-timed
application of counter-cyclical fiscal policy."
The timing of this tax cut was not a
matter of accident. Economic history makes clear that the
political process is not usually attuned to timing its actions at the
right point in the business cycle. Perhaps we have James
Madison to thank for that. 214 years ago, long before the
idea of counter-cyclical fiscal policy was thought of, he designed a
process that requires an extended process in making any changes in tax
or spending policies. We do not have the British system
where the Chancellor of the Exchequer can, in effect, change tax rates
with a speech in Parliament, confident of being sustained by a
parliamentary majority.
The American political process requires
that a President expend enormous amounts of political capital in order
to obtain a more-rapid-than-usual change in tax law. This
political capital is most obviously available in a new President's
first year in office, particularly when the President-elect had run on
such a platform. That certainly helped President Reagan
enact his sweeping tax change in 1981.
A similar principle also helped a
just-recently-sworn-in President Johnson enact the Kennedy tax cut just
a few months after President Kennedy was assassinated. The
martyred President, in his last State of the Union speech had stated,
"I am convinced that the enactment this year of tax reduction and tax
reform overshadows all other domestic problems in this
Congress." Furthermore, the speeches Kennedy was to have
given in Texas included appeals for his tax cut proposal.
These lessons in American political
economy were very much on then-Governor Bush's mind back in December
1999 when he originally proposed the tax cut. That is why,
despite widespread partisan criticism, he stuck to his tax cut proposal
throughout both the 2000 Presidential primaries and the general
election. The tax cut was very much a central part of the
compassionate conservative philosophy on which he campaigned.
For example, the President was very
concerned about the demoralizing level of tax rates on single parents
with modest incomes. He noted repeatedly the case of a
hypothetical waitress struggling to support two children on $25,000 per
year. Due to the complexities of the tax code and
particularly the phase-out of the Earned Income Credit, she faced a
combined federal and state tax rate of nearly 50 percent on any
additional income that she earned. Such a disincentive to
earning more and making it into the middle class was clearly bad social
policy and represented bad economic policy as well. The
President's tax reform program was carefully crafted to end this
situation by eliminating income taxes for that waitress and six million
other families with children on modest incomes.
We conservatives have long argued that
high marginal tax rates have adverse incentive effects. In
general we have pointed to high tax rates on entrepreneurs and other
businesses. President Bush pointed out that high tax rates
are bad for all Americans: waitress and entrepreneur alike and thus are
bad for America. Compassionate conservatism meant tackling
this problem for all Americans.
A second, very much related factor was
also on the President's mind back in December 1999: the state of the
economy. At that time the economy was
booming. The fourth quarter of 1999 saw real GDP expand at
an 8.3 percent annual rate. In hindsight, we know for a fact
such a pace was unsustainable. But that view was not
unanimous at the time. Some of those who are most critical
of the tax cut today were arguing in 1999 that the business cycle had
somehow been repealed and, "it would be different this
time." They argued it was foolish to propose a tax cut when
the economy was booming -- conveniently forgetting the long lags in the
process of fiscal policy implementation just discussed.
President Bush had a different
view. His background was not consumed by
politics. He was an entrepreneur with the experience of
having to meet a payroll in good times and bad. He knew what
booms were all about. He also knew first-hand that booms
end, and what the problems are when they do come to an
end. So, he said in his speech in Des Moines, where he
proposed the tax cut that the economy needs an "insurance policy."
The tax proposal was designed to be sound,
incentive-oriented tax policy regardless of economic
circumstances. It was designed to be phased-in to protect
the government surplus. It was also left flexible enough
that, if the economy did need an insurance policy, its timing could be
modified to provide the needed fiscal stimulus as well as to provide
the incentive-oriented reforms needed for sustained long-term growth.
It turned out the economy did need an
insurance policy. In March of 2000 the equity markets
peaked. By the end of the year the NASDAQ composite had been
cut almost in half. In July of 2000 manufacturing employment
peaked. By the time the tax bill was signed in May of this
year, manufacturing jobs had fallen back to levels not seen since the
early 1990s. Industrial production peaked in September 2000
and has been continuously falling ever since.
During this entire period, those same
people now most critical of the tax bill were insisting that nothing
was wrong with the economy. Even as the boom was ending and
manufacturing jobs were being lost, they were opposing the tax cut as
being 'too stimulative' for the economy. They were wrong
then and they are wrong again today.
Today the economy clearly needs the
stimulus. Thanks to the President's perseverance it was
signed in record time. Admittedly, compromise was
necessary. The legislation that was enacted is somewhat
smaller overall than what the President asked for. But, it
was designed to have a maximum effect on consumer behavior.
Economic studies and experience with past
tax cuts show that a one-time rebate which is not a part of an overall
increase in consumers? take home pay is ineffective. The
current tax cut is designed to have maximum effect by signaling to
consumers that their taxes will be permanently lower; that they will be
receiving a series of tax cuts well into the future. In this
way they can plan on receiving ever-increasing paychecks into the
indefinite future. Such planning is key to the stimulative
effects of a tax cut.
Over the next 9 months taxpayers will get
four separate boosts to their finances. First, withholding
rates were cut for taxpayers in the 28 percent and higher tax brackets
on July 1. A single worker making $75,000 per year will get
a $16 increase in his or her biweekly paycheck as a result, or over
$400 annually. Second, starting next week, most taxpayers
will get an advance refund on their 2001 federal income taxes due to
the establishment of a new, lower 10 percent bracket. This
tax change will mean a check from Uncle Sam of $600 for most married
taxpayers and $300 for most single taxpayers. There is a
third withholding change in January of next year. This will
allow the 10 percent bracket to boost every taxpayer's paycheck on a
regular basis. A married taxpayer will receive a pay
increase of $24 in his or her biweekly paycheck. Finally,
taxpayers with children will receive a larger than expected refund next
April equal to $100 for every child in the household as the child
credit was increased and made refundable, retroactive to January of
Of course, more tax cuts will come as the
tax bill is phased in throughout the next 10 years. But,
over the next four quarters, when the economy needs the most help from
increased spending, a typical family of four making $50,000 per year
will receive $1100 from Uncle Sam. To some of the
President's critics that $1100 doesn't seem like much. But,
let's put it in perspective. Over the last 10 years for
which we have data, 1989-1999, the median family saw its real income
rise by an average of $298 per year. In effect, this tax cut
is worth the equivalent of almost four years of real income increase
over just the next 12 months.
What should this do to the
economy? The Blue Chip consensus view on average was that
the tax cuts may add about 0.5 percent to the growth of personal
consumption expenditures in the third quarter of this
year. New York Federal Reserve Bank President William
McDonough believes that the tax cut could increase real GDP by 0.4
percent this calendar year (or roughly twice that rate in the second
half of the year) and by 0.7 percent in 2002. Morgan Stanley Dean
Witter told its clients that, "The tax bill delivers fiscal stimulus
sooner than we've been expecting and it packs a punch: we estimate that
it will boost second half growth by about 1 1/4 points." Credit Suisse
First Boston's Neal Soss said, "We expect it to add roughly 1
percentage point to consumer spending growth from what it otherwise
would have been and 0.75 percent to GDP growth over the next 18
It is important to recall the issue of
timing for this stimulus. In the last six quarters real GDP
growth has decelerated from an 8 percent annual rate to a virtual
standstill. The tax cut therefore is necessary to put a
floor under this drop in real GDP growth; sustaining growth until the
demand for investment goods resumes. This investment
turnaround may take a couple more quarters. The economic
evidence is conclusive that investment spending depends crucially on
the level of final demand in the market. So, sustaining
final demand with the tax cut in the interim is vital to the ultimate
successful turnaround in investment and the economy.
There are a wide variety of reasons to
expect growth to resume in a robust fashion next
year. First, as already mentioned is the tax
cut. The second reason is monetary policy. Prompt
Federal Reserve action beginning in January of this year will help
stimulate final demand next year. The usual lag in monetary
policy is 12 to 18 months. Thus, the interest rate cuts in
the early portion of this year should have their maximum impact on the
economy during 2002.
The third reason is energy. The
run up in energy prices since they bottomed in 1999 has acted like a
significant tax increase on the economy. Nominal energy expenditures
by households rose from 4.1 percent to 5.0 percent of personal
consumption expenditures. Stated differently, the energy
price increases acted like a tax increase of 0.9 percent of income on
U.S. households. Energy prices have backed away
substantially from their peak, and at the very least they have stopped
rising. Even if energy prices do not fall from current
levels, the added negative effect they caused will disappear from the
economic calculus. If they drop, this will actually help
provide an economic stimulus.
Thus, there is every reason to expect that
as long as the tax cut is able to sustain final demand for the balance
of this year, that significantly faster economic growth will resume
next year. Some members of Congress are interpreting the resumption of
growth as a reason to go ahead and raise taxes. In recent
hearings conducted by Senator Conrad at which Budget Director Daniels
testified, the Senator agreed that raising taxes this year might not be
a good idea given the economy. But, he went on to be clear
that next year might be different. He hinted at a tax
increase in 2002, just as the economy is recovering.
Of course, such a tax increase -- or a
repeal of a portion of the scheduled tax cut -- would hit the economy at
precisely the wrong time. It is important to recall that
great effort was made to stress the PERMANANCE of the tax
cut. That is how households are provided the confidence by
which they can maintain their spending habits. Senator
Conrad's implied threat of a tax increase next year thus directly
undermines the potential for this year's tax cut to act as a
stabilizing force.
Indeed, one does not have to look back to
the 1930s to understand the folly of raising taxes just as the economy
is beginning to recover. One need only look at
Japan. In 1997, just as the Japanese economy was well on the
way to recovery, a tax increase was begun. Like Senator
Conrad, the Japanese government was primarily concerned with its fiscal
situation, in effect placing the fiscal position of one portion of the
economy ahead of the macroeconomic fundamentals on which overall
economic growth depended. The result of the tax increase was to put
the economy into an immediate tailspin and prolong Japan's decade long
economic slump. We must not allow the same mistake to happen
What is most curious about the charges now
being levied by the President's critics is their failure to accept that
fiscal policy is quite tight. Senator Conrad asserted that
we were driving into a fiscal ditch. But, the facts show that we will
be running a budget surplus this year of $160 billion to $200 billion,
or between 1.5 percent and 1.9 percent of GDP. This is the
second largest budget surplus in post-war American history, both in
absolute terms and as a share of GDP. This should be a cause
for both economic and political celebration. It is a major
achievement for our economy and for our government.
Furthermore, the good news
continues. Every credible estimate of the federal budget for
the rest of the decade forecasts record surpluses as far as the eye can
see. The federal government will be retiring more than $2
trillion in debt over the next 10 years. That is the maximum
debt retireable over that period without incurring unjustified premium
expenses. The ratio of federal debt to GDP will be reduced to levels
not seen since before World War I. This is an unprecedented
reduction in our national debt level.
President Bush is committed to protecting
the Social Security surplus and, in so doing, providing more funds than
are needed to assure retirement of the national
debt. President Bush also strongly supports reforming Social
Security using personal retirement accounts to put our federal
government sponsored retirement system on sound financial
footing. Social Security must ultimately come to rely on
real financial assets to provide benefits, not just political
We must also keep in mind that the Social
Security surplus is different from other trust funds. Unlike
Medicare or many of the other 100-plus trust funds, Social Security is
in true surplus for the moment, taking in more than the program costs.
Some have alleged that there is a "Medicare surplus." In
fact, every dollar of Medicare taxes paid by workers and every dollar
of Medicare premiums paid by beneficiaries is spent on Medicare. The
President's budget protects this commitment. In addition,
Medicare receives $50 billion in extra money from the rest of the
federal budget.
Some in Congress are beginning to pick and
choose their definition of budget surplus. As the renowned
economic columnist Robert Samuelson recently pointed out in an
outstanding explanation of the subject, "What masquerades as a
technical budget redefinition is really a subtle effort to confuse the
public and suppress political debate. Though clever it
deserves our contempt."
Samuelson reminds us that it was President
Johnson who created a special intergovernmental commission to try and
make sense of the federal budget. The stated aim was to
"advance public understanding of the budget by avoiding complicated and
confused -- definitions that only accountants or other specialists can
understand." What they recommended was a "unified budget"
concept. That concept has been in use ever sense and is the
basis of the numbers I just cited.
But part of the effort at budgetary
redefinition is an effort to confuse the public on the appropriateness
of fiscal policy. Paying off the national debt should not be
an end in itself, but should be weighted against other economic
priorities. The Democratic Senators who are now most
vociferous about redefining the government's accounts to produce ever-
increasing surpluses, even as the economy slows down, should seek the
advice of leading Democratic economists.
Alan Blinder, advisor to Vice President
Gore in last year's campaign who with William Baumol, wrote in their
economic text, "Arguments that the public debt will burden future
generations, who will have to make huge payments of interest and
principal, are based on false analogies. In fact, most of
these payments are simply transfers from some Americans to other
Americans--The bogus argument that a large national debt can bankrupt a
country like the United States ignores the fact that our national debt
consists of obligations to pay U.S. dollars -- a currency the government
can raise by taxation or create by printing money."
MIT professors Fischer, Dornbusch and
Schmalensee all say of the national debt, "At this level there is
nothing to worry about. The national debt is mostly a debt
that we owe ourselves." Paul Samuelson, one of President
Kennedy's economic advisers wrote, "A panel of economic experts, in
this country or anywhere else in the Western world, will usually put
the public debt toward the bottom of any such list of worries."
It is not that paying down the national
debt is not a good idea. It is. President Bush is
committed to retiring that debt in a prudent fashion. What
is essential to keep in mind is that paying off the national debt
should not be the sole priority of government. The
government must first and foremost be concerned with economic
The most effective statement of the
context between debt reduction and the economy was given by President
Franklin Roosevelt as part of his fiscal 1946 budget message, delivered
in early 1945. FDR said, "The management of the public debt
is bound to have a profound influence on the economy for a long time to
come. Retaining high taxes on the masses of consumers for
general reduction of debt held by financial institutions may destroy
purchasing power and create unemployment? I favor a policy of orderly
but steady debt reduction, consistent with the objectives of long-run
economic policy."
Roosevelt got to the heart of the
issue. The important point to keep in mind is the relation
between economic performance and public finances. When the economy
does well tax revenues surge and the budget situation looks
fabulous. When the economy declines, the budget situation
looks less rosy. Uncle Sam has a very important claim on
economic performance. When the economy expands one percent
in real terms government revenues rise roughly 1.4
percent. That means that 30 percent growth over a decade
will increase real federal revenues by over 40 percent.
One need only look at the 1990s to see
this. In 1990 individual income taxes took $467 billion out
of total personal income of $4.9 trillion. In 2000, taxes
took more than $1 trillion out of personal income of about $8.3
trillion. Income rose 70 percent, taxes rose 115 percent.
When the private economy does well, Uncle Sam does very well.
It does not necessarily follow that when
Uncle Sam raises taxes that the economy does well. One need
only recall the experience of the 1930s with the increased taxes from
the 1932 act. That tax act passed that year increased
marginal tax rates by 150 percent across the board and cut the
exemption level to bring more taxpayers into tax paying
status. But, this massive increase in rates, which would
have produced a tripling of revenues under constant economic
circumstances, crushed the economy. Economic conditions
deteriorated so rapidly that revenues rose only 52 percent. Sure, in
the short run the deficit was smaller than it otherwise might have
been, but the effect on the economy led to a decade of lower output
and, in the long run, lower tax revenue.
Thus, a wise and prudent government will
manage its finances in a way to maximize economic growth. It
is growth that produced the current surplus. It is growth
that will allow us to pay down the national debt. The focus of our
economic policy should therefore be based on the three principles that
underpinned the tax cut that President Bush campaigned on.
First, we need common-sense tax reductions
and tax reform that maximize economic incentives. Lower
marginal tax rates provide the incentives that the economy needs for
sustained long-term growth.
Second, tax reductions should be
implemented in a way which preserves government surpluses assuming
normal economic growth. We need to preserve the Social
Security surplus to help fulfill our commitment to America's seniors
and provide for the long-term stability of that system.
Third, if economic growth slips into
recession, government fiscal policy should act as an insurance policy
to maintain aggregate demand. At the very least, government
should absorb any temporary shortfall in revenue, not raise taxes to
try and recoup any revenue loss. This is known in the
economics profession as maintaining the automatic stabilizers of the
fiscal process. If the economic slowdown is more severe, a
discretionary reduction in taxes should also be contemplated.
This is common-sense
economics. It is the economics you will find in just about
every textbook now used. This is not Republican economics or
Democratic economics; it represents the broad consensus of the
economics profession. This is the recipe for sound fiscal
policy that comes from the lessons of economic history, not from some
temporary political advantage.
President Bush promised to change the tone
in Washington. He believes, as do I, that sound fiscal
management should not be a Republican objective or a Democrat
objective, it should be a shared goal of us all. That is why he stands
by his budget. It is why he stands by the tax cut he
proposed more than 20 months ago. He will keep our solemn
obligations to our nation's seniors by using every dollar of Social
Security revenue to protect and strengthen that system. He
will use every dollar of Medicare revenue for Medicare, and will add to
that money from the rest of the budget to meet the medical needs of
those who depend on it. But he will also make sure that the
American people get to keep the money that is rightfully theirs through
their hard work, savings, and risk taking.
Most important, he will place the nation's
economic health at the top of his agenda. When it comes to
sound tax and budget policy, President Bush's approach shows that our
nation has learned the lessons of history and will not be doomed to
repeat them. ###