For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 12, 2001
Remarks by the President
On Medicare the Rose Garden
9:51 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all
very much. Today I'm here to talk about our most important
commitment to our seniors, the health of our seniors and how we can
modernize and strengthen Medicare.
I'm also here to announce an exciting new
plan to provide every senior on Medicare an opportunity to better
afford prescription drugs by the beginning of next year.
I want to thank the members of both
political parties -- of all three political parties -- (laughter) --
who are here today. It shows us firm commitment to make sure
our nation fulfills a solemn pledge to our seniors, and that is that
our seniors have the best possible health care available for
them. So, thank you all for coming. We've got
many members of the House and the Senate; most notably, Senators Breaux
and Thomas -- I mean, Senators Breaux and Frist, and Congressman
Thomas, all three members who worked hard on Medicare reform in the
past and are joining with the administration to promote Medicare reform
this year.
Thirty-six years ago this month -- and
thank you, as well, Mr. Secretary, for being
here. Thirty-six years ago this month, President Lyndon
Johnson flew to Independence, Missouri, to sign Medicare into law, and
to present the first Medicare registration card to former President
Harry Truman. President Johnson spoke that day about what
Medicare would mean for our country, and here is what he
said: "No longer would older Americans be denied the healing
miracle of modern medicine. No longer would illness crush
and destroy the savings that they have so carefully put away over a
lifetime, so that they may enjoy dignity in their later years."
He went on to say that "no longer will
young families see their own incomes and their own hopes eaten away
simply because they are carrying out their deep moral obligations to
their parents, and to their uncles, and to their aunts."
Medicare has lived up to President
Johnson's vision. It has improved the health of America's
seniors, and it's eased the financial anxieties of retirement, reduced
the burden on younger generations, and fulfilled our nation's
Medicare is a binding
commitment. The Medicare promise we made in 1965 will never
change. And as medicine advances and the needs of our
seniors change, Medicare, too, must advance, and it, too, must change.
This generation of leaders must honor and renew the promise of
Medicare, by strengthening Medicare for the future.
In 1965, health care usually meant
hospital care. Today we understand how important it is to
prevent people from getting sick in the first place. Yet Medicare does
not fully cover preventative medicine.
In 1965, prescription drugs meant
antibiotics. Today illnesses that could once only be treated
by invasive surgery are treated instead with effective new
drugs. But these new drugs can be very
expensive. And under the current system, Medicare doesn't
pay for them.
In 1965, medicine could offer people
diagnosed with cancer and other dangerous diseases little
hope. Today, we can defeat many once incurable diseases, but
too often at a costly price that Medicare will not pay in full.
In 1965, the pace of medical progress was
relatively slow. Today, hardly a day goes by without news of
an exciting advance to extend life or improve health. Yet
Medicare takes way to long to authorize new treatments. We
must act now to ensure that the next generation of medical technology
is readily available to America's seniors, from medicines tailored
exactly to an individual's disease, to Internet diagnosis that will
allow patients to be treated by experts on the other side of their
continent without the patients having to leave their living rooms.
In 1965, Medicare's finances were based on
assumptions that quickly proved wrong. This has had enduring
consequences. Medicare has too many limits on
coverage. Seniors enrolled in Medicare are responsible for a
nearly $800 deductible every time they visit a hospital. And
they find themselves responsible for paying thousands more if they are
seriously ill.
Medicare's funding structure doesn't make
sense -- two different parts, one of which appears to have a surplus,
even though the other has a much bigger shortfall. And
Medicare's costs are rising too fast, which creates anxieties about the
program's stability.
It may be that cars don't get any better
than the 1965 Mustang. But even the '65 Mustang didn't have
power windows or anti-lock brakes. When it comes to cars,
and when it comes to health care, 1965 is not the state of the
art. We need to bring Medicare into the 21st century, to
expand its coverage, improve its services, strengthen its financing,
and give seniors more control over the health care they receive.
Medicare's most pressing challenge is the
lack of coverage for prescription drugs. Several people here
with us this morning know from personal experience what that
means. Frank Van der Linden was a newspaper reporter, and a
good one. Now he's being squeezed behind Medicare premiums
and drug costs. Or Bobby Cherry, he's a senior coordinator
at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church, right here in
Washington. He pays close to 40 percent of his income for
prescription drugs and Medicare co-payments. Or Gwendolyn
Black, who spends $2,400 a year to put four healing drops a day into
each of her eyes.
Today I announce the first step toward
helping American seniors get the prescription drugs they need and
deserve -- a new national drug discount program for seniors that will
begin early next year. Every senior on Medicare can receive
a new drug discount card. It won't cost much, at most a
dollar or two a month, and will work like the cards you already have
for, say, your groceries. Present the card at a
participating pharmacy, and you receive a substantial
discount. It's as simple as that, and it's convenient.
The new drug discount plan combines the
purchasing clout of millions of seniors to negotiate lower prices than
under the current system. And under my plan, participating
pharmacies will get new customers, and seniors will get high-quality
drugs at a lower price.
It's a plan similar to the plan that
brings discounts to many Americans who have private
insurance. And the leaders of the companies that have been
so successful in providing drug discounts in private plans are here
with us today, and will brief the press on the savings about our
The drug discount plan is the first
necessary step to provide immediate help to seniors without
destabilizing Medicare's finances. It is the first step, but
it is not a substitute for a drug benefit and for strengthening
Medicare. And that's why my administration has developed,
with a bipartisan group of legislators, a framework for strengthening
and expanding Medicare for the long-term.
This framework will guide us as Congress
takes up Medicare in the coming months. And here are its
main elements: First, seniors already enrolled in Medicare
and those near retirement must have the option of keeping their
Medicare exactly the way it is today. No senior will see any
change that he or she does not want or does not seek. If you
like things the way they are, that's just the way they'll stay.
Second, all seniors today and tomorrow
will be offered a range of new Medicare plans, including an improved
and updated government plan, as well as others offered by
non-government insurance plans. All the Medicare plans must
offer benefits at least as comprehensive as the government plan. All
will be regulated by the federal government, and all of them must offer
prescription drug coverage.
Third, everyone enrolled in Medicare will
have the power to choose -- power to choose -- which plan works best
for him or her.
The plans will compete with each other,
forcing to offer better service, extra benefits, and lower
premiums. All seniors in America should enjoy the same
freedoms that federal employees have today when it comes to choosing
their health care plans. (Applause.) We must
trust seniors to make the right decisions for themselves.
Fourth, Medicare must become more
responsive to seniors, especially to seniors on low incomes and with
unusually high medical costs. Sometimes people discover
Medicare's gaps when they need Medicare most. Under the
current system, the sickest Americans pay a higher percentage of their
bill than others do. And that's not right. And
under our approach, that will stop. We'll put a stop loss
limit on the amount any senior can be asked to pay in any year.
Too many seniors feel compelled to
purchase costly Medigap policies to cover what Medicare does
not. Take, for example, Mr. Cuyler Taylor, who's with us
today. The Taylors spend more than $10,000 a year on drugs
and Medigap insurance. Our framework will not only cover
drugs, but it will reduce the need for costly, extra
insurance. The gaps in Medicare bear especially hard on
low-income people, and extra help will be available to them, as well.
And finally, we must put Medicare on a
sustainable financial footing for future generations.
The two parts of Medicare must be combined
into one. When popular alternative plans are established,
the government's contribution to any one Medicare plan should
eventually be tied to the average cost of all Medicare plans,
preventing any one plan from driving up the cost that all Americans
must pay.
So these are the main principles for
strengthening and improving Medicare. Nobody on Medicare
will see any change in Medicare unless he or she wants
it. There will be new Medicare choices, and all of these new
choices will offer prescription drugs.
Medicare plans will compete by offering
better service and lower premiums. Medicare will respond
better to the needs of seniors, and especially low-income seniors and
seniors with high medical bills. And Medicare will be put on
sound financial footing.
These are principles which will strengthen
one of our nation's most sacred obligations, the health of our senior
citizens. We'll protect seniors now, offering exciting new
services and more choices to seniors in the future, and guarantee
prescription drug coverage. And we will do it without
overtaxing our children and our grandchildren.
Medicine is constantly
improving. Medicare must keep pace. That's my
administration's commitment today, and its exciting new vision for
health care in America.
Thank you all for
coming. (Applause.)
END 10:04 A.M. EDT