For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 20, 2001
Remarks by the President
To Business Roundtable the East Room
3:17 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very
much. Well, welcome to the White
House. (Laughter.) The Vice President and I are
honored to be with you today. As I understand it, I'm to
speak, the Vice President is to speak Colin Powell is to speak, and
Zoellick is to speak. And so I thank you all for your
interest. Since I'm not going to be here to
introduce the Vice President, Dick Cheney is a fabulous
partner. Many of you know him -- he brings a lot of good
judgment and a steady hand. And my administration is going
to be successful of the players in it, and he's going to be one of the
key players. And I'm really honored that he's here, and
honored that he's the Vice President. (Applause.)
Zoellick is doing a pretty good job,
too. (Laughter.) I know because I got to see him
in action in Europe. I had an interesting experience in
Europe. First of all, it's a huge honor to represent America
overseas. And it was an important trip because it gave me a chance to
reenforce my administration's commitment to the European alliances --
to NATO, to the expansion of NATO, to working with the European Union
and the expansion of the European Union.
There were some doubts in Europe as to whether or not ours would be a
nation that would be internationalists with an American
flavor. And they found out that we are. And I
come home feeling upbeat about the relationships that I made and about
the messages I was able to deliver. And
secondly, I had a very good visit with Mr. Putin. I wasn't
sure what to make of the man. I always was withholding
judgment until I had a chance to meet him. But I found him
to be a forward-thinking person, and someone with whom our nation
should and will work to bring security to that part of the world, and
to bring prosperity, hopefully through trade, to the Russian people.
One of the things he asked is that I assemble
a delegation, headed by somebody close to me. So I picked
Don Evans, who is not only my close friend, but Secretary of Commerce,
to travel to Russia with some entrepreneurs and some American business
people. And we will do that this summer. I
believe he's interested in having a good relationship, and I know I
am. And that's a pretty good start.
But one of the things that I got to see Bob
Zoellick in action on was our discussions about trade with the
Europeans. I was able to make a firm commitment to our
European partners that we want trade. We want open
markets. We want to do everything in our power to make trade
easier, not harder. I also reminded them that it's important
for our economy to grow. If you want to trade with the United States,
it's important to have a trading partner whose economy is vital and
strong, where capital is flowing freely.
That's why I assured them that we were on the right track when it came
to balancing our environmental needs and economic growth, and assured
them that we share the same goal of reducing CO2, but we will do so in
a way that doesn't damage our economy; that we believe that you can
have economic vitality and good stewardship of our resources.
And we also -- I reminded them that one of the
things our nation needed to do was to develop a sound energy
plan. It comes as a surprise to some that ours is the first
administration who's willing to develop an energy plan. And
not only willing to develop one, but to defend it. An energy
plan that Dick will describe in detail, that's based upon sound
conservation, more supply and the ability to get supply to consumers.
We had a great discussion, and what I'd like
to do before I talk about asking your help on a key legislative matter
when it comes to trade, is I'd like to thank you first for helping on
tax relief. Our economy is sputtering. Many of
you know that firsthand. And I believe that the best we can
do in government, at least in our part of government, is to provide
fiscal stimulus. And the package that we have
done is a good package. It's one that will not only put
money in the hands of American consumers, it is one also that brings
some certainty into the tax code. In other words, it's
certain that tax relief is going to happen, and hopefully, that will
stimulate confidence in the entrepreneurial sector.
Secondly, a lot of folks don't understand
this, but there's a lot of small businesses that will benefit from the
reduction of all rates, not just a few, but all rates. Many
of the small business owners and the entrepreneurs in our respective
states pay tax rates at the personal level, not the corporate
level. They're sole proprietors, they're mom-and-pops that
pay personal income taxes. And when you drop that top rate
like we did, it's going to stimulate economic growth and the flow of
capital throughout our economy, which is going to be important to
recovery. And so I want to thank you for the tax relief
package. It was necessary, it was important, and it was
timely. (Applause.) And, secondly,
I want to thank you for your help on an education plan. It passed the
House, the bill passed the Senate 91 to 8. And it's now
headed to conference. And I hope that the leadership will
move that bill to get it to my desk so that public school districts can
plan for the reforms inherent in the package. It's important
to get that bill signed as soon as possible so that these school
districts that are beginning to wonder what federal dollars mean in the
coming school year will have time to plan. They don't need
to play politics with the school bill. This bill rises above
partisan politics. It's important to get it
going. The inherent reforms in the bill are
these. One, we set high standards and high
expectations. It's -- the philosophy is fairly
simple. It says, every child can learn. Secondly,
we believe in local control of schools. We spend federal
money without a lot of strings. There's a lot more
flexibility now at the local level. It
recognizes -- this bill recognizes that one size does not fit all when
it comes to educating children. The issues in Texas, in
south Texas, are different from the issues in Vermont or
Connecticut. And the issues in south Texas are different
from the issues in north Texas. There needs to be
flexibility when it comes to developing the tactics necessary to make
sure every child learns. But the cornerstone
of reform in this bill says this: It says, if you receive
federal money, you must measure. This is a major overhaul of
the education philosophy. It says, in return for federal
help, you the school districts and the states must develop strong
accountability measures so that we know, we know whether children are
learning. It's a paradigm shift, to use a fancy word.
All of a sudden, we're beginning to ask the
question, do you know what you're supposed to know? At
present or in the recent past, a question was asked, how old are
you? Well, if you're six, we'll just move you here. And if
you're 10, you're supposed to be here, and if you're 14, you're
here. It was a process-driven world that shuffled many kids
through our system without asking the question, what do you know?
And without saying, if you don't know what
you're supposed to know, we'll make sure you do early, before it's too
late. This is a great piece of legislation and many of you
helped work on it, and I want to thank you for that very
much. (Applause.) I gave a speech
at Notre Dame where I talked about the next step of welfare
reform. I said that -- I began with Lyndon Johnson's speech
at the University of Texas in the mid '60s, where he declared a war on
poverty. I then said that there was some unintended
consequences of that war on poverty. Many people became
dependent upon government. While it helped some and there
are some fine programs that came out of it, many folks became dependent
upon government, and many in our society became dependent on government
to provide compassion. In other words, people looked and
said, well don't worry, the federal government will solve the woes of
our citizenry. We don't have to do anything as citizens.
I then said that the reforms signed by
President Clinton and passed by a Republican Senate and House on
welfare reform address one half of the equation. It reduced
dependency upon government. It's now time to address the
compassionate side of effective welfare reform.
And one of the statistics I noted in my speech
was how abysmal corporate giving is to religious organizations whose
sole intent is to help people, people who have heard the call, what can
I do to help a neighbor in need; people who live by the golden
rule. And yet there are many charters of corporate America
that refuse -- or not refuse, just can't give, and don't want to give,
to organizations whose intent it is to exist in neighborhood after
neighborhood to solve people's lives by helping their
souls. And one of my calls to corporate America is, please
address the issue of funding faith-based and community based groups,
whose soul purpose it is to make somebody's life better.
One of the big initiatives I'm confident we're
going to get through the Congress is one that says, we understand there
are thousands of children who could easily be left behind in America,
particularly those whose parents may be in prison, or a parent is in
prison. And what I want to do, and we put
money in the budget, is I want a mentoring programs all across the
country, to address specifically the needs of these
children. I want there to be some citizen who puts his arm
around a child and says, somebody loves you here in
America. Somebody cares for you, somebody feels your hurt
and your pain. And you all can help those programs, and I
urge you to do so. Many of you give to great
causes, but please don't forget the faith-based organizations that
exist for the sole purpose of loving a neighbor, just like you'd like
to be loved yourself. And I want to ask your
help, too, on trade. I don't think Americans -- some
Americans -- really understand the benefit of trade; fully understand
that trade helps people who want to find work; that open trade is vital
to -- for economic growth. It's essential that we send the
message out that trade is good for the working men and women of
America. I've seen it in my own
state. Texas is a great beneficiary of NAFTA. And so is
Mexico, which is the most fantastic of all. We want our
partners to succeed. If Mexico is our friend, which I
believe she is, we want Mexico to be prosperous. We also
want Mexico to be prosperous because we want our people to be able to
find work at home. People are coming to
America because they want to feed their families. Family values does
not stop at the Rio Bravo. And America has got to understand
that. But America has also got to understand the hope of
free trade, not only with Mexico and Canada, but in our
hemisphere. And that's why we're -- that's why the first
meeting I had was the Summit of the Americas to talk about the Free
Trade Agreement of the Americas. My belief is
that when you have a secure neighborhood and a prosperous neighborhood,
America is better off. And so the first summit I had with
foreign leaders with -- 34 democratically-elected leaders showed up in
Quebec City. And the cornerstone of those discussions was
open markets and free trade. We're going to
have another global -- another round of global trade talks that
Ambassador Zoellick is leading from my administration. And
we urge the European Union to cooperate with us to begin those
talks. But in order for me to be effective on trade, I need
trade promotion authority. I need the ability to speak with
a single voice for our country. I need to have the capacity
as an administration to negotiate free trade agreements, without the
fear of them being undermined. Otherwise our trading
partners are going to be confused and concerned about an honest and
open dialogue. And yet, the President doesn't
have trade promotion authority. And so I'm asking you to
help -- join us, get this bill passed through the
Congress. And we should not let legitimate environmental
labor concerns undermine the capacity for the President to make good
free trade agreements. I explained to the
critics in Congress -- there are some who are legitimately concerned
about the environment and labor. But I remind them that if
you believe in trade, you believe that prosperity will
spread. If you believe in trading with a country, it will
help that country grow economically. And a country that is
more prosperous is one more likely to be able to take care of their
environment. And one more prosperous is one more likely to
take care of their work force. And if you believe in
improving the environment and helping the labor conditions in
countries, don't wall off those countries. Don't create --
don't enhance poverty by refusing to allow there to be trade.
Now, there are some who want to put codicils
on the trade protection authority for one reason -- they don't like
free trade. They're protectionists and they're
isolationists. And we must reject that kind of thought here
in America. Free trade is good for America. It's
good for our trading partners. It will help alleviate
poverty. And as importantly, it will help
democracy spread her wings. Because when you introduce the
disciplines and freedoms of a free market in an open market, it's
amazing what happens in totalitarian countries. They taste
freedom in the economy and they begin to ask for freedom with religion
and freedom with speech and freedom to express themselves in the ballot
box. Now, our nation is better off as a free
trading country and I am here to ask for your help. It's
important. It's a priority of my administration, and we're
going to dedicate the time and energy and effort to see if we can't get
a good bill through the United States Congress. (Applause.)
You might be able to tell, I'm kind of
enthusiastic about my work. (Laughter.) You would be, too,
if you got to see what I see. See, I get to see America from
a different perspective. I get to see America that is --
loves her government. Sometimes they like the
President. (Laughter.) But they care about the
country. This is a fantastic land. It is a land
of decent and caring and honorable citizens who really want the best
for their families and for their neighbors and for their country.
It is a huge honor to be the President of this
great land. We've got some great causes ahead of us, peace
and prosperity. But there is the mission also of lifting
this country's spirit. And I'm dedicated to doing
that. I want to call upon the best of America and American
citizens. And I'm enthusiastic about that calling, because I
truly believe it will leave this land a better place.
Thank you all for being here and God
bless. (Applause.)
END 2:35